
2018年11月7日 星期三

The Hill's 12:30 Report — Presented by the Counter Extremism Project — Breaking: Trump boasts GOP defied odds | Blames party's losers for not embracing him | Spars with CNN's Acosta | What we're watching next after midterms | Winners, losers | Sights and sounds from election night | Trump warns Dems against investigations | Uncalled races | Female candidates make historic gains | Urban, rural divide deepens | Leadership fights begin | John King becomes a meme

The Hill 12:30 Report
Presented by the Counter Extremism Project | View in Browser

Now accepting pats on the back:


"President Trump [just] took a victory lap after the midterm elections, saying Republicans defied the odds by stopping a so-called 'blue wave' of Democrats from taking control of both chambers of Congress."  http://bit.ly/2ARsiGE


He called out individual Republicans who didn't "embrace" him: For example: "'Mia Love gave me no love. And she lost. Too bad,' President Trump says, going through the list of candidates from his own party who distanced themselves from him -- and gloating about how they lost." http://bit.ly/2JKhhtp


^^More gloating about defeated Republicans:
"Mike Coffman: 'Too bad, Mike.' 

Carlos Curbelo: (mispronounces it) 'Quebella'

Mia love : 'Gave me no love.' 

Barbara Comstock: 'She didn't want to have any embrace.' 

Peter Roskam: 'Didn't want the embrace.' " http://bit.ly/2PI9vpE


Trump credited House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: "I give her a great deal of credit for what she's done and what she's accomplished." http://bit.ly/2qB0iBf


How Trump wants to work with Pelosi: "lowering the cost of prescription drugs," Trump said. http://bit.ly/2qujlgy 


On his own campaign appearances: "Of the 11 candidates we campaigned with in the last week, nine won last night," Trump said. http://bit.ly/2ARQLf2


On Oprah campaigning: "She worked very hard in Georgia, very hard. I don't know if she likes me anymore, but that's ok." http://bit.ly/2PHFvtW


Photo of Chief of Staff John Kelly watching: Something wrong, Kelly? http://bit.ly/2SRyyVL 


Yiiiikes: A White House aide tries yanking the microphone from CNN's Jim Acosta while he and President Trump yell at each other. Video of the microphone wrestling match -- wow: http://bit.ly/2RIvsSS


He yelled at journalist April Ryan, telling her to sit down: "Trump just sneers at April Ryan, 'Sit down. I didn't call you.'" http://bit.ly/2zFbjp4 Note: Trump has told other reporters at times to also sit down.


Context from NPR's Scott Simon: "I've never seen anything like this WH press conference. I've done press scrums with Chicago aldermen on their way to prison and foreign tyrants who were more civil. WH staff should not pluck microphones out of the hands of reporters doing their job." http://bit.ly/2SUQcrC


On the special counsel investigation: "It should end. 'Cause it's very bad for our country. Forget about unfair to me, it's very bad for our country." http://bit.ly/2PFxRjR


Livestream of Trump's remarks: https://cs.pn/2QloUZL


I demand a recount:

The Florida Senate race between Sen. Bill Nelson (D) and Gov. Rick Scott (R) is headed to a recount. The numbers: Nelson leads by a little more than 34,500 of the 8.1 million votes cast in the state. http://bit.ly/2zz83LT


It's the morning after Election Day. Raise your hand if you're delirious!
I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com, @CateMartel and on Facebook.


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If you're a Republican, click this link for your election newsletter-reading background music: http://bit.ly/2DqHNrt


If you're a Democrat, click this link for your election newsletter-reading background music: http://bit.ly/2APUlWP


Senate Republicans -- 'How you like them apples?!'

--> http://bit.ly/2SU2uAv

Democrats regained the House Tuesday night, but Senate Republicans are

Also claiming victory, by beating their expectations and expanding their majority to at least a 52 seats with the potential to add more seats in the coming weeks. http://bit.ly/2QoHKzf 


The makeup of the new Senate: Republicans are expected to take at least 52 seats but could end up winning as many as 55. The best outcome for Democrats is 52-48. 


Which races still haven't been called: Four Senate races -- Florida, Arizona, Montana and Mississippi, which is headed to a runoff. Details for each: http://bit.ly/2RF7vvt


Meanwhile from House Democrats-- 'I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa':

--> http://bit.ly/2zxJ1gr:

Democrats are declaring victory after winning at least 220 House seats to retake the House majority. Which areas helped Dems the most: "Democrats performed particularly well in the suburbs of Eastern states such as Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where vulnerable GOP incumbents struggled to insulate themselves from the midterm backlash against the party of the mercurial president." http://bit.ly/2F9WuRy


The makeup of the new House: Democrats have won 220 seats so far but could win as many as 234. They needed 218 to take the majority. How many seats Roll Call expects Dems to take: Around 229 total.


Which races still haven't been called: Twenty-two House races, including five in California. Details for each: http://bit.ly/2RF7vvt


The gist-- 'The blue wave ran into Trump's red wall':

Via The Hill's Ian Swanson and Bob Cusack, "For a number of reasons, Democrats are coming away unsatisfied. They were hoping for a resounding rejection of Trump, who is touting the election results as a 'tremendous success.'" What this means for both parties: http://bit.ly/2OtPnTm


All the elected ladies (all the elected ladies), now put your hands up!: A record number of women have been elected. 

Senate: 22 women were elected, 16 Democrats and 6 Republicans. 

House: 95 women have been elected, 83 Democrats and 12 Republicans.

Governors: 9 women were elected, 6 Democrats and 3 Republicans. http://bit.ly/2STH0np


That's ~Senator~ Romney to you: Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has won the seat to replace retiring Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). http://bit.ly/2yVFqsK


First Native American women elected to Congress: Democrat Sharice Davids will represent a district in Kansas and Democrat Deb Haaland will represent one in New Mexico. https://cnn.it/2JLQeOs


His initial reaction -->  http://bit.ly/2Pim8Iw ;)


The president tweeted around 11:15 p.m. last night: "Tremendous success tonight. Thank you to all!" He then quoted a glowing review of his time in office. http://bit.ly/2AQQKrB


On people who didn't support him -- baby, bye bye bye: Trump tweeted, "Those that worked with me in this incredible Midterm Election, embracing certain policies and principles, did very well. Those that did not, say goodbye!" Trump also added: "Yesterday was such a very Big Win, and all under the pressure of a Nasty and Hostile Media!" http://bit.ly/2PMzUSU


On the media -- it's like I can finish his sentences: "To any of the pundits or talking heads that do not give us proper credit for this great Midterm Election, just remember two words -- FAKE NEWS!" http://bit.ly/2PkflhC


From CNN's Jake Tapper -- welcome to hell: "If [President Trump] thinks that the media is annoying, wait till he meets a Democratic House that has subpoena power and actually has the legal ability to force them to turn over documents," Tapper noted. "We're going to look like nothing compared to that. He is going to find an opposition that he has never really encountered before." http://bit.ly/2PGxVzP


The best caption I've seen today: Keep in mind, President Trump and Mitt Romney had butted heads for years, but Trump did endorse his Senate bid. https://ti.me/2PjvqUN 



Election fallout -- what to watch going forward: Via The Hill's Bob Cusack and Ian Swanson:

  1. Leadership battles
  2. Finger-pointing
  3. Russia investigation
  4. Impeachment 
  5. Possible White House staff shake-up
  6. 2020 politics 
  7. Government shutdown 

Context and details for each: http://bit.ly/2qyJU4k


Here's a list of the winners and losers last night: Hint: President Trump and Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) are in the same category. http://bit.ly/2Drb45r


It's border wall tiiime: During a press conference this morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he will push for border wall funding in the lame-duck session. http://bit.ly/2yVu6gq


Dems didn't waste any time!: Top House Democrats quickly announced their leadership intentions for the next Congress. Who said what: http://bit.ly/2F41Z46


A big geographical divide: America's urban-rural divide has deepened. The numbers: http://bit.ly/2Drplix 


The viral story of the day: The Atlantic's McKay Coppins tweeted, "My wife and I got back from voting and found our 5yo in tears that she didn't get to come. So I took her to the polling place and gave her a little patriotic talk about America and democracy. On the way back she told me she thought mom had said we went 'boating.'" Read the full story -- it's amazing: http://bit.ly/2JNpWeY


Photo: Best tweet I saw all evening: "whoa, major Dem pickup" http://bit.ly/2SRz5af


Ouch -- the media tent at Gillum's election night party had a major leak early in the evening: That does not look fun. Video: http://bit.ly/2OzqVQI


Funny tidbit -- how cable news anchors prepared for the night: "[CNN's John King] says he works out on Election Day mornings, and he is careful to stretch his hands and wrists ahead of showtime. Washing his hands is also important, to avoid smudging the screen's surface. How about a manicure? 'I clip my own nails,' Mr. King said. 'I'm a kid from Dorchester, Mass. I don't think I'll ever get a manicure.'" The full article is pretty entertaining: https://nyti.ms/2SR8lXx


Photo of Stephen Bannon's election livestream by the Capitol: Author Michael Wolff is on the set. Photo of the set: http://bit.ly/2AQQedo  


Tidbit -- what network's coverage was airing at the Trump hotel bar: CNN and Fox News http://bit.ly/2QjPeUe


Say what now?!: A neurosurgeon in Texas left her patient open on the table to go vote. Keep in mind: The neurosurgeon said the residents were finishing the surgery. I.e.: If she found time to vote, anyone could. https://wapo.st/2PgwOaC


What newsrooms ate last night: The Wall Street Journal's Byron Tau pulled together a list of what was catered for journalists last night. http://bit.ly/2PijZN7


Reading this 'blue wave' cocktail menu is giving me a hangover: Here's the blue wave cocktail menu at the National Women's Democratic Club in Washington, D.C. (h/t The Hill's Niv ElisPhoto: http://bit.ly/2qvcjb8


The vibe at the Wexton event: Reuters's Amanda Becker tweeted around 8:45 p.m., "Just had wine spilled on my head." http://bit.ly/2zxljAK


Voting pups are the best pupshttp://bit.ly/2yVFKrz 


Throwback -- newspaper headlines have always been pretty brutal: Here's the front page of the New York Post the day after Republicans won the House in 1994. (h/t C-SPAN's Howard Mortmanhttp://bit.ly/2PGU8xI


Overheard at a Dem watch party: "A young women fawning over [House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi] telling her 'I don't think you get enough credit' for what you do for the party. Pelosi saying it's looking like it's going to be thin margin." http://bit.ly/2SSNJ0Q


This is spectacular: There was an insane sunset in D.C. yesterday. Photos: http://bit.ly/2APVOfN And an insane rainbow over the Capitol: http://bit.ly/2OvcxZG


Quite the artsy line at the polls: http://bit.ly/2JQc1ot



This is the diplomatic equivalent of 'I'm not listening so what you're saying doesn't count!!':

Via Reuters, Russia said it will consider any new sanctions by the United States "illegal." The full quote from a Kremlin spokesman: "We consider restrictions imposed by the United States against Russia illegal." https://reut.rs/2qwmIn7


Yesterday, "the Trump administration … informed Congress that Russia has not complied with a series of requirements necessary for Moscow to evade a second round of U.S. sanctions over the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy in Britain." http://bit.ly/2PFmPLt


Oh! John King became a meme last night:

When CNN cut away from anchor John King using the election night "magic wall," he still appeared on the left side of the screen.  The internet had fun with that.




More captions for John King: https://ti.me/2F9fpfp


The House and Senate are out.


President Trump and Vice President Pence have no public events on his schedule.


2 p.m. EST: The National Press Club is holding a post-election analysis event. Detailshttp://bit.ly/2OszDju


9 a.m. EST Thursday: The Washington Post is holding a technology event featuring officials from the White House technology team. Details: https://wapo.st/2JKvMO4


Nov. 13: The House and Senate return.


11:30 a.m. EDT: President Trump holds a press conference on the election results. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2QloUZL


Noon: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) holds a press conference on the election results. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2PhpICA


9:30 a.m. EST Thursday: The Brookings Institution is holding an event on the implications of the midterm results. Details and livestream: https://brook.gs/2F8zsub


Noon Thursday: The American Enterprise Institute is holding a post-election event. Details and livestream: http://bit.ly/2qwpokD


Today is National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day.


By the way, Borat meddled in the U.S. elections:

Sasha Baron Cohen returned as Borat and tampered with the U.S. elections yesterday for a segment on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live.' Watch — it's just as inappropriate as you'd expect: http://bit.ly/2OtXUFR


And because this has been a politics-heavy week so far, here's a math teacher pulling one of the best pranks on his students. Amazing: http://bit.ly/2PeRjUV

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