
2018年11月10日 星期六

The 10 essential reads you missed this week

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The 10 essential reads you missed this week
House Democrats are racing to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe after Trump tapped a GOP loyalist to oversee the investigation as acting attorney general.

Here's other important news of the week:
Trump seeks to show he remains in charge of Washington
President Trump on Wednesday sought to show he remains in charge of Washington one day after his party lost control of the House in the midterm elections, Jordan Fabian reports.

The Memo: Why Trump thinks he won the midterms
Trump believes he won the midterms. The claim is clearly one-sided, given the Democratic takeover of the House — but it’s not as ridiculous as some of his critics seem to believe, Niall Stanage writes.

The blue wave ran into Trump’s red wall
Democratic hopes for a blue wave in Tuesday’s midterm elections ran into a red wall in the form of the GOP Senate majority that Trump protected — and ultimately expanded, Ian Swanson and Bob Cusack write.

House flip creates big headache for Zinke
Less than 24 hours after Republicans lost their House majority, Democrats vowed to take Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to task for a number of questionable actions and business deals, Timothy Cama and Miranda Green report.

Maxine Waters will soon wield gavel in feud with White House
The public feud between Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Trump is poised to reach new heights when she is granted subpoena power as head of a powerful congressional committee overseeing the financial sector, Sylvan Lane reports.

Warren? Biden? Sanders? Dems have different answers on 2020 after 2018
Democrats are wrestling anew with what kind of candidate would have the best chance of knocking off Trump after a midterm election that saw the party make significant inroads in states it lost in 2016, Amie Parnes writes.

Pelosi critics lose momentum in battle over her ascension
Nancy Pelosi's Democratic critics are scrambling to prevent the long-time leader from seizing the Speaker's gavel next year following sweeping midterm wins that flipped control of the House, Mike Lillis and Scott Wong report.

How Republicans who voted against ObamaCare repeal fared in midterms
Twenty House Republicans broke with their party last year and voted against the GOP bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare, a measure that Democrats used to hammer vulnerable Republicans in the campaign this year, Peter Sullivan writes.

Dems mark Trump tax returns as key part of agenda
House Democrats want to get their hands on Trump’s tax returns, and plan to make the issue a key part of their agenda upon taking the majority next year, Naomi Jagoda reports.

Battle looms over funding for Trump's border wall
The biggest fight looming for lawmakers in the lame-duck session is over Trump’s request to fully fund his proposed border wall, which he made a top priority while campaigning for GOP candidates this fall, Alexander Bolton writes.
© Getty: Deadly wildfires burned through California this week, forcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate.
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