
2018年5月16日 星期三

News Alert: Senate panel agrees with intel assessment on Russian election interference

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Senate panel agrees with intel assessment on Russian election interference
Leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Wednesday that they agree with the intelligence community’s assessment of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. 

“We see no reason to dispute the conclusions,” Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said in a statement. 

“There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections.”
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The Hill's 12:30 Report: Senate panel releases interviews on Trump Tower meeting | What we learned | GOP leaders warn against immigration vote | CIA nominee advances from committee | Huckabee Sanders says 'leakers' should be fired | Senate voting to preserve net neutrality | Pennsylvania primaries recap | Yanny or Laurel debate goes viral

The Hill 12:30 Report

To the tapes!:

Don, Jr.: 'Oh, hey guys.'


Via The Hill's Katie Bo Williams, the Senate Judiciary Committee just released the transcripts from interviews with participants of the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016. 


Wait, which infamous meeting?: When Donald Trump Jr. accepted a meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed she had dirt on Hillary Clinton


Why this meeting is so big: It's a major flashpoint in the speculation over potential ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.


List of the main players in the meeting: A good explainer of who's whohttp://bit.ly/2IHRwvN 


Here are the transcripts of interviews with each of the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting participants: http://bit.ly/2k2JxLQ


If you're nosey and want to see how well this will translate into a TV series script: http://bit.ly/2k2RMrw


On the desire for dirt about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton: "Question: 'What was the "it" that you loved in that e-mail?' 

Trump Jr: 'Potential information about an opponent.'" http://bit.ly/2Ipx1Rb


On whether Trump Jr. knew if his dad drafted an initial, misleading statement: Donald Trump Jr. told lawmakers he does not know whether his father, President Trump, had a role in drafting his initial statement about the 2016 meeting. Back story: The Washington Post reported last summer that President Trump was personally involved with drafting a misleading statement saying that participants at that Trump Tower meeting had "primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children." http://bit.ly/2L4fRdD


Trump Jr. on his dad: "He's sort of a big personality, creates sort of a vacuum." http://bit.ly/2rO6ENJ


Ahh haha:


It's a rainy Wednesday in Washington, D.C. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.


Haspel advances from Lion's Den No. 1 to Lion's Den No. 2:

Via The Hill's Jordain Carney, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to advance President Trump's nominee for CIA director, Gina Haspel, to the Senate floor for a vote. The vote: 10-5; Two Democrats, Sens. Mark Warner (Va.) and Joe Manchin (W.Va.), sided with Republicans. Warner came out in support of Haspel on Tuesday, clearing the way for her likely confirmation. http://bit.ly/2k2jF2R


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.): "There is no reason why her confirmation should be delayed & I look forward to advancing it expeditiously following the [Intelligence Committee's] action." http://bit.ly/2GndwXQ


'Funnnn' day for Scott Pruitt -- I.e.: just another Wednesday:

This morning, EPA head Scott Pruitt testified on his agency's 2019 budget request. Much of the time though has been focused on his many ethical controversies. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2jZCe7Q


On his spending scandals: Pruitt sounded conciliatory. "There have been decisions over the last or so 16 months that, as I look back on those decisions, I would not make the same decisions again," he said. http://bit.ly/2IpOGIF


On asking his security detail to use sirens: Pruitt told senators he doesn't "recall" asking his security details to use lights and sirens when driving him around. I get it. That sounds funhttp://bit.ly/2k04VBm


GOP leaders -- don't do itttt:

Via The Hill's Melanie Zanona, "Republican leaders warned rank-and-file members Wednesday not to move ahead with a discharge petition to force an immigration vote, saying the effort would effectively hand over power to the Democrats, according to lawmakers who attended the closed-door meeting." Why: Leaders argue that sticking together as a team is more effective. http://bit.ly/2wKkl65


You're done here:

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said "leakers" in the White House should be fired. Sanders called it "disgusting" and "disloyal" to reveal internal discussions to the news media and said the White House is "focused intensely" on putting a stop to the practice. What Sanders is referring to: White House special assistant Kelly Sadler joking about Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) brain cancer diagnosis. Where Sanders said this: On President Trump's fav TV show -- "Fox & Friends." http://bit.ly/2IlU4AB


Conservatives vs. Planned Parenthood, round 4,716 -- ding, ding:

Via The Hill's Jessie Hellman, the Trump administration may cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood through regulations. Why: Pressure from conservatives and anti-abortion lobbyists. How it would work: The regulations would ban organizations that receive family planning dollars from promoting abortion or referring patients for


How long until this story appears on GOP campaign commercials?:

Four socialist-backed Democratic candidates won primaries in Pennsylvania yesterday. Who: In the Pittsburgh area, Summer Lee and Sara Innamorato. In Philadelphia, Democrats Elizabeth Fiedler and Kristin SealeKeep in mind: All four women unseated male state representatives. http://bit.ly/2GktRwl


Oh so we should have been worried about the Olympics, huh:

Via CNN's Jeremy Diamond and Kevin Liptak, "just weeks before the Winter Olympics in South Korea that served as a critical diplomatic opening with Pyongyang, the President ordered his top national security officials to prepare to evacuate the families of all US military personnel living in South Korea, four current and former administration officials said. The order was a provocative step that, had it been fully implemented, would have heightened tensions with North Korea and could have sent the region spiraling closer to war." https://cnn.it/2GosZqr


Whoaaaaaa -- these photos are insane:

Full size photos: http://bit.ly/2KujBEa



(This is Sen. John Kennedy [R-La.] by the way.)


11:45 a.m. EDT: President Trump greets the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the White House and has a working lunch.


Noon: The Senate has a vote to reverse the FCC's repeal of the Obama-era net neutrality rules. What to expect: The measure will likely pass the Senate, but doesn’t have much of a chance in the House. Democrats though hope to put Republicans on the record over the issue. Details:https://cnn.it/2rKDakE


1:15 p.m. EDT: First votes in the House. The House's schedule today: http://bit.ly/2jYhqPv


3 p.m. EDT: The Senate votes on a nomination. The Senate's schedule today: http://bit.ly/2KutPVc


3:15 p.m. EDT: President Trump hosts the California Sanctuary State Roundtable.


4 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence participates in a swearing-in ceremony.


4:15 p.m. EDT: Last votes in the House.


May 22: The 6th annual Congressional Soccer Match


2:30 p.m. EDT: FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies on his agency's 2019 budget. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2KugXOK


8 a.m. – 1 p.m. EDT Thursday: BakerHostetler's 29th Annual Legislative Seminar. Featured speakers: Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). Agenda and full list of speakers: http://bit.ly/2rMgd0y


12:30 p.m. EDT Thursday: Small Business Administration Administrator Linda McMahon speaks at a National Press Club event. Details and livestream: http://bit.ly/2ImJ95C


1 p.m. EDT Thursday: The Wilson Center is holding an event on the Iran nuclear deal. Details and livestream: http://bit.ly/2ItgI5K


May 23: CNN is hosting a town hall with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).


May 23: Former late-night talk show host David Letterman will guest host "Late Night" on NBC for the first time since he left the program in 1993. http://bit.ly/2Iq9W0T


Today is National Barbecue Day.


There is no debate here! The clip says, 'Yanny.' We can all go home now:

Americans are divided over what is said in a 4-second audio clip. Some people hear "Laurel" and others hear "Yanny." Think: The audio version of "The Dress" dilemma from 2015. https://cnn.it/2IL6MYY


See for yourself -- listen to the controversial clip: http://bit.ly/2L5nl07


Disagree that the clip says, 'Yanny?': Well, that means you're wrong, but let me know anyway. ;)


Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) says he hears "Laurel." http://bit.ly/2IJrs3z


I! Love! Space!:

Astronauts on the International Space Station had a 6.5 hour spacewalk. Yes, there's video: https://cbsn.ws/2GnX75q


And to brighten your gloomy Wednesday, here's a terrific compilation of puppies in socks: http://bit.ly/2jZ804K

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News Alert: Leaders warn Republicans against forcing immigration vote

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Leaders warn Republicans against forcing immigration vote
Republican leaders warned rank-and-file members Wednesday not to move ahead with a discharge petition to force an immigration vote, saying the effort would effectively hand over power to the Democrats, according to lawmakers who attended the closed-door meeting.
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