
2018年5月28日 星期一

Tipsheet: GOP leaders scramble to contain immigration rebellion

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GOP leaders scramble to contain immigration rebellion
By Mike Lillis
Republican leaders are facing long odds as they scramble to thwart an internal rebellion over immigration just months before November’s midterms.

The leaders are attempting to broker a deal that satisfies competing factions of their restive conference and defuses a push by mutinous centrists threatening to force action to protect young undocumented immigrants in a series of head-to-head floor votes that would highlight deep GOP divisions over an issue that has long been radioactive within the party.
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House immigration fight could boost vulnerable Republicans
By Ben Kamisar
Vulnerable House Republicans are hoping a high-stakes clash with GOP leadership over immigration reform can help them in tough races that could determine the House majority.
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Midterms will be referendum on Trump
By Juan Williams
OPINION | With less than six months to go to the midterm elections, Republicans think they have Democrats in an impeachment trap.
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US officials travel to North Korea to prepare for summit despite uncertainty
By Mallory Shelbourne
American officials on Sunday traveled to North Korea to gear up for a possible summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump, which was canceled last week but both sides appear to hope could still take place.
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Giuliani rails against Mueller probe
By Mallory Shelbourne
Presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani made his rounds on the Sunday morning political shows, railing against special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s election meddling.
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Trump bemoans 'young and beautiful lives' destroyed by Russia probe
By Mallory Shelbourne
President Trump on Sunday said the investigation into Russia’s election interference has "destroyed" and "devastated" lives.
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Maxine Waters: Most Americans don’t understand ‘something is terribly wrong’ between Trump and Russia
By Avery Anapol
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on Sunday expressed concern that Americans do not fully understand what she called the “danger” of President Trump and his actions regarding the Russia investigation.
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More than 60 Dem lawmakers demand ethics investigation into Trump's relationship with China
By Mary Tyler March
More than 60 Democratic representatives are demanding an ethics investigation into President Trump's ties to China, following the president's recent push to rescue Chinese telecommunications firm ZTE.
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GOP rep says he’s leaving Congress because ‘all I do is answer questions about Donald Trump’
By Luis Sanchez
Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.) said that he is leaving Congress in part because all he is ever asked about is President Trump.
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Reporter accuses Melania Trump’s spokeswoman of creating an ‘atmosphere of hate’ after Twitter feud
By Luis Sanchez
A CNN White House correspondent on Sunday accused first lady Melania Trump’s spokesperson of creating an “atmosphere of hate."
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Trump will never sacrifice American security in dealing with North Korea
By Rebeccah Heinrichs
OPINION | President Trump has, for now, cancelled the highly anticipated June summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The stated reason for his decision was the recent statements from a senior North Korean official in which she threatened nuclear war. According to press reports, North Korean officials had also not been responding to U.S. correspondence and stood up U.S. officials. No doubt there is more the public does not know. There are a few points worth considering.
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Those who serve deserve our best, but never have so many depended on so few
By Jeffrey Phillips
OPINION | Among the sacred honors to befall a military officer away from the battlefield is to give a Memorial Day address.
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The Washington Post: Trump blames Democrats for separating migrant families at the border, reigniting political uproar over immigration
By Seung Min Kim
Despite President Trump’s misleading tweet, there is no law mandating the separation of children and parents detained at the border — only the policies of his own administration.
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Reuters: Trump's 'Spygate' is a 'diversion tactic': Senator Flake
By Reuters staff
Republican U.S. Senator Jeff Flake, who has not ruled out running against Donald Trump for the White House, on Sunday criticized as a “diversion tactic” the president’s unsubstantiated allegation last week of an FBI “spy” being planted in his election campaign.
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The Wall Street Journal: The split-screen existence of Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein
By Sadie Gurman
Attorney general’s recusal from Russia probe gives him space to pursue immigration and crime policies.
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The New York Times: Evangelicals, led by Franklin Graham, fight for California
By Elizabeth Dias
As the primary approaches, Mr. Graham, the son of the late Billy Graham, is preaching faith-based politics across California, a battleground state with a vast pool of evangelical Christian voters.
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The Associated Press: Pipeline stance complicates Heitkamp’s 2nd term Senate hopes
By James MacPherson
Standing Rock Sioux tribal member Marlo Hunte-Beaubrun went door to door on North Dakota’s largest American Indian reservations in 2012 turning out the tribal vote to help put Democrat Heidi Heitkamp in the U.S. Senate. Six years later, with Heitkamp fighting hard to win a second term, Hunte-Beaubrun is staying on the sidelines.
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