
2018年8月30日 星期四

DAILY DOSE: When the World Began


When the World Began

By Tzvi Freeman

Adam, the first human being, opened his eyes to a world that appeared to have always been. He lifted his eyes to the vast sky above. He gazed about at the bustling life. He beheld mighty mountains and majestic waterfalls, flowing rivers and verdant forests.

And he cried out, "I know what this is! This is not just a jungle! This is the garden of a great and magnificent King!
This is not just a sky! This is the vast glory of my Maker!
This is not just a mountain, or a waterfall, a tiger or an ant—
—this is all the majesty of an Infinite Being, who created a world out of kindness and might, beauty and wonder, glory and majesty, so that His creatures might know Him!"

That is why Rosh Hashanah is called the first day of creation, for only then did the world know its meaning.

And on each Rosh Hashanah we replay that scene, we lend meaning to our world, and the world is born again.

Maamar Zeh Hayom, 5742.

By Tzvi Freeman

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