
2018年12月4日 星期二

So Why DO We Play With Dreidels on Chanukah?


Chanukah Stories
Chanukah 1944 in Buchenwald

Chanukah 1944 in Buchenwald

How a brave group of Jews outsmarted their S.S. captors

By S. B. Unsdorfer

The Little Boy Who Discovered His Holiday Light

The Little Boy Who Discovered His Holiday Light

One frosty morning in December, the children from Joshie's class were led to a bus and dropped off with their teachers in the busy downtown area of their city. Their goal was to show the children the holiday season's displays and the intricately decorated shop windows.

By Mina Gordon

The Miracle of Bubbie's Menorah

The Miracle of Bubbie's Menorah

She is a small woman, barely five feet tall. Her two feet tall candelabra was more than just a candle-holder

By Eli Hecht


Chanukah Videos
3 Amazing Things You Can Learn From Your Menorah

3 Amazing Things You Can Learn From Your Menorah

Three lessons from the Chanukah menorah for an impactful life

Watch (2:17)
Listen to the Lights

Listen to the Lights

A Chanukah message from the Rebbe

Watch (4:14)

Chanukah Learning
Why Do We Play With a Dreidel (Top) on Chanukah?

Why Do We Play With a Dreidel (Top) on Chanukah?

The common reason is that the simple little top was used during the Chanukah era to preserve Judaism.

by Yehuda Shurpin

Freedom and the Immediacy of Chanukah Light

Freedom and the Immediacy of Chanukah Light

There are people who consider Chanukah, a holiday that isn't even mentioned in the Torah, to be a relatively minor one.

By Peter Himmelman

Chanukah: Masters of Inner Light

Chanukah: Masters of Inner Light

How does it feel to be a tzadik?

By Karen Wolfers-Rapaport

Finding G-d in a Bottle of Olive Oil

Finding G-d in a Bottle of Olive Oil

I wonder if we've become so used to miracles that we almost take them for granted.

By Elana Mizrahi


By the Numbers
6 Myths and Facts About Tikkun Olam

6 Myths and Facts About Tikkun Olam

Tikkun Olam means healing, improving and perfecting the world. The notion has hit a wave of controversy lately. So here's a few major points to clear up.

By Tzvi Freeman


Jewish News
PHOTOS: Menorahs and Chanukah Celebrations Light Up the World

PHOTOS: Menorahs and Chanukah Celebrations Light Up the World

Chabad brings holiday to millions, from major cities to small rural villages

By Chabad.org Staff

Paris Riots Didn’t Stop Thousands at Eiffel Tower Menorah-Lighting

Paris Riots Didn't Stop Thousands at Eiffel Tower Menorah-Lighting

Celebrating Chanukah hours after most violent protests in years

By Tzemach Feller

Chanukah Comes to Life in Modi’in, the Birthplace of the Maccabees

Chanukah Comes to Life in Modi'in, the Birthplace of the Maccabees

Merging past, present and future in a hyper-modern Israeli city

By Yehuda Sugar

11 Police Officers From Pittsburgh Shooting Light Long Island Menorah

11 Police Officers From Pittsburgh Shooting Light Long Island Menorah

Tallest menorah in Long Island lit by first responders

By Tzemach Feller

Hey Google, Ask Chabad How Many Candles Do We Light Tonight?

Hey Google, Ask Chabad How Many Candles Do We Light Tonight?

Chabad.org now on your Google Assistant


Joseph the Charmer

Joseph the Charmer

Woven throughout the story of Joseph's life are dreams and their interpretations.

By Menachem Feldman

How Did Joseph Become the Most Politically Powerful Jew in History?

How Did Joseph Become the Most Politically Powerful Jew in History?

How did Joseph have the proper leadership skills to be the most politically powerful Jew of all time?

By Levi Avtzon


Crispy Carrot-Parsnip Latkes

Crispy Carrot-Parsnip Latkes

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Chanukah, Festival of Lights

Art: Chanukah, Festival of Lights

By Valeria Khomar


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