
2018年5月30日 星期三

Is It Kosher to Protest on Shabbat?


Your Questions
Is It Kosher to Protest on Shabbat?

Is It Kosher to Protest on Shabbat?

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Does "Kvetch" Mean?

What Does "Kvetch" Mean?

It's an ancient Jewish tradition, dating back to Abraham himself.

Why Is My Life So Hard?

Why Is My Life So Hard?

The smooth and easy times may be pleasant, but the riches of life come when things take hard work.

By Aron Moss


The Inside Scoop on the Prophet Ezekiel

The Inside Scoop on the Prophet Ezekiel

Ezekiel spent the bulk of his life in Babylonia, where he envisioned most of his prophecies.

By Yehuda Altein and Alex Heppenheimer


Jewish News
Mrs. Devorah Groner, 92, Pioneering Australian Jewish Leader

Mrs. Devorah Groner, 92, Pioneering Australian Jewish Leader

Early educator in the U.S. and longtime emissary of the Rebbe to Melbourne

By Menachem Posner

Q&A: The Never-Ending Work of Caring for Victims of Terror in Israel

Q&A: The Never-Ending Work of Caring for Victims of Terror in Israel

Rabbi Menachem Kutner talks about the work of Chabad Terror Victims Project

By Carin M. Smilk

Autism Is No Barrier for Munich Boy’s Bar Mitzvah

Autism Is No Barrier for Munich Boy's Bar Mitzvah

Chabad emissaries' unique celebration and video for their son with special needs

By Howard Blas


Dealing With Customer Service Infuriates Me!

Dealing With Customer Service Infuriates Me!

As I've grown older, I have tried to control my temper better and been fairly successful. Unfortunately, there's one area of my life where I find this infinitely challenging.

By Rosally Saltsman

My 10 Favorite Jewish Moments

My 10 Favorite Jewish Moments

By Yvette Miller


Wouldn't Your Cat Be Better Off in the Wild?

Wouldn't Your Cat Be Better Off in the Wild?

Cats sometimes show a wild feral side that makes you wonder: Are cats really happy about being domestic animals? Which, by the way, is a question we might raise about ourselves; a question raised by Chassidut.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (4:12)
Why It's a Mitzvah to Sleep

Why It's a Mitzvah to Sleep

Although he may not feel it, every journey in a Jew's life is ordained by his Creator and part of his Godly mission.

Watch (6:34)

The Jealous Neighbor

The Jealous Neighbor

When the two neighbors would pass each other in the yard, the scholar would throw the crass materialist a look of contempt and hurry on to his holy pursuits.

By Yanki Tauber


Faith and Friendship

Faith and Friendship

After all that had happened – the miracles, the exodus, the division of the sea, food from heaven, water from a rock, the revelation at Sinai and the covenant that went with it – the people, yet again, were complaining about the food. And not because they were hungry; merely because they were bored.

By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe on the Parshah

Enjoy four short thoughts and a video adapted from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Parshat Behaalotecha.

Compiled by Mordechai Rubin


Easy Confit Garlic

Easy Confit Garlic

By Miriam Szokovski

Shabbat in Jerusalem

Shabbat in Jerusalem

By Moshe Braun


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