
2018年11月7日 星期三

What Does Oy Gevalt Really Mean?


Your Questions
Why Don’t We Invite People to a Brit Milah?

Why Don't We Invite People to a Brit Milah?

Many have the custom to simply make the time and place known, without inviting anyone in particular to attend. Here's why.

by Yehuda Shurpin

Does Oy Gevalt Really Mean?

Does Oy Gevalt Really Mean?

It is perfectly normal to say, "Oy gevalt, my cake flopped again!" even though there is no violence and not much of an emergency.


By the Numbers
10 Inspiring Orphans Who Significantly Impacted Judaism

10 Inspiring Orphans Who Significantly Impacted Judaism

Meet 10 Jewish leaders who were orphaned at a young age and went on to add richness and beauty to Jewish life until this very day.

By Menachem Posner

9 Ways to Talk Like a Jew

9 Ways to Talk Like a Jew

We may not remind people of their past misdeeds, insult someone, tease them, bully them, threaten them or in any way use words to cause them pain or anguish. Even hinting at something that might cause them pain is not allowed.

By Rosally Saltsman


Is Excessive Wealth a Virtue or a Vice?

Is Excessive Wealth a Virtue or a Vice?

Isn't wealth the negative consequence of greed and unbridled ambition? Is wealth a virtue or a vice?

By Levi Avtzon

Heroic Humility

Heroic Humility

As any child of a super charismatic parent knows, growing up in the shadows can be hard. Part of that is due to our worship of the extrovert.

By Hanna Perlberger


What’s Up with Making Kiddush?

What's Up with Making Kiddush?

Why do we sanctify the Sabbath over cup of wine? Join Dr. Chighel as he investigates the origin and meaning behind this flavorful tradition.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (4:38)
How to Have Abundance

How to Have Abundance

We learn so much from a seed. One tiny seed can yield a tree overflowing with fruit. True abundance comes from a special kind of planting, with a certain kind of attitude. Learn how to invest in a way that will yield abundance and blessing.

By Aryeh Weinstein

Watch (8:11)
Chassidism and the Month of Kislev

Chassidism and the Month of Kislev

The month of Kislev is replete with chassidic milestones, beginning with the Maggid of Mezeritch (successor to the Baal Shem Tov) and the Alter Rebbe (founder of Chabad), and concluding with our Rebbe. This class will address this phenomenon and its powerful, timely message.

By Moishe New

Listen (37:19)

Jewish News
Q&A With Author Tzvi Freeman on His Latest Book: ‘Wisdom to Heal the Earth’

Q&A With Author Tzvi Freeman on His Latest Book: 'Wisdom to Heal the Earth'

A new articulation of the Rebbe's teachings on humanity's collective mission

By Yaakov Ort

5,600 Rabbis and Guests Reflect and Celebrate at International Banquet

5,600 Rabbis and Guests Reflect and Celebrate at International Banquet

Pittsburgh and 10th anniversary of Mumbai massacre not far from anyone's mind

By Chabad.org Staff

After Pittsburgh: 11 Acts of Kindness and Love

After Pittsburgh: 11 Acts of Kindness and Love

People everywhere have been moved to express solidarity and compassion in wake of Pittsburgh massacre

By Tzemach Feller

For 75-Year-Old Pittsburgh Yeshivah, Tragedy Crosses Generations

For 75-Year-Old Pittsburgh Yeshivah, Tragedy Crosses Generations

One massacre victim was among the school's first students back in 1943

By Dovid Margolin

Watch (0:20)
Jews Pack Synagogues as They #ShowUpforShabbat

Jews Pack Synagogues as They #ShowUpforShabbat

In Pittsburgh, Chabad rabbis skip convention to be with their community

By Menachem Posner


What It's Like to Ask for Help All the Time

What It's Like to Ask for Help All the Time

Being afraid to go out the door or being afraid of falling was like walking through life alone.

By Linda Goldberg

Beltani: How I Made Peace With My Imperfect Life

Beltani: How I Made Peace With My Imperfect Life

As women, we have incredible demands placed upon us, and a significant number of people in our lives who rely on us to be strong, to hold things together for them. There is often an invisible pressure that is not seen but felt—to be the perfect version of ourselves, to never let anyone see that things are not, in fact, as perfect as we try to project out to the world.

By Chanee Eliezrie


Seeing Is Believing

Seeing Is Believing

"Look outside. You see this wagon loaded with straw rolling down the road? Walking behind it is a Jew . . ."

By Asharon Baltazar


Iconic Australian Chocolate Crackles

Iconic Australian Chocolate Crackles

An Australian birthday party staple

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Shopping in the Shouk for Shabbat

Art: Shopping in the Shouk for Shabbat

By Chana Helen Rosenberg


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