
2018年4月17日 星期二

What Is a Baal Teshuvah?


Your Questions
What Is a "Schnorrer"?

What Is a "Schnorrer"?

All humor aside, Jewish communities have historically done the honorable work of accommodating and supporting schnorrers with dignity.

Why Immerse in the Mikvah Every Day?

Why Immerse in the Mikvah Every Day?

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Is a Baal Teshuvah?

What Is a Baal Teshuvah?

Traditionally, a baal teshuvah was someone who left the good path and has now returned. But then, we are all constantly returning. Or, at least, we should be.

By Tzvi Freeman and Menachem Posner


Why Can’t Jews Forget the Kotel?

Why Can't Jews Forget the Kotel?

The rich history and sanctity behind the Western Wall

Watch (1:27)
The Man Who Peddled Longevity

The Man Who Peddled Longevity

Growing Weekly: Parshat Tazria-Metzorah

By Michoel Gourarie

Watch (3:27)
“There Are No Jews in Madagascar”

"There Are No Jews in Madagascar"

Rabbi Yosef Wineberg worked for the central Lubavitcher Yeshiva, and traveled on numerous missions for the Previous Rebbe and the Rebbe over his 60 years of service. In 1955, the Rebbe asked him to visit Madagascar in search of fellow Jews.

by Yosef Wineberg

Watch (8:05)

Where Is G‑d? Or Where Is G‑d Not?

Where Is G‑d? Or Where Is G‑d Not?

What of the world and all that is in it? What of the empirical sightings of our fleshly eye? Is it only an illusion?

By Yosef Marcus


Shalom, Shalo! My Husband’s New ‘Miraculous’ Caretaker

Shalom, Shalo! My Husband's New 'Miraculous' Caretaker

If the pragmatic circumstances of Shalo's life gave me pause, the physical crises he had endured and wondrously overcome from birth onward completely bowled me over.

By Esther Leah Avner


Vulnerability: the Hallmark of Growth

Vulnerability: the Hallmark of Growth

Growth is only possible if we subject ourselves to vulnerability. If we refuse to leave our comfort zone, we will never have new experiences or discover new abilities.

By Lazer Gurkow

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

Enjoy four short thoughts and a video adapted from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Parshat Tazria-Metzora.

Compiled by Mordechai Rubin


The Yellow Ointment

The Yellow Ointment

"So make it yellow," replied Kusheh. And that is exactly what he did.

By Menachem Posner

Cherished Heirloom: A Photo Essay

Cherished Heirloom: A Photo Essay

The 88-year-old outfit that quietly watches a family grow.

By Yanky Ascher


Romaine Pepper Steak Salad

Romaine Pepper Steak Salad

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Metamorphosis

Art: Metamorphosis

By Adele Steinberg


Jewish News
U.S. Delegation to Explore Israeli Innovations in Disabilities

U.S. Delegation to Explore Israeli Innovations in Disabilities

Community and rabbinic leaders to meet with Israeli executives and officials.

By Yehuda Sugar

Alessa Wircberg, 66, a Quiet Bastion of Kindness and Chassidic Warmth

Alessa Wircberg, 66, a Quiet Bastion of Kindness and Chassidic Warmth

An open home and heart for those rediscovering Judaism.

By Menachem Posner

Birthright Trip Empowers Young Adults With Special Needs

Birthright Trip Empowers Young Adults With Special Needs

Travel to Israel provides first-time experiences for participants.

By Carin M. Smilk


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