
2018年7月3日 星期二

Is It Kosher to Take the Law Into My Own Hands?


By the Numbers
10 Facts About the Hebrew Language Every Jew Should Know

10 Facts About the Hebrew Language Every Jew Should Know

Hebrew has evolved over time. Stay up to date with the facts about this ancient language.

By Menachem Posner


Your Questions
Is It Kosher to Take the Law Into My Own Hands?

Is It Kosher to Take the Law Into My Own Hands?

Am I allowed to just take it (using force if necessary), or am I obligated to get permission?

by Yehuda Shurpin

What to Do When Others Disappoint

What to Do When Others Disappoint

While those around you may or may not be working to change, let's examine four productive things you can do to help you deal with your family members' foibles

By Rosally Saltsman


Phinehas: The Zealot of the Bible

Phinehas: The Zealot of the Bible

Phinehas was brazenly zealous when he slayed Zimri, the licentious leader of the tribe of Simeon.

By Yehudah Altein

Practicing Unilateral Virtue in the Face of Evil

Practicing Unilateral Virtue in the Face of Evil

The very purpose of negativity is for us to change it. We change "it," however, when we change ourselves.

By Hanna Perlberger

Four Quick Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

Four Quick Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

Enjoy four short thoughts, adapted from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, on Parshat Pinchas.

Compiled by Mordechai Rubin


Jewish News
Chabad Opens Its Doors in Barbados, 11th Center in Caribbean

Chabad Opens Its Doors in Barbados, 11th Center in Caribbean

Locals and tourists find kosher food, Jewish resources and a personal touch.

By Menachem Posner


Why Did G-d Give Me More Time to Live?

Why Did G-d Give Me More Time to Live?

Why do I have to endure such pain and disability? For what reason had G‑d given me more time?

By Linda Goldberg

Before You Get Angry … Stop! Look! Listen!

Before You Get Angry … Stop! Look! Listen!

How many times do I jump to conclusions without giving the other person even a chance to show me or explain to me what they are really doing?

By Elana Mizrahi


Help Children Acknowledge the Good in Their Life

Help Children Acknowledge the Good in Their Life

Bad things make more noise, but we need to make a concerted effort to see and pay attention to all the positive things.

By Dena Gorkin

Watch (1:55)

Two Bagels

Two Bagels

The commander of the Bavarian troops stepped forward, fell to one knee before the Emperor and said: "I ask for autonomy for Bavaria!" "Liberty it shall be!" shouted Bonaparte

By Tuvia Bolton


Limonana – Frozen Mint Lemonade

Limonana – Frozen Mint Lemonade

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Jerusalem Watercolor

Art: Jerusalem Watercolor

By Michelle Gaynor


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