
2018年4月11日 星期三

What Does "Schvitz" Mean?


Why Is the Day After the Holiday Called Isru Chag?

Why Is the Day After the Holiday Called Isru Chag?

The name is based on the verse in Psalms, "Bind [the] festival [offering] with cords to the corners of the altar."

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Does "Schvitz" Mean?

What Does "Schvitz" Mean?

"On Yom Kippur, the synagogue was so stuffy, I was schvitzing buckets."


What Not to Say at a Shiva Call

What Not to Say at a Shiva Call

By Lazer Gurkow

The Mysterious Death of Nadab and Abihu

The Mysterious Death of Nadab and Abihu

The tragic death of Aaron's two elder sons, Nadav and Avihu; the soul as a striving and as a settling, life as a cycle and as a spiral.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe - Shemini

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe - Shemini

Enjoy four short thoughts and a video adapted from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Parshat Shemini.

Compiled by Mordechai Rubin


A Little Prayer for You, My Husband

A Little Prayer for You, My Husband

"Bring your husband to the hospital," the doctor said after I told him Adam was having trouble walking because his feet were numb.

By Linda Goldberg

Hungry? Or Is That the Soul That’s Grumbling?

Hungry? Or Is That the Soul That's Grumbling?

But if I am trying to feed my hungry soul, no amount of food will help.

By Bracha Goetz


The Ultimate Test of Faith

The Ultimate Test of Faith

Something Spiritual on Parshat Shemini

By Yehuda Stern

Watch (2:10)
Introduction to Learning Pirkei Avot

Introduction to Learning Pirkei Avot

Why the tractate in the Mishnah on ethics is called Avot or "Fathers". Learn the distinction between law and beyond the law, and how this can be applied practically.

By Chaya Sarah Silberberg

Watch (29:06)
Focus on Growth

Focus on Growth

On the sixteenth of Nissan, the second day of Passover, we begin counting down the days until the festival of Shavuos, a practice with origins in the Jewish people's redemption from slavery. As soon they left Egypt, the Jews began to eagerly count down the days until G-d would give them the Torah at Sinai.

Watch (6:59)

Hidden and Revealed

Hidden and Revealed

The holy beggar's face was transformed. His eyes began to glow with a divine light, and his coarse features assumed a sublime grace...

By A. H. Glitzenstein


Fluffy Vegan Whole Spelt Challah

Fluffy Vegan Whole Spelt Challah

By Miriam Szokovski


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