
2018年4月13日 星期五



Beyond I

By Tzvi Freeman

The primordial blunder was the discovery of self.

The first man and woman in the Garden of Eden ate of the Tree of Knowledge and realized that they exist. Ever since then, that self-consciousness has been the root of every disaster.

Every "I" and "me," every sense of being is a denial of the Oneness of the Creator and the creation. It is a statement that there is something else, namely me, and that me is autonomous from all else.

Yet the goal of humankind is not to annihilate the ego, but to reach beyond it, beyond the state of Adam and Eve in the Garden—to a higher state of being, a context in which the ego is redefined. A place called Eden, which is beyond the Garden, the place of Essential Being from where all delights flow . . .
"And a river went out from Eden to water the Garden."

And now you know the secret of why such a tree was created.

By Tzvi Freeman

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