
2018年5月16日 星期三

11 Shavuot Facts Every Jew Should Know


Editor's Note

New Audio Recordings of the Book of Psalms

The book of Psalms (Tehillim)—composed by King David, whose yarzeit we will observe on Shavuot—has been a voice to the Jewish people in good times and bad since the biblical era. That's why Chabad.org is excited to announce new audio recordings of the entire book of Psalms in Hebrew and English!

Long one of the most requested items, the new series is set to open the power of Psalms to people of all backgrounds and abilities. Each chapter is chanted slowly and clearly, making it ideal for anyone wishing to read along. For the novice learning to read Hebrew, the experienced Psalm-sayer wishing to recite along with the audio on the road, and someone with impaired vision, these chapters—which can be enjoyed in Hebrew and in English—are easy to maneuver and ready for use.

Have a great Shavuot!

P.S.: We look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning when the 10 Commandments will be read at your nearest Chabad center.


Prep Up to Shavuot
What Is Shavuot (Shavuos), and How Is It Celebrated?

What Is Shavuot (Shavuos), and How Is It Celebrated?

The Torah was given more than 3,300 years ago. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot we renew our acceptance of G‑d's gift, and G‑d "re-gives" the Torah. Learn how to celebrate this special holiday . . .

Why Are Life’s Mountains So Tall and Daunting?

Why Are Life's Mountains So Tall and Daunting?

By Elana Mizrahi

Eleven Shavuot Facts Every Jew Should Know

Eleven Shavuot Facts Every Jew Should Know

Every year on Shavuot we renew our acceptance of the Torah, and G‑d "re-gives" it to us anew.

By Yossi Feller


An In Depth Look at Brit Milah

An In Depth Look at Brit Milah

The Brit is an absolute, essential and eternal bond with G-d.

By Yisroel Dovid Klein

The 3 Strangest Things About Jewish Education

The 3 Strangest Things About Jewish Education

By Tzvi Freeman


Your Questions
What Shape Were the Luchot: Round, Square or Rectangular?

What Shape Were the Luchot: Round, Square or Rectangular?

The main source for this erroneous image seems to come from Christian art during the Renaissance . . .

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Is a “Shadchan”?

What Is a "Shadchan"?

Anyone can be a shadchan. Just make the suggestion. Even if it does not work the first time, keep on trying.


Jewish News
50,000 Kids to Celebrate Shavuot With Chabad in the U.S. Alone

50,000 Kids to Celebrate Shavuot With Chabad in the U.S. Alone

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Watch (3:01)
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A Holocaust Survivor's Revenge

Now 92 years of age, Jablon returned to Poland for the first time since World War II.

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When the Rabbi Was Wrong

When the Rabbi Was Wrong

The rabbi rose to leave, at which point his host asked to whom he should make his check payable.

by Yosef Wineberg


Ladies First

Ladies First

When G-d told Moses how to prepare the Jewish People to receive the Torah on Shavuos, He instructed him to speak to the women first, for it was the women's commitment that would inspire the rest of the Jewish People at the time of the Giving of the Torah – and down through the ages.

Watch (8:13)
Introducing the Baal Shem Tov

Introducing the Baal Shem Tov

A discussion of the biographical background of the Besht, his historical context, and the process of the dissemination of his teachings by his disciples. Toward the end, the class touches upon the essence of Chassidus, which will be discussed next week.

By Josh Rosenfeld

Listen (47:23)

Covered For the Journey

Covered For the Journey

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Art: G-d Reveals Himself on Mount Sinai

Art: G-d Reveals Himself on Mount Sinai

By Yehoshua Wiseman


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