
2018年7月10日 星期二

Why Look at Our Fingernails at Havdalah?


On the Calendar: The Month of Av
10 Facts to Know About the Month of Av

10 Facts to Know About the Month of Av

Due to the tragic events that occurred during this month, its name reminds us that G-d is there to comfort us in times of tragedy.

By Dina Zirkind

Watching a Child’s Chemotherapy Treatments

Watching a Child's Chemotherapy Treatments

She has lost all her lovely locks of hair, and she has become terribly weak.

By Chana Weisberg

The Contrasting Month of Av: From Lamentations to Opportunity

The Contrasting Month of Av: From Lamentations to Opportunity

Even in exile we have the ability to reveal the light that's hidden within the darkness.

By Chaya Hoch


How Jews Support Large Families

How Jews Support Large Families

Judaism teaches us that each and every child born is a cherished blessing for its parents and the Jewish people as a whole. But where can parents gain the confidence to take on the financial burden of raising a large family? The real answer is that your success was never in your hands anyway.

Watch (7:53)
The Secret of the Three Weeks

The Secret of the Three Weeks

The saddest period in the Jewish calendar, when we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple – amongst a litany of other national tragedies – is commonly referred to as 'The Three Weeks'. Yet, our Sages referred to this period as '21 Days'? The answer to this innocuous question reveals an astounding new depth to both the mourning period and its inevitable resolution. (Based on Sefer Hasichos 5750)

By Moishe New

Watch (40:07)
When Parents and Teens Clash Over Religion

When Parents and Teens Clash Over Religion

Once a child is physically and emotionally well, she will be more open to ideas of personal and spiritual growth.

By Dena Gorkin

Watch (1:58)

Jewish News
Thailand Rabbi: Cave Rescue Is ‘The Story the World Needs Now’

Thailand Rabbi: Cave Rescue Is 'The Story the World Needs Now'

International cooperation, good deeds and prayers to save stranded soccer team

By Menachem Posner

This Six-Day-War Widow Dedicated Her Life to Families of Fallen Soldiers

This Six-Day-War Widow Dedicated Her Life to Families of Fallen Soldiers

How 'Shifra from Kfar Chabad' won acclaim throughout Israel

By Fradie Brod


Your Questions
Why Look at Our Fingernails at Havdalah?

Why Look at Our Fingernails at Havdalah?

The basic reason is that one should be close enough to the flame's light to benefit from it.

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Is a "Macher"?

What Is a "Macher"?

In Yiddish, the word mach means both "do" and "make."

What Should I Tell a Suicidal Friend?

What Should I Tell a Suicidal Friend?

The best antidote for depression is serving others.

By Aron Moss


Oh, My Gad

Oh, My Gad

Gad's battle victims were readily identifiable. With one fell swoop of the sword they would cut off the head together with the arm. The ability to strike such a blow is an indication of tremendous lion-like strength.

By Naftali Silberberg

12 Tribes of Israel: The Shevatim

12 Tribes of Israel: The Shevatim

Jacob had twelve sons. The offspring of each these men became the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel.

By Yecheskel Posner


The Chassid and the Fool at the Leipzig Fair

The Chassid and the Fool at the Leipzig Fair

A young chassid offered to make the trip. His sleek new coach and superb horses could do the job, he insisted.

By Yanki Tauber


Zoodles with Vibrant Tomato-Corn Sauce

Zoodles with Vibrant Tomato-Corn Sauce

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Escorting Out the Shabbat

Art: Escorting Out the Shabbat

By Chana Helen Rosenberg


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