
2018年1月21日 星期日

Tipsheet: Blame game boils over in shutdown fight

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Blame game boils over in shutdown fight
By Melanie Zanona
Lawmakers in both parties are fighting hard for an edge in the blame game over the government shutdown, courting public opinion that may be critical in ending the impasse.

Republicans are branding it the “Schumer Shutdown,” in reference to Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), and think they have a strong hand because Senate Democrats rejected a bill passed by the House that would have kept the government open.
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Nerves fray as shutdown talks at impasse
By Alexander Bolton
Talks between Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and congressional Republican leaders have broken down, raising anxieties among lawmakers on both sides of the aisle about finding a way to end the government shutdown.
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Who is affected by the government shutdown?
By Mallory Shelbourne
Thousands of government workers are unsure whether or not they will be heading to work on Monday amid uncertainty about how long a government shutdown will last.
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Trump, aides seek to resolve shutdown with congressional leaders
By Jordan Fabian
President Trump spoke with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Saturday to discuss measures to end the government shutdown.
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Duckworth slams Trump: I won't be lectured on military needs by a 'five-deferment draft dodger'
By Brandon Carter
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) tore into President Trump on the Senate floor Saturday, calling him a “five-deferment draft dodger” and slamming him for his comments toward North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
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Trump, nation reach end of exhausting first year
By Jordan Fabian
The White House and nation are ending an exhausting first year of the Trump presidency.
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The Memo: How Trump changed everything
By Niall Stanage
One year into the Trump presidency, supporters and critics agree on a single thing: America has never seen anything like it.
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Women's March demonstrators gather in hundreds of cities
By John Bowden
Thousands of women in hundreds of cities around the world marched Saturday in the second Women's March, taking place on the one-year anniversary of President Trump's inauguration.
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Los Angeles draws 600K participants to Women's March
By Julia Manchester
The Women's March in Los Angeles drew 600,000 participants on Saturday as women across the country took to the streets in what was largely a protest against President Trump. 
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GOP rep loses spot on Ethics Committee over sexual harassment settlement
By John Bowden
Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Meehan (R) is being removed from his assignment on the House Ethics Committee after reports that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment complaint with a former staffer.
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Democrats have open door amid wave of Republican retirements
By Douglas Schoen
OPINION | The recent and ongoing mass exodus of Republican lawmakers from Congress ahead of the 2018 midterm elections has given Democrats a critical opening to take back key districts.
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For federal employees, a shutdown is never a good deal
By Richard Thissen
OPINION | As we sit here in the waking hours of another government shutdown, the last one still visible in our rearview mirror, let me assure those who think our country is in need of a good shutdown: there is no such thing. 
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The New York Times: The president finds himself mired in a familiar crisis
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Maggie Haberman
Immigration policy, the issue that propelled President Trump’s political rise, snarled negotiations to avert a government shutdown.
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Reuters: Trump campaign ad on murder raises heat in shutdown fight
By Reuters staff
U.S. President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign on Saturday issued a new video ad calling Democrats “complicit” in murders committed by illegal immigrants, during a government shutdown partly triggered by an impasse over immigration.
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CNN: Schumer tweaks Trump ego in shutdown blame game
By Stephen Collinson
Sen. Chuck Schumer jabbed President Donald Trump on Saturday in his most sensitive spot — effectively telling the president, you just don't get the art of the deal.
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The Washington Post: House Republicans showing an unusually united front
By Paul Kane
In other eras, members of the same party reading from the same talking points would be normal behavior — but not for this crop of House Republicans, who have fought bitterly among themselves since winning the majority in 2010.
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The Associated Press: Mulvaney finds himself in middle of another shutdown
By Andrew Taylor
Mick Mulvaney stormed Washington as a tea party lawmaker elected in 2010, and he hasn’t mellowed much as director of the Office of Management of Budget at the White House.
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DAILY DOSE: Naturally Outrageous


Naturally Outrageous

By Tzvi Freeman

When G‑d desired to create the world, He went for the most outrageous solution. With the power of His very Essence, He burst it into being out of the absolute void. And He continues doing so every moment.

He could have done things otherwise. He could have taken an orderly approach and allowed a creation to gradually evolve, while staying aloof and beyond the whole thing. Even though that doesn't make sense to us, He could have made a universe with a different set of logic so that it would have made sense.

But as it stands, the world was created with an outrageous solution. That is why such solutions tend to be the most natural ones to this day. With all your essence, go for it head-on.

By Tzvi Freeman

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2018年1月20日 星期六

News Alert: Nerves fray as shutdown talks at impasse

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Nerves fray as shutdown talks at impasse
Talks between Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and congressional Republican leaders have broken down, raising anxieties among lawmakers on both sides of the aisle about finding a way to end the government shutdown.

Schumer had not spoken to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) or Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as of 8 p.m. Saturday evening, the shutdown’s first day.

Neither side showed any signs of backing down when the Senate adjourned Saturday evening without a deal in sight.
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News Alert: Shutdown fight turns ugly as both sides dig in

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Shutdown fight turns ugly as both sides dig in
Republican and Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill lashed out at each other on Day One of the government shutdown Saturday, trading barbs and casting blame as a resolution to the funding impasse appeared nowhere in sight.

The rhetoric took a harsh turn, with Democrats complaining that President Trump is an erratic, unreliable negotiating partner and Republicans bemoaning Democrats’ intransigence over what the GOP sees as unreasonable immigration demands.

“Both sides are dug in. … I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re here tomorrow,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) told The Hill after huddling with fellow House Democrats in the basement of the Capitol.
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