
2018年7月1日 星期日

Sunday shows - Supreme Court battle revives abortion debate

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The Hill Tipsheet Sunday Shows
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GOP senator: Supreme Court pick who would overturn Roe v. Wade 'would not be acceptable'
By Brett Samuels
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said Sunday she would not support a Supreme Court nominee who vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. 

“A candidate for this important position who would overturn Roe v. Wade would not be acceptable to me because that would indicate an activist agenda that I don’t want to see a judge have, and that would indicate to me a failure to respect precedent,” Collins said on ABC’s “This Week.”
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Graham on Roe v. Wade: 'You don’t overturn precedent unless there’s a good reason'
By Max Greenwood
"You don’t overturn precedent unless there’s a good reason," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on NBC's "Meet the Press," referencing the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion nationwide. "I would tell my pro-life friends: you can be pro-life and conservative, but you can also believe in stare decisis," he added, using a legal term used to refer to precedent.
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Collins: I'm going to have 'in-depth' talk with SCOTUS pick about Roe v. Wade
By Mary Tyler March
The GOP senator said on ABC's "This Week" that she would discuss abortion rights with the nominee to ensure that Roe v. Wade remains in place. Collins, who will be a key swing vote in the nominee's upcoming confirmation process, said she was looking for a Supreme Court pick who would "demonstrate a respect for precedent."
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Trump adviser: Supreme Court pick not about Roe v. Wade
By Brett Samuels
Leonard Leo, who is on leave from the Federalist Society to assist Trump with the process of choosing the next Supreme Court justice, said on “Fox News Sunday” that concerns about the fate of the landmark case that legalized abortion are not new. 
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Bolton: Trump will address election meddling with Putin
By Brett Samuels
“I expect it will be somewhat unstructured, but it will give them a chance to go over some of these issues free of the pressure of immediate deadlines or crises,” national security adviser John Bolton said on “Fox News Sunday.” 
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Graham: 'Fake news' to say Russia did not meddle in US election
By Emily Birnbaum
“The idea that Russia did not meddle in our election is fake news,” Graham said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “They did meddle in our election and they're doing it again in 2018,” he added.
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Trump: Opponents 'better just take it easy'
By Brett Samuels
“I hope the other side realizes that they better just take it easy,” Trump said on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures." “Because some of the language used, some of the words used, even some of the radical ideas, I really think they’re very bad for the country. I think they’re actually dangerous for the country,” he added. 
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Trump: Harley-Davidson 'going to take a big hit' for moving some production overseas
By Mary Tyler March
Trump told Fox News's Maria Bartiromo on "Sunday Morning Futures" that he did not agree with the company's decision to shift away from domestic production, renewing his claims that the motorcycle manufacturer "shouldn’t play cute."
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Trump: European Union is 'possibly as bad' as China on trade
By Brett Samuels
“The European Union is possibly as bad as China, just smaller. It’s terrible what they do to us,” Trump said on Fox News's "Sunday Morning Futures." “I love those countries, Germany, and all of the countries. Scotland. ... But they treat us very badly. They treat us very unfairly,” he added, noting that his parents were born in Europe.
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