
2018年4月20日 星期五

Marketing Day: YouTube’s latest brand safety issues, Facebook terms of service changes & more


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YouTube ads found on extremist content channels, reigniting company's brand safety issues


Apr 20, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues

Just over a year ago, multiple brands boycotted YouTube's ad network after discovering their ads were being displayed alongside extremist content.

From Marketing Land
How to increase B2B form submissions through conversion testing
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Contributor Abraham Nord looks at four tests that illustrate how improving the online experience can lead to dramatic increases in conversion rate and lead results.

Facebook to change terms of service for members outside Europe ahead of GDPR
Apr 20, 2018 by Robin Kurzer

The company says that despite the timing of the move, all users will have the same data privacy protections.

MarTech Today's GDPR guide for marketers is now available
Apr 20, 2018 by Robin Kurzer

We created this easy-to-understand resource especially for marketers, highlighting what's important to know about the upcoming EU data privacy legislation.

Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology
WFA to brands: Go beyond GDPR for online data transparency
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The organization issued a manifesto asking brands to adopt a mindset of 'people first' over 'data first.'

The evolution of Lucy: Equals 3's AI-powered assistant gets even smarter
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NYIAX 'completes the loop' with cryptographic ad verification from Rebel AI
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The new partnership between the blockchain-based ad contract marketplace and the blockchain-based verification service is essentially operational.

This week in GDPR
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For more marketing news from around the web, check out the full Marketing Day article on our site.


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Overnight Defense: House to begin work on defense policy bill | Panel to vote Monday on Pompeo | Trump to deliver Naval Academy commencement speech | Trump appeals decision blocking suspected combatant's transfer

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Happy Friday and welcome to Overnight Defense. We're Rebecca Kheel and Ellen Mitchell, and here's your nightly guide to the latest developments at the Pentagon, on Capitol Hill and beyond.


THE TOPLINE: Next week is gearing up to be a busy one, as lawmakers look to finish a slate of business ahead of their recess the first week of May.

Work on a major defense bill kicks into high gear, while several nominations are on the line.

Here are some things to keep an eye out for next week:

Pompeo: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is slated to vote Monday evening on Mike Pompeo's nomination to become secretary of State.

A favorable recommendation is not looking good, as Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and all but one committee Democrat have already said they will vote against him. The last Democrat, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), has not definitively said how he'll vote, but has said he's leaning against Pompeo.

Still, Pompeo appeared to secure the votes he needs to win confirmation on the Senate floor after Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) became the first Democrat to say she'll vote for him.

But Democrats could still try an audacious tactic to try and block Pompeo, The Hill's Alexander Bolton reported.

Defense bill: The House Armed Services Committee will begin its markup of the annual defense policy bill next week.

First at bat are the subcommittees. All six of the panel's subcommittees will mark up their portions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Thursday.

The NDAA authorizes funding for the Department of Defense and all of its activities, and frequently touches on hot-button issues. For example, last year's House version would have created a space corps opposed by the Air Force but since endorsed by President Trump.

VA secretary: President Trump's choice for Veterans Affairs secretary gets his turn in the hot seat Wednesday.

Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, who serves as White House physician, will face a Senate Veterans Affairs Committee skeptical of his lack of experience in managing a bureaucracy.

Democrats are also likely to press Jackson on the issue of privatization. Committee ranking member Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) said this week that Jackson told him in a meeting he opposes privatizing the VA.

But there are lingering concerns Jackson will acquiesce to those in the administration who want to move more veterans services over to private providers.


TRUMP COMMENCEMENT SPEECH: President Trump announced on Twitter that he's giving the commencement address at the Naval Academy this year.

"So exciting! I have agreed to be the Commencement Speaker at our GREAT Naval Academy on May 25th in Annapolis, Maryland," Trump tweeted Friday. "Looking forward to being there."

The Navy replied on Twitter: "looking forward to it, Sir!"

Presidents typically rotate which service academy they deliver the graduation speech to each year. Last year, Trump addressed the Coast Guard Academy.


Flashback: Trump caught some flak for bringing politics into his Coast Guard speech last year. During the speech, he declared that "no politician in history -- and I say this with great surety -- has been treated worse or more unfairly" than him.

"You will find that things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted," he told the cadets. "But you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight. Never, ever, ever give up. Things will work out just fine."


TRUMP APPEALS BLOCK ON COMBATANT TRANSFER: The Trump administration on Friday appealed an order from a federal judge blocking it from transferring a U.S. citizen held in military custody to Saudi Arabia, protracting the legal fight over the fate of a man known only as John Doe.

Doe was captured by Syrian forces in mid-September as a suspected Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighter and transferred to U.S. military custody in Iraq, where he has remained since.

The background: Doe is challenging his status as an enemy combatant, arguing that the government must either charge him with a crime or release him. He claimed to have traveled to Syria to report on the conflict there and said that he was kidnapped by ISIS. The U.S. government says that he joined the terror group.

The government recently struck a deal with a third country -- confirmed to The Hill by a U.S. official to be Saudi Arabia, where Doe also holds citizenship -- to take Doe off of U.S. hands.

The administration provided notice of Doe's transfer on Monday night, but on Thursday a federal judge agreed to block the transfer minutes before the 72-hour clock was set to run out.


Why it's a big deal: There is no exact legal precedent for his case and the Trump administration has struggled with how to handle him. It reportedly lacks sufficient evidence to charge him in federal court, as it has done with other U.S. citizens captured working for ISIS. But for security reasons, it is loath to simply release him.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is representing Doe, argues that forcibly transferring him to foreign custody would trample on his rights as an American citizen.


LOCKHEED TO OFFER FIGHTER HYBRID TO JAPAN: Lockheed Martin wants to offer Japan a stealth fighter design that would be a mashup of its F-22 Raptor and its advanced F-35 Lightning II fighter, Reuters reported.

Two sources told Reuters that Lockheed has discussed the idea with Japanese defense ministry officials and plans to make a formal proposal.

The potential aircraft "would combine the F-22 and F-35 and could be superior to both of them," according to one of the sources.

What Lockheed needs to pull it off: The world's largest defense contractor would need permission from the U.S. government to offer the sensitive military technology. The F-22 is banned from export to other countries and the United States in the past has refused to sell Japan the fighter.

What they have already: Japan has already ordered 42 F-35A aircraft, and in February it was reported that the island nation plans to buy at least 20 more of the stealth fighters over the next six years.

The first order of the aircraft will help replace the country's aging F-4 Phantom fighters, and the additional buy will allow Japan to retire some of its F-15s.

The island nation also wants to create a stealth aircraft, called the F-3, to be introduced in the 2030s to deter Chinese and Russian jets. It is expected to cost about $40 billion.



Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif will speak about U.S.-Iran relations at the Council on Foreign Relations at 6 p.m. https://on.cfr.org/2HGnpEz



-- The Hill: Russian foreign minister: Trump invited Putin to the US in recent phone call

-- The Hill: California National Guard after Trump tweet: Nothing has changed

-- The Hill: Poll: Americans think tensions with Russia, China will get worse

-- The Hill: Bolton meets with Russian ambassador at White House

-- The Hill: Senate confirms Trump's pick to lead NASA

-- The Washington Post: 'He knows how to read a room really, really well': How White House physician Ronny L. Jackson became Trump's nominee to lead VA

-- Associated Press: US says China, Iran, Russia are 'forces for instability'

-- Reuters: Man linked to 9/11 attacks on U.S. captured in Syria: Pentagon


Please send tips and comments to Rebecca Kheel, rkheel@thehill.com, and Ellen Mitchell, emitchell@thehill.com.

Follow us on Twitter: @thehill@Rebecca_H_K@EllenMitchell23

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Overnight Health Care: GOP in retreat on ObamaCare | Drug pricing fight heads to the states | PhRMA spends record amount on lobbying

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Welcome to the Friday edition of Overnight Health Care. While Congress may be out of town today, we're still here to bring you the latest health news.

Lobbying disclosures are due by midnight, which we means we get to find out how much health companies spent courting members of Congress and the administration. Many companies are late filers, so we may have to update you Monday. But we'll tell you what we do know so far. Hint: PhRMA spent a lot.


But first: Republicans are backing off ObamaCare as a campaign issue

ObamaCare repeal dominated the agenda last year, but now Republicans are backing off as they campaign in 2018. That's certainly a shift from 2010 and 2014, when repeal was a rallying cry for Republicans in the midterms.

"I am focused on improving healthcare in any way we can; I'm not looking to tilt at windmills," said Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.), who played a key role in last year's repeal push.

"I don't think it's seen as a winning issue," said GOP strategist Ford O'Connell. "It's also an issue that tends to fire up the Democratic base more so than the Republican base."

What's changed? Some Republicans blamed the Senate for its failure to pass repeal, saying that had taken away the issue. The House GOP did its job, and now some GOP supporters of repeal say the House is paying for the Senate's sins. Democrats, though, point to the health law's rising popularity in polls.

Read more here.


Trendy in the states: Drug pricing.

Congress has railed against pharmaceutical executives for jacking up the prices of some medicines. But lawmakers haven't passed sweeping legislation to address the issue.

That's led many states to tackle the industry on their own.

Legislatures across the country have considered a slew of bills aimed at decreasing the cost of drugs, increasing price transparency and cracking down on controversial industry practices.

On the federal front: Trump is expected to give a speech on prescription drug prices Thursday, but the White House has indicated the speech will mostly be a call for new ideas to address drug prices.

Read more here.


PhRMA spends record amount on lobbying amid drug pricing fights.

The largest drug lobby group in America beat its own record for the most spent on lobbying in a single quarter.

PhRMA spent $10 million in the first quarter of this year as it looked to stop a bipartisan drug pricing measure from becoming law.

That's a $2 million increase compared to the same time last year, and a $4 million increase over the fourth quarter, which was the end of last year.

A win: The group's effort to fight the CREATES Act, intended to increase competition among generic and branded drug manufacturers, paid off. The measure did not make it into Congress's February spending bill.

A loss: PhRMA was unable to stop a provision that raised the share of costs that drug companies have to pick up as part of closing the "donut hole," a gap in drug coverage for Medicare Part D beneficiaries.

The bottom line: PhRMA is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, and they can, and do, use their clout to block bills that could hurt their bottom lines.

Read more here.


Also from the lobbying reports:

  • The American Hospital Association spent $5 million on lobbying, an increase of about half a million compared to last quarter.
  • The American Medical Association spent $6.6 million, down by a couple hundred thousand compared to this time last year.
  • AARP kept its spending relatively level compared to Q1 of 2017, spending $2.1 million.
  • America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the largest trade group of insurance companies, spent $2.3 million, an increase of about $600,000 over last year's first quarter.

The fifth of The Hill's Close to Home series on opioids, presented by Partnership for Safe Medicines, talked to Rep. Donald Norcross (D-N.J.) about his grandmother and brother-in-law's addiction to alcohol and how the epidemic is hurting rural communities in his district.

Norcross' grandmother was loving and caring, donating on all four of her grandsons whenever they visited. But the Norcross brothers didn't get to visit when she was in "one of those moods."

He eventually learned his grandmother had been addicted to alcohol.

Norcross's grandmother wasn't his only family member who struggled with an alcohol addiction.

As an adult, he watched as his brother-in-law, whom he attended high school with, struggled with an alcohol addiction until having, what Norcross called, "a moment of clarity."

That moment came when Norcross's brother-in-law was in the hospital, a result of nearly 20 years of excessive drinking. His skin tone had yellowed, and his stomach was distended, Norcross recalled.

Of note: Personal experiences, such as these, have helped shaped Norcross's views as he works on issues touching on addiction in Congress, where he serves as a vice chairman of the House Bipartisan Heroin Task Force.

Perspective: The country is grappling with how to solve the opioid epidemic, a task that isn't easy. Yet, thousands of people are also dying per year from misusing alcohol and other drugs.

Read more here.


What we're watching next week:

Ronny Jackson, Trump's pick to lead the VA, testifies at his confirmation hearing in the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee on Wednesday. Jackson is relatively unknown in Washington, and is facing questions from senators of both parties about his experience. Democrats are also concerned about his commitment to fight privatization efforts at the agency. Jackson has been trying to convince members of his ability to run the massive agency, but it remains to be seen if they will be convinced.


Combating the opioid epidemic is once again on the agenda in the House and Senate.

In the House: An Energy and Commerce subcommittee will get to work Wednesday afternoon marking up a series of bills intended to combat the opioid epidemic. Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) is pushing ahead with his target of bringing a bill to the House floor by Memorial Day weekend.

Of note: The panel's ranking member, Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.), registered concern at an April 11 hearing with how fast the committee was moving on its opioid legislation.

Key quote: "While I support addressing this crisis through a bipartisan process, I am concerned that the sheer quantity of bills before the Committee today and the Chairman's extremely ambitious timeframe will not leave us much time to get these policies right."

In the Senate: The HELP Committee will mark up its bill on Tuesday. It includes measures attempting to make it easier to prescribe smaller packs of opioids for limited durations, spur the development of nonaddictive painkillers and bolster the detection of illegal drugs at the border.

Also look for: Whether a manager's amendment will include a maternity mortality bill many have been pushing to add to the opioid package.


Friday roundup:

  • Indiana's "selective abortion" law is unconstitutional.  A federal appeals court struck down a law signed in 2016 by then-Gov. Mike Pence that banned women from having abortions based on the gender, race or disability of the fetus. According to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, the law imposes an "undue burden" on a woman's right to get an abortion.
  • new report finds that opioid prescriptions have declined by 29 percent since 2011. The study from the Iqvia Institute for Human Data Science finds that opioid prescriptions peaked in 2011 after rising throughout the previous decade to an average of 72 pills per adult American. Since then, opioid prescriptions have dropped to 52 pills per adult, still well above the level in the early 2000s. The decline accelerated in 2017, dropping about 10 percent that year, the study finds.
  • New data from the CDC showed a 21 percent increase in new cases of hepatitis C in the U.S., which some experts have attributed to the opioid epidemic. Advocates argue this proves Congress needs to appropriate more funds to combat the rise of new infections.


What we're reading

How stakeholders in the short-term medical market are gearing up to attract more customers (Modern Healthcare)

How Medicare's conflicting hospitalization rules cost me thousands of dollars (NPR)

An ER that treats you like a VIP (The New York Times)


State by state

Tennessee passes bill to impose Medicaid work requirements (Associated Press)

Idaho Medicaid expansion initiative down to the wire (Spokesman-Review)

California leads nation In pushing back against Trump administration health policies (Kaiser Health News)


Send tips and comments to Jessie Hellmann, jhellmann@thehill.com; Peter Sullivan, psullivan@thehill.com; Rachel Roubein, rroubein@thehill.com; and Nathaniel Weixel, nweixel@thehill.com.

Follow us on Twitter: @thehill@jessiehellmann@PeterSullivan4@rachel_roubein, and @NateWeixel.

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