
2018年12月30日 星期日

The people you impact really need you now!

Read a few of their notes to us to see what you are accomplishing.

By the Grace of G-d

Dear Friend,

"I am 68 years old and for the first time in my life, thanks to your online Torah training tool, I was able to read from the Torah on Shabbat."

"I just want to tell you that I loved your new course. I learned a lot about myself that I did not know until now."

"Thanks for this daily dose. I know that this was sent to all subscribers but it seems that it was sent specifically to me. I feel so much better now."

"I am trying to increase my Hebrew fluency, and practicing along with your website helps me make sure I'm pronouncing each word correctly. Because it's not a human tutor, I'm not embarrassed to play any given word over and over and over until I get it right."

"Thank you for helping me find the prayers that needed to be given to my father during his last moments. He was not a religious man but was 110% Jewish. When my mom called, I didn't know who to turn to. I am glad I found you."

"This is the first time I am able to finally understand how the Talmud is structured. Thank you for making this knowledge accessible."

These notes provide a snapshot of our Inbox, which overflows daily with countless requests for help, along with many notes of gratitude.

Each request is fulfilled by you, and every "thank you" we receive is directed to you.

How so?

Because YOU enable our Ask the Rabbi team to be available at all hours of the day and night to answer questions from users young and old, our writers to continue to produce relevant and inspiring content, our programmers to develop cutting-edge apps, our news editors to cover breaking stories in a timely fashion, our cooking community to create more delectable kosher recipes, our multimedia producers to give our children a fun and engaging taste of Judaism, and so much more!

YOU are touching many, many lives!

Please donate now.

Yet, as you surely know, the Rebbe, of righteous memory, taught our generation to never be satisfied with yesterday's achievements and instead to always strive higher!

To keep all your hard work going—and propel its expansion!—please would you contribute generously online to our year-end appeal?

If you'd like to express your partnership by sending a check you can send it here:

770 Eastern Parkway, Suite 405
Brooklyn, NY, 11213

Perhaps you'd like to have a conversation about sponsorship opportunities? Or you'd like to direct a legacy gift to Chabad.org? Or explore other modes of partnership that could have broad impact? If so, please press "reply" so we can set up a time to talk.

Also, may we suggest that you encourage your friends to join, too, by forwarding this email to them along with your personal recommendation? We are certain that there is no other cause that, dollar for dollar, achieves such far-reaching impact.

And, of course, please keep coming back enjoy the vast website offerings. After all, isn't that the whole point of all this to begin with...? :)

We look forward to sharing plenty more from our—YOUR!—inbox this year, please G-d, in the best of health and circumstances.

Please donate now.

Meanwhile, in the name of the millions of your beneficiaries worldwide, we thank you profusely for your partnership and look forward to creating even greater impact together this year!

May G-d bless you and all yours always!


The Chabad.org Team

P.S. You can affect many, many thousands of lives with your year-end gift. Please partner with us!


