
2018年1月17日 星期三

News Alert: Perfect storm builds against Republicans in California

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Perfect storm builds against Republicans in California
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — If Democrats are to reclaim the majority in the House of Representatives this year, they will almost certainly do so with the help of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s home state, where multiple favorable waves are building.

Almost a third of the House districts that elected a Republican but voted for Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 are in California. Almost all of those districts have seen explosive demographic growth that benefits Democrats.
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News Alert: Trump’s volatility scrambles prospects of a deal on DACA

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Trump’s volatility scrambles prospects of a deal on DACA
The search for a deal on spending and immigration has been pitched into chaos by the controversy over President Trump’s reported use of a vulgarity to describe other nations.

Although the storm over the president’s reference to “shithole countries” has been unusually intense, it is part of a long-established pattern wherein Trump behaves in a volatile way amid delicate negotiations.
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Healthcare Leadership Council 

Seniors Need the Senate to Finish the Job. Urge Your Senator to Repeal the IPAB Today.


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Live Webinar Tomorrow! Holiday Retail Search Strategies 2017: What worked, what didn’t

MarTech Today

Holiday Retail Search Strategies 2017: What worked, what didn't
Live webinar: January 18th

Tomorrow, join our experts as we explore how search marketing strategies fared in the 2017 holiday season. We'll share results of a year-end survey that reveals how marketers adjusted their search strategies in 2017, and take a look at overall results of the shopping season to see if those efforts paid off. We'll also examine best practices for search marketing for the 2018 holiday shopping season.

Register Here!


Brad Geddes, Co-founder, Adalysis
Ginny Marvin, Associate Editor, Third Door Media
Aaron Levy, Senior Team Leader, Paid Search, Elite SEM
Elizabeth Marsten, Senior Director, e-Commerce Growth Services, CommerceHub

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    News Alert: 2020 Dems pose a big dilemma for Schumer

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    2020 Dems pose a big dilemma for Schumer
    Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer’s (N.Y.) efforts to unify Democrats and prevent a shutdown are complicated by lawmakers with presidential hopes who are pushing for a hard-line stance against any short-term spending measure that doesn’t protect certain young immigrants from deportation.
    Read the full story here

    Healthcare Leadership Council 

    Seniors Need the Senate to Finish the Job. Urge Your Senator to Repeal the IPAB Today.


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