
2018年12月5日 星期三

DAILY DOSE: Light Four


Light Four

By Tzvi Freeman

Four differences between the menorah of the Temple and your little menorah:

  1. The Temple menorah had seven branches. Seven makes a complete and perfect natural cycle.
    Yours has eight—beyond nature, beyond any cycle.

  2. The Temple menorah provided light as long as the Temple stood.
    Your menorah shines brightly even in the darkest exile.

  3. The Temple menorah was lit before sunset and shone through the night, because light overpowers darkness.
    Your menorah is lit when the sun has set and darkness reigns, because the source of light is everywhere, at all times.

  4. The Temple menorah radiated light in the darkness.
    Your menorah makes the darkness shine.

Maamar Lehavin Inyan Nerot Chanukah 5726.

By Tzvi Freeman

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