
2018年5月16日 星期三

You are invited to a Farbrengen!

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Pre-Shavuot Farbrengen with the Rebbe

An hour-long excerpt from a 1982 farbrengen

Each year, the Rebbe would hold a Farbrengen the night before Shavuot, often touching on topics from Tractate Sotah, which is customarily studied during the Counting of the Omer period, as well as discussing the lessons of the approaching holiday.  

Tractate Sotah in the Babylonian Talmud concludes with a surprising statement of Rabbi Yosef. In the Jerusalem Talmud the tractate concludes with a story featuring Hillel, Shmuel the Small, and Rabbi Eliezer the Great.  

In this pre-Shavuot Farbrengen, the Rebbe delivers a Hadran (studying the tractate's conclusion); drawing on these colorful personalities to explain the hidden link that connects them, and the deeper lesson which their stories convey.  

Click here to watch

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