
2018年11月13日 星期二

The Hill's 12:30 Report — Sponsored by Delta Air Lines — Amazon picks NYC, Northern Virginia for new offices | CNN suing Trump over Acosta press pass | Pelosi machine lobbies for Speakership | Sinema wins Arizona Senate race for Dems | Mueller reportedly planning new indictments

The Hill 12:30 Report
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Amazon is officially coming to Washington. Well, Crystal City at least. The online retail behemoth said Tuesday it will split its HQ2 facilities between the Washington suburbs and Queens, N.Y., bringing 25,000 jobs to each region – and collecting nearly $2 billion in taxpayer-funded subsidies in the process.


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is thrilled. Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) … is not. She blasted officials for giving the company hundreds of millions in tax breaks and incentives.


It's Tuesday. I'm Reid Wilson sitting in for Cate Martel today with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com, @CateMartel and on Facebook.


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Dems win Arizona Senate seat

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) has formally defeated Rep. Martha McSally (R) in a hard-fought contest to replace outgoing Sen. Jeff Flake (R). Sinema's lead grew in Monday's vote tally to 38,197 votes, or about 1.7 percentage points – a margin McSally can't overcome given the remaining ballots to be tallied.


McSally conceded the race in a video posted to Twitter.


The results mean Republicans have netted just one U.S. Senate seat this year, despite a favorable map that gave them plenty of opportunities in red states where Senate Democrats were running for re-election. That number could grow to two if Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) holds his narrow lead over Sen. Bill Nelson (D). But, real talk, if you'd told any Republican strategist two years ago that they would net just two seats this year, they'd have been disappointed.


Pelosi getting her ducks in a row

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is "working the phones non-stop," a senior Dem aide tells The Hill, in an effort to secure the votes she needs to win the speakership once again. Her pitch this time is simple: No one is more experienced to protect Obama-era victories like the Affordable Care Act, and there needs to be a woman at the leadership table to take on President Trump.


Pelosi is targeting former critics like Reps. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Albio Sires (D-N.J.), both of whom now say they will back her for another term. Her biggest advantage: The naysayers have no clear consensus pick to challenge the Democratic leader.


More on the fierce lobbying efforts from The Hill's House leadership team here.


CNN sues the White House

CNN is suing the White House, demanding that its chief correspondent Jim Acosta be given his credentials back. Acosta's hard pass was yanked last week after he questioned President Trump and initially refused to give a microphone back to a White House intern.


In the lawsuit, CNN accuses Trump and other administration officials of violating Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment rights of free speech and due process, respectively, and asks a federal court in Washington to grant the "immediate restoration of Acosta's press credentials."


White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said CNN's suit was nothing more than "grandstanding." Tell that to CNN's lawyer, Republican Ted Olson.


More Mueller indictments ahead?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller may be preparing new indictments as soon as today, CBS News reported early Tuesday. The special counsel has been quiet in the weeks leading up to the midterms – and his silence has been deafening – but that will end soon, CBS's sources said.


Conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi said yesterday he believes he will be indicted.


I hope he has new shoes and a new lunchbox:

Via CNN's Elizabeth Landers, "New member alert! Just ran into [Sen.-elect Mitt Romney (R-Utah)] walking by himself behind the Library of Congress- he seemed excited about orientation and says he has to figure out where he's going to live here in DC." http://bit.ly/2T7Myen


Released today -- Michelle Obama tells all:

Former first lady Michelle Obama's memoir is on sale today. NPR has exclusive audio of Obama reading parts of her memoir. Listen: https://n.pr/2B2jtKc


The book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2ROZELM


Excerpts published in The Washington Post: https://wapo.st/2DEyvs6


Getting traction -- how 7-Eleven is using ICE to go after some of its franchisees:

Via Bloomberg's Lauren Etter and Michael Smith, 7-Eleven has been calling U.S. immigration authorities on franchisees that are underperforming or causing issues for corporate. https://bloom.bg/2PUnGYJ


Excerpt: "The corporate investigators have used tactics including tailing franchisees in unmarked vehicles, planting hidden cameras and listening devices, and deploying a surveillance van disguised as a plumber's truck."


Wow -- the part that's getting traction: "The company has also given the names of franchisees to the government, which in some cases has led immigration authorities to inspect their stores, according to three officials with Homeland Security Investigations, which like ICE is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security."




Delta is honored to help connect armed service members with their loved ones for support. Visit DeltaTakingAction.com to learn more about how Delta is committed to supporting military members.


Oh hello there, Michael Cohen:


Wow, this is a powerful gesture:


Read the letter from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: http://bit.ly/2QDRxS8


The Los Angeles Times's Matt Pearce then added: "And our colleagues at the San Diego Union-Tribune bought us donuts this morning!" Photo: http://bit.ly/2QDRxS8


The House and Senate return today. Leadership fights are on the docket, and don't miss our Hill team's preview of the lame duck ahead.


President Trump is at the White House and Vice President Pence is in Japan.


Starting today: New lawmaker orientation begins in Washington, D.C. http://bit.ly/2POQfqz


11:30 a.m. EST: President Trump received an intelligence briefing.


1:45 p.m. EST: President Trump participates in the Diwali ceremonial lighting of the Diya in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.


2 p.m. EST: The House meets -- bring on the lame duck!


3 p.m. EST: The Senate meets.


3:45 p.m. EST: Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush speak at the Global Financial Leadership Conference in Naples, FlaDetails: http://bit.ly/2z5wIZ7


5:30 p.m. EST: The Senate votes.


6:30 p.m. EST: Votes postponed in the House.


7:30 p.m. EST: Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) speaks at Georgetown University. Details: http://bit.ly/2B1OIVW


Today: The 3rd anniversary of the Paris terrorist attacks. A look back: https://cnn.it/2DlKEkX


3 p.m. EST Thursday: The deadline for machine recounts in the Florida elections. https://hrld.us/2z6ByFD


8 p.m. EST Thursday: Oprah Winfrey's interview with former first lady Michelle Obama airs on OWN. http://bit.ly/2Qy9YaN


Today is National Indian Pudding Day. It's also World Kindness Day.


And because you made it to the end, here's a deer who enjoys the mornings more than any human I know: http://bit.ly/2QCg36k

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