
2018年11月28日 星期三

What's Up With Orthodox Men and Women and the Handshake?


By the Numbers
15 Facts About Tzedakah Every Jew Should Know

15 Facts About Tzedakah Every Jew Should Know

In Jewish thought, giving to people in need is not something extra; it's the correct, honest thing to do.

By Menachem Posner

13 Hanukkah Facts Every Jew Should Know

13 Hanukkah Facts Every Jew Should Know

Become an expert on this widely celebrated but barely understood Jewish wintertime festival.

By Menachem Posner


Me and the Guy in a Pink Tu Tu With a Camera on His Head

Me and the Guy in a Pink Tu Tu With a Camera on His Head

Attaining a state of coherence gives us more than a happy brain. It is fundamental to our well-being and ability to cope with the stressors and challenges of life.

By Hanna Perlberger


Your Questions
What's Up With Orthodox Men and Women and the Handshake?

What's Up With Orthodox Men and Women and the Handshake?

By Rochel Chein

How to Light the Menorah

How to Light the Menorah

Breeze through the Chanukah Menorah lighting with a step by step guide on everything from which menorah is kosher to how to arrange and light your own menorah.

What Does Chanukah Actually Mean?

What Does Chanukah Actually Mean?

People love to joke about the many ways to pronounce and spell Chanukah. But what does chanukah actually mean?

by Yehuda Shurpin


19 Kislev
19 Kislev: The "New Year" of Chassidism

19 Kislev: The "New Year" of Chassidism

The 19th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev marks the "birth" of Chassidism: the day it was allowed to emerge from the womb of mysticism into the light of day, to grow and develop as an integral part of Torah and Jewish life.


Thirty Seconds to Change the World

Thirty Seconds to Change the World

The story of the mystery man

By Yacov Barber

Watch (5:24)
The Menorah That Outshone the Nazis

The Menorah That Outshone the Nazis

The story behind a precious picture of the Chanukah lights that became a symbol of defiance and resolve.

Watch (1:50)

What Happened When I Needed to Work on a Jewish Holiday

What Happened When I Needed to Work on a Jewish Holiday

The idea of not driving or working on any Jewish holiday was not something I grew up with. Finally, in 2017, I decided that I would no longer work on any Jewish holiday. Of course, until I ran into a major roadblock …

By Renee Azoulay

How I Learned to Cry Again

How I Learned to Cry Again

Cynicism tip-toed its way into my life, a soft pitter patter so quiet that I didn't realize it was coming until it was already standing at my shoulder.

By Blumie Abend


The Miracle of the Menorah and the Deadbeat Husband

The Miracle of the Menorah and the Deadbeat Husband

"Please, Berish," said the dying man, closing his eyes, "protect the menorah as though your life depends on it."

By Asharon Baltazar


Dreidel-Shaped Chanukah Wontons

Dreidel-Shaped Chanukah Wontons

By Miriam Szokovski

10 Festive Recipes to Make This Chanukah

10 Festive Recipes to Make This Chanukah

By Miriam Szokovski


Jewish News
How the Chanukah Menorah Made Its Way to the Public Sphere

How the Chanukah Menorah Made Its Way to the Public Sphere

Through the years and the courts, a small spark in Philadelphia now lights up the world

By Menachem Posner

From Mumbai Memorial to Middlebury: Binyamin Murray’s Road to Chabad Rabbi

From Mumbai Memorial to Middlebury: Binyamin Murray's Road to Chabad Rabbi

Helping others embrace tradition

By Dovid Margolin

Convention Honors Pioneering Minnesota Emissary Who Inspired Countless Women

Convention Honors Pioneering Minnesota Emissary Who Inspired Countless Women

Focus on Mindelle Feller's legacy

By Sara Trappler Spielman


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