
2018年12月27日 星期四

This one email touched our heart.

Would you please help us out with a year-end tax-deductible donation to Chabad.org?

By the Grace of G-d

Dear Friend,

Just a few months ago, right before Yom Kippur, we received an email that touched our hearts in ways we can't describe.

In the email, a lonely Jew, stuck at home in Indonesia for Yom Kippur, shared with us how our Yom Kippur guide enabled him to observe the holiday. He had no community, no synagogue, no family and no Jewish peers. But he was not alone.

From his home in a majority-Muslim country, he turned to Chabad.org, got the information he needed, and now feels a sense of belonging.

His email warmed our hearts.

You see, the Rebbe always taught us the power of the individual. Yes, we know that our website reaches millions of people each year. We are aware that they come from so many countries and backgrounds to access Jewish information and inspiration in one of the nine languages we serve (English, Hebrew, Spanish, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian).

Big numbers are nice, but knowing that we have a real positive impact on a single individual is truly gratifying.

When we get a warm thank you from an eight-year-old who used Chabad.org for their Judaic writing assignment; a couple in a broken marriage healed through advice from our ask the rabbi first responders; a prison chaplain who shares with us what Chabad.org means to an inmate behind bars—that is when we feel it was all worthwhile.

You know what else touches our hearts?

Support from people just like you. Although we might have never met you in person, we—all of us at Chabad.org—are connected to you. Your support and your contributions—both large and small—enable us to pursue our mission of teaching and helping others.

This is why we turn to you now.

As 2018 draws to a close, we need you more than ever. The many individual lives that we touch every single day are counting on us, and we, in turn, are counting on you.

Please consider making a contribution to Chabad.org's end-of-year campaign to allow us to continue to serve.

Please donate now.

You can do so by clicking here.

This year, a friend of Chabad.org has challenged us: every dollar we raise, up to $75,000, will be matched, dollar for dollar. Your donation is effectively doubled, helping even more people!

To double your impact, the donation must be made during 2018. So please click here now to maximize the impact of your donation.

We look forward to hearing from you. With immense appreciation of your support and friendship,

The Chabad.org Team

Please donate now.

P.S. Even if you are not are not able to join this end-of-year campaign, please do drop us a line and share with us what Chabad.org means to you—your individual story. You will make our day!


