
2018年11月26日 星期一

The Hill's 12:30 Report: Trump threatens to close US-Mexico border permanently | Tensions rise after weekend clash | Photo of children fleeing tear gas goes viral | Congress back with 11 days to avert shutdown | GM to close plants, slash thousands of jobs | Papadopoulos set to start prison sentence | Cyber Monday deals | White House shows off Christmas decorations

The Hill 12:30 Report

Trump on the border -- Shut. It. Down.:


This morning, President Trump threatened to shut down the border "permanently" after the weekend's clash. Trump tweeted: "Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL!" http://bit.ly/2DXXPJB


What sparked this -- the weekend was a bit chaotic:

A fraction of the migrant caravan arrived at the U.S. border over the weekend hoping for asylum in the United States. https://nyti.ms/2zse4uB


Then a peaceful protest went south: Hundreds of migrants then rushed the border and tried to breach the fences, with a few throwing projectiles at Border Patrol agents. https://nyti.ms/2zse4uB


So Border Patrol agents used tear gas: Tear gas was fired to push immigrants back. Several viral photos have circulated with children crying and running from the tear gas. Photos and full story: https://wapo.st/2TLOOby


A major U.S. port of entry closed: U.S. Customs and Border Protection then temporarily closed the pedestrian and vehicle bridges at a port of entry near San Diego. https://nyti.ms/2zse4uB


How many migrants successfully breached the border: Around 30. http://bit.ly/2Aoyep9


What will happen to the migrants who violently tried crossing the border: Mexican authorities are trying to identify those migrants and will deport them. http://bit.ly/2Aoyep9


What will happen to migrants still hoping for asylum?: The incoming Mexican administration has agreed to President Trump's new policy requiring migrants to remain in Mexico while their asylum requests are processed. http://bit.ly/2P4JlbZ


It's Monday -- welcome back from Thanksgiving! I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com -- and follow along on Twitter @CateMartel and Facebook.


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From the incoming California governor: California Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom (D) condemned the use of tear gas. He tweeted: "These children are barefoot. In diapers. Choking on tear gas. Women and children who left their lives behind -- seeking peace and asylum -- were met with violence and fear. That's not my America. We're a land of refuge. Of hope. Of freedom." http://bit.ly/2TNjSr7


From the San Diego Border Patrol chief: Rodney Scott argued that the demonstration in Tijuana was not peaceful. "I kind of challenge that it was a peaceful protest or that the majority of these people were claiming asylum. ... The group immediately started throwing rocks and debris at our agents, taunting our agents. Once our agents were assaulted and the numbers started growing -- we had two or three agents initially facing hundreds of people at a time -- they deployed tear gas to protect themselves or protect the border." http://bit.ly/2BxZeEA


From Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.): She tweeted, "Asking to be considered a refugee & applying for status isn't a crime." She then equated the migrants to Jewish families during WWII and people fleeing Rwanda and Syria. http://bit.ly/2Qj7zE1 


A December stay(in prison)cation:

Former Trump campaign staffer George Papadopoulos is reporting for his prison sentence in Oxford, Wis., today. How long he will be in prison: 14 days. The charge: Lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign. https://cnn.it/2DK1Z78


Livestream outside the prison: http://bit.ly/2BwrRlh


Major GM layoffs:

Via The Washington Post's Taylor Telford, General Motors announced it will lay off 15 percent of the company's salaried workers and will close five plants in the U.S. and Canada. Why: To focus on electric and self-driving cars -- and more efficient trucks, SUVs and crossovers. https://wapo.st/2FIy8i9


Locations of the halted production plants: Detroit-Hamtramck, Mich.; Lordstown, Ohio; and Oshawa, Ontario, and propulsion plants in Warren, Mich., and White Marsh, Md.


The layoffs: 15 percent of its salaried employees will be laid off, including 25 percent of its executives. 


How many people may be laid off: 14,700 jobs, according to The Associated Press. What we know about the layoffs: http://bit.ly/2SfdN5n


Read GM's statement: http://bit.ly/2QmMgS9


From a BuzzFeed reporter who grew up near one of the plants: Reporter Henry J. Gomez tweeted: "Having grown up in the Mahoning Valley (Youngstown-Warren-Lordstown area), I can tell you that all the people using words like 'devastating' to describe today's GM news are spot-on accurate. The GM Lordstown plant is the main economic driver for the region. I remember my parents, friends, and family talking about how hard it would be to sell a house if the plant ever closed, let alone keep one if your income depended on it..." Read his full thread on the news: http://bit.ly/2P3KzUS


From Ohio's senators: Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) tweeted, "GM owes the community answers on how the rest of the supply chain will be impacted & what consequences its disastrous decision will have..." Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) tweeted, "I'm deeply frustrated with [GM's] decision to shut down its plant in #Lordstown & I'm disappointed w/ how the hardworking employees have been treated throughout this process." https://wapo.st/2FIy8i9


'Fa-la-la-la-la, la-shut-it-down':

Via The Hill's Niv Elis, Congress is returning to Washington after Thanksgiving with just a few days to avert a government shutdown. http://bit.ly/2AkZwMY


What needs to happen to keep the government open: Congress needs to pass seven spending bills by Dec. 7, otherwise the government will partially close.


If there is a shutdown, this will likely be why: Trump has threatened to veto a spending bill that doesn't allocate funds to build a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico line.


Why a shutdown is totally possible: Trump told reporters earlier this month, "This would be a very good time to do a shutdown." Trump did predict a shutdown wouldn't be necessary if Democrats agree to border wall funding.


Current bills: The House bill includes $5 billion in border wall funding, while the Senate bill includes $1.6 billion. But that doesn't mean Democrats will support the proposal.


Keep in mind: Democrats will control the House starting in January, so this is Trump's last chance to fund a border wall while his party still controls both chambers in Congress.


What to expect: http://bit.ly/2AkZwMY


Today's the day you realize that you accidentally memorized your credit card number:

Shoppers are expected to spend $7.8 billion today on Cyber Monday deals today, which would make today the biggest shopping day in U.S. history. http://bit.ly/2RjTTpX


Brief rundown of which stores have the best deals today: For example, J.Crew, Macy's, Home Depot and Sephora. The list: https://bzfd.it/2AoVZgV


The best tech deals: http://bit.ly/2SbTENu


The best clothing, shoe and jewelry deals: https://on.today.com/2r6oDyV


The best deals at Wayfair: https://bzfd.it/2TGCdX3


Hey, Nancy Pelosi. I bet there's a good Cyber Monday deal on fruit baskets for your colleagues:

Via The Hill's Jordain Carney and Juliegrace Brufke, House Democrats are huddling Wednesday for a closed-door meeting to vote for their party's nominee for Speaker of the House. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her allies are working behind the scenes to secure votes for her. Keep in mind: Pelosi's real challenge to become Speaker is the floor vote in January, but Wednesday's meeting is a good barometer. http://bit.ly/2DYPzJx 


What else is happening in Congress this week: Lots of nominations. http://bit.ly/2DYPzJx


*Starts whistling 'Here Comes The Bride'*:

MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski got married over the weekend at a secret ceremony at the National Archives. Photos -- Mika's dress is beautiful!: http://bit.ly/2Bx6ZdG


The ceremony: Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) officiated the ceremony with the couple, five guests and their children. The ceremony happened at the National Archives, in front of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It's the first-ever wedding at the venue.


The reception: The couple then hosted a small reception with about 40 people at Chez Billy Sud in Georgetown. The reservations were made under a friend's name to keep it private.


How they kept it a secret: "The couple did not send out any formal invitations; they made about 14 phone calls to their family members and close friends, and none of the guests knew where the dinner was until Saturday evening." 


The full rundown: http://bit.ly/2Bx6ZdG


So magical!:




Tidbit: "This year's White House Gingerbread house used 225 lbs. of Gingerbread!" (h/t Melania Trump's communications director, Stephanie Grisham) http://bit.ly/2P7AoyY


The House is out. The Senate meets later today. 


12:30 p.m. EST: President Trump has lunch with Vice President Pence.


2:35 p.m. EST: President Trump leaves for Tupelo, Miss.


3 p.m. EST: The Senate meets.


3:35 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence speaks at the Hidden Heroes third annual national convention at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.


5:30 p.m. EST: The Senate holds a procedural vote on a nomination. The Senate's full schedule today: http://bit.ly/2QnOcK4


7:40 p.m. EST: President Trump leaves Tupelo, Miss., for Gulfport, Miss.


1 a.m. EST Tuesday: President Trump gets back to the White House.


Friday: President Trump attends the Group of 20 Leaders' Summit in Buenos Aires.


Dec. 12: Sentencing for President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen. https://cnn.it/2QWv4Qz


5:15 p.m. EST: President Trump holds a campaign rally in Tupelo, Miss. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2P5SVLM


7:50 p.m. EST: President Trump and Vice President Pence participate in a roundtable in Gulfport, Miss.  Livestream: http://bit.ly/2QjxtYl


9 p.m. EST: President Trump holds a campaign rally in Biloxi, Miss. Livestreamhttps://cs.pn/2AmMGhx


Today is National Cake Day! Or to my British readers, National Sponge Day! (Yes, I've been watching The Great British Baking Show…)


I'm so happy this is real:

Via Refinery29, a chocolate shop in New York has chocolate mousse on tap. Video -- innovation is a beautiful thing: http://bit.ly/2zulPQP


And to break up your Monday afternoon, here's a puppy with an excellent alibi for why it didn't torment the cat: http://bit.ly/2DJ9zPq

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