
2018年5月16日 星期三



Raw Truth

By Tzvi Freeman

Truth is simple, it has no clothes, no neat little box to contain it.

But we cannot grasp that which has no box. We cannot perceive Truth without clothing.

So Truth dresses up for us, in a story, in sage advice, in a blueprint of the cosmos—in clothes woven from the fabric of Truth itself.

And then, when we have finally come to a firm grasp of that teaching, Truth switches clothes. It tells us another story—entirely at odds with the first. It tells us new advice—to go in a different direction. It provides another model of how things are—in which each thing has changed its place.

The fool is confused. He exclaims, "Truth has lied!"

The wise person listens, he is patient, and through his labor he hears a third voice, one that brings harmony to these opposites he has learned.

Until he discovers that Truth is a simple, pure light no box can contain. And so, it belongs in all places, at all times.

Sefer Hasichot 5749, vol. 2, pp. 509–511; Likkutei Sichot, vol. 22, p. 10.

By Tzvi Freeman

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