
2018年12月29日 星期六

Tipsheet: Trump veers between hardliner, dealmaker on shutdown

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The Memo: Trump veers between hardliner, dealmaker on shutdown
President Trump is presenting himself as both a hardliner and would-be dealmaker as the government shutdown hits the one-week mark.

It’s a mix that he may hope will throw off Democrats but it also leaves some members of his own party unsure of his ultimate intentions.
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Trump, GOP seek to shift blame for shutdown to Pelosi
White House officials and congressional Republicans are seeking to blame the partial government shutdown on House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), as the standoff over funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border appears likely to extend into the new year.
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Border closure could cost billions
Closing the U.S. border with Mexico, which President Trump threatened to do in a Friday tweet if Democrats do not approve funding for his wall, could cost the economy billions of dollars, say analysts who have studied the issue.
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Hoyer: Democrats won't seat North Carolina Republican amid election fraud investigation
House Democrats will refuse to seat North Carolina Republican candidate Mark Harris on Jan. 3 as state election authorities investigate election fraud claims surrounding his race, incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Friday.
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House GOP probe into FBI, DOJ comes to an end
House Republicans on Friday announced that their investigation into FBI and Justice Department (DOJ) decision-making during the 2016 presidential election has concluded, marking the end of a winding probe launched last fall.
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Ocasio-Cortez, progressives express disappointment with climate panel
Democrats are getting their special committee on climate change next year, but it won't be the plan climate activists and Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) championed.
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Trump threatens to cut aid to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador
President Trump on Friday threatened to cut foreign aid to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, accusing the Central American countries of "doing nothing for the United States but taking our money."
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Coast Guard says final paychecks of year will come despite shutdown
Members of the Coast Guard will get their final paycheck of the year Monday despite the partial government shutdown, the service announced on Friday night after previously saying that the paychecks would be delayed.
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O'Rourke rips Trump's border wall in video: 'A symbol of division'
Outgoing Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) on Friday released a 48-second video ripping President Trump’s demand for a border wall.
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Suspect accused of killing Calif. officer taken into custody
The suspect in the fatal shooting of a California police officer this week has been taken into custody after a widespread manhunt, the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department announced Friday. 
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Top 10 overlooked cybersecurity risks in 2018
Opinion | From data manipulation to using artificial intelligence as an offensive weapon, here are some of the most overlooked - but impactful - risks to cybersecurity in the United States.
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Could Trump lose the 2020 nomination contest?
Opinion | President Trump is politically more vulnerable than he ever has been, despite the enthusiastic support he enjoys from his (shrinking) base of white, evangelical voters.
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The New York Times: A Week Into Government Shutdown, Ire Turns to Fear for Federal Workers
By Glenn Thrush, Mitch Smith and Kate Taylor
When the government shutdown began a week ago, many federal workers were more irked than anxious. They’re really anxious now. 
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The Washington Post: Trump retreats from public view as government shutdown continues over border wall fight
By David Nakamura
President Trump remained out of public view Friday as the ­partial government shutdown reached the one-week mark, content to issue threats via Twitter amid a continuing standoff with Democrats over border wall funding.
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CNN: Departing senators warn: There's a problem with the current state of politics
By Clare Foran
As departing senators said their goodbyes to Washington, a number of Democrats and Republicans took the opportunity to express concern about the state of the Senate and the political climate.
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The Wall Street Journal: Volatile Stocks Test Investors’ Resolve
By Jessica Menton
U.S. stocks flip-flopped in Friday’s trading, a fitting coda to a week marked by sharp plunges and euphoric rises. For investors, the day—and the week—prolonged a puzzle: What is behind the remarkably sudden swings in the market?
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The Associated Press: Supreme Court lays low after Kavanaugh confirmation
By Mark Sherman
The Supreme Court began its term with the tumultuous confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, followed by a studied avoidance of drama on the high court bench — especially anything that would divide the five conservatives and four liberals.
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