
2018年8月29日 星期三

The Hill's 12:30 Report: White House counsel to leave this fall | Key takeaways from Tuesday's primaries | Sanders-backed progressive scores major upset in Florida Dem primary | McCain lies in state in Arizona | GOP divided over renaming Senate building for McCain | Manafort wants DC trial moved to Roanoke, Va.

The Hill 12:30 Report
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Anddd another one bites the dust:

See yaaaaa!


This morning, President Trump abruptly announced that White House counsel Don McGahn is leaving his post this fall. http://bit.ly/2MAgXCd


Trump tweeted the announcement: "White House Counsel Don McGahn will be leaving his position in the fall, shortly after the confirmation (hopefully) of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. I have worked with Don for a long time and truly appreciate his service!" the president tweeted.


Timing of McGahn's departure: A few weeks ago, The New York Times reported that Don McGahn has extensively cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. What I mean by 'extensively': McGahn voluntarily spoke to special counsel investigators for 30 hours. The full report: https://nyti.ms/2PMO2c8


McGahn's replacement: Axios's Jonathan Swan and Mike Allen are reporting that President Trump has not yet picked a replacement for Don McGahn. http://bit.ly/2ohwQ1M


It's Wednesday -- who's sick of this heat wave?? I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.


Paul Manafort's team is trying to move his trial to the setting of 2016's 'American Horror Story' -- you really can't make this up:

Throwback to 'My Roanoke Nightmare' --> http://bit.ly/2oiwVCx ;)

Attorneys for President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, are asking a judge to move his second criminal trial from Washington, D.C., to Roanoke, Va. Reasoning: They claim the jury pool in D.C. will be biased. Part of the filing from Manafort's attorneys: "Nowhere in the country is the bias against Mr. Manafort more apparent than here in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The phrase 'inside-the-beltway' was coined to capture the area's preoccupation with all things political." http://bit.ly/2olITLK


Keep in mind: "He previously asked to move his first trial in Northern Virginia to Roanoke, citing similar reasons of the politicized and media-saturated environment in the Washington, DC, region." (Via CNN's Shimon Prokupeczhttp://bit.ly/2PhyyM5


Welcome back, everyone. You *really* have missed a lot:

President Trump unblocked dozens of Twitter accounts after a court order ruled that his feed must be public. Who Trump blocked: The list of blocked users reportedly included authors and film producers who have publicly criticized the president. http://bit.ly/2LCL7Qa


Happening today -- Day 1 of 5 for McCain's memorial services:

Today is John McCain’s birthday. He would have turned 82 years old today.


Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) body will lie in the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix today. It will be open to the public. Details for those who want to attend: http://bit.ly/2wqJ24N Livestream of the room: https://cs.pn/2Ntyrga


Thursday: A funeral service will happen at the North Phoenix Baptist Church. Former Vice President Joe Biden will speak.


Friday: McCain's body will lie in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. Vice President Pence, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will speak.


Saturday: A funeral service at Washington National Cathedral. Former Presidents Obama and George W. Bush will speak.


Sunday: McCain will be buried at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. 


Details on each event from The New York Times: https://nyti.ms/2wz1tDG


Well, that's not how I would have predicted this debate would go:

Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) are working on a resolution to rename the Russell Senate Office Building after the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). http://bit.ly/2olYFWW


Who opposes this move: The proposal has received pushback from some Republican lawmakers.


Who the building is currently named after: It's currently named after former Democratic Sen. Richard Brevard Russell (Ga.), who served in the Senate from 1933 to 1971. 


Why Russell is controversial: For his opposition to civil rights legislation.


From Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.): "Senator Russell was a well respected man from the South and up here too," said Shelby, adding that he was "a man of his time." Shelby told reporters that if lawmakers were going to judge Russell on his civil rights stance, then that would also mean reevaluating the Founding Fathers.


Oh hello there, Google Maps:


By the way: I can confirm it still says the "McCain Senate Office Building" on my Google Maps app.


Here's a brief video with examples of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) cracking jokes in public over the years. I had forgotten about a few of these. Watch: http://bit.ly/2MBuYzv


A Florida stunnah:

Via The Hill's Lisa Hagen and Max Greenwood, the major headline from last night's midterm primaries is the huge upset victory in Florida from progressive Andrew Gillum, who defeated Rep. Gwen Graham (D-Fla.), the daughter of a popular former governor and senator, the Democratic gubernatorial primary. Keep in mind: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) endorsed Gillum. http://bit.ly/2MCEmmD


Why this is big: This gives a big boost of momentum to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Two months ago, democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pulled off one of the biggest upsets of the cycle by knocking off a longtime incumbent and member of Democratic leadership in New York's primary. 


Who Gillum is running against: Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), who was endorsed by President Trump. So this race will be between polar opposites and a good test of Trump and Sanders's clout in Florida.


The GOP establishment favorite slid through in Arizona: "[Rep. Martha McSally] won her Arizona GOP primary in the end, but it was a nasty and costly fight against two immigration hard-liners: former state Sen. Kelli Ward and former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio."


Democrats really want this cycle to be historic: "Democrats have nominated a number of glass ceiling–breakers throughout the 2018 primaries, and Tuesday night was no exception."


Trump remains the Republican kingmaker: "Trump's endorsement moves Republicans, and it seems to have an outsized effect on those from the Northeast, who speak his language best."


Context and details for each: http://bit.ly/2MCEmmD


This is great:


Watch: http://bit.ly/2Ph2at0


The House and Senate are out. President Trump is in Washington, D.C., and Vice President Pence has a campaign event in Michigan.


11:25 a.m. EDT: Vice President Pence lands in Waterford, Mich.


11:30 a.m. EDT: President Trump receives an intelligence briefing.


12:45 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence campaigns for Senate candidate John James in West Bloomfield, Mich.


2:30 p.m. EDT: President Trump announces a grant for a drug-free communities support program.


3:40 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence lands back in Washington, D.C.


6:45 p.m. EDT: President Trump, first lady Melania TrumpVice President Pence and Karen Pence attend the White House Historical Association reception.


2:30 p.m. EDT: State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert holds a press briefing. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2N6SpAx


Today is National Chop Suey Day.


Trending -- the cap and gown is both adorable and hilarious:

A baby who was born at 22 weeks just left the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The NICU held a graduation ceremony for the infant, cap and gown included! Watch -- it has 12 million views so far: http://bit.ly/2MDlKCT


And because of this absurd heat wave, here's a dog who is trying his best to stay hydrated: http://bit.ly/2NrDrSd

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