
2018年8月29日 星期三

10 Things I Really Don’t Want to Hear from My Rabbi on Rosh Hashanah


The Book Every Jew Needs to Know

The Book Every Jew Needs to Know

Celebrating the completion of the 37th annual Rambam study cycle.

By Moshe Moscowitz

Watch (6:39)
When I Poured Dish Soap into My Dishwasher

When I Poured Dish Soap into My Dishwasher

An accident in my kitchen showed me how and when it is appropriate to give rebuke.

By Chana Weisberg

Watch (2:00)
A New Soul, A New World

A New Soul, A New World

The 18th of Elul is the birthday of two "great luminaries," the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe.

Watch (7:09)

By the Numbers
10 Facts About the Maharal Every Jew Should Know

10 Facts About the Maharal Every Jew Should Know

Rabbi Yehuda ben Betzalel Loew is considered one of the foremost Talmudists, Kabbalists and philosophers of all time.

by Yehuda Shurpin

10 Things I Really Don’t Want to Hear From My Rabbi on Rosh Hashanah

10 Things I Really Don't Want to Hear From My Rabbi on Rosh Hashanah

An open letter

By Tzvi Freeman

20 Priceless Lessons I Have Learned as a Teacher

20 Priceless Lessons I Have Learned as a Teacher

By Sara Brafman


Jewish History
Soviet-Era Statesman, Chassid and Martyr: Mordechai Dubin

Soviet-Era Statesman, Chassid and Martyr: Mordechai Dubin

By Avraham Godin, translated and annotated by Dovid Margolin


What Happened on Your Birthday?

What Happened on Your Birthday?

A Chai Elul essay.

By Yanki Tauber

What Made Me Cry Outside the Fruit Store

What Made Me Cry Outside the Fruit Store

It was hard to concentrate. Words were spinning in my head, like a wheel of anxiety.

By Baila Brackman

“Keep Knocking on the Door!”

"Keep Knocking on the Door!"

I thought to myself, "Look at the tenacity and determination of this young man. He simply had to make contact, and so he did."

By Yossy Goldman


Your Questions
What Does “Shayne Punim” Mean?

What Does "Shayne Punim" Mean?

You can call your little niece a shayne punim, and also tell her that you miss her dearly and cannot wait to kiss her shayne punim on your next visit.


Don’t Be a Basket Case!

Don't Be a Basket Case!

By Hanna Perlberger


Jewish News
Hurricane Harvey Anniversary Gift: A New Chabad Center

Hurricane Harvey Anniversary Gift: A New Chabad Center

Opening caps a year of relief efforts throughout the city

By Yehuda Sugar

Circumcision Ban in Denmark Fails for Now, but the Battle Will Go On

Circumcision Ban in Denmark Fails for Now, but the Battle Will Go On

Jewish community faces ongoing hurdles to maintain a central tradition

By Yehuda Sugar

Itche Kadoozy Hits the Shelves

Itche Kadoozy Hits the Shelves

New book features video series' most beloved episodes

By Menachem Posner


Is Hillel Evil?

Is Hillel Evil?

"You're invited to dine with me but I have one simple request: for each meal, please prepare a small dvar Torah to share at the tablel."

By Asharon Baltazar


Basic Brisket with Root Vegetables

Basic Brisket with Root Vegetables

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Rosh Hashanah Table

Art: Rosh Hashanah Table

By Michelle Gaynor


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