
2018年9月27日 星期四

Henry Ford Sr. and My Renewed Sense of Jewish Pride


Simchat Torah
15 Simchat Torah Facts Every Jew Should Know

15 Simchat Torah Facts Every Jew Should Know

Simchat Torah ("The Joy of the Torah") is the day when we finish the annual Torah-reading cycle and begin anew. Learn 15 facts that you may not have known!

By Menachem Posner

Henry Ford Sr. and My Renewed Sense of Jewish Pride

Henry Ford Sr. and My Renewed Sense of Jewish Pride

On Simchat Torah, and during the coming year, I won't be dwelling on hatred. Instead, I will focus my mind and heart on kindness, on unity, and on a renewed sense of Jewish pride

By Peter Himmelman

Simchat Torah All Year Round

Simchat Torah All Year Round

Why the High Holidays? Why Not the Day of the Birthright Dance?!

By Tzvi Freeman

A Whole-Hearted Affair

A Whole-Hearted Affair

The Torah doesn't end in a nice tidy way at the end of the Jewish year because life and learning are messy affairs without straight lines and clean edges.

By Hanna Perlberger


Your Questions
Why Stay in the Sukkah When It is Raining?

Why Stay in the Sukkah When It is Raining?

If sitting in the sukkah bothers you, like in wet weather, you can leave and eat inside the house.Nevertheless, many people refuse to eat outside of the sukkah. When you understand what the sukkah is, you'll see why.

By Aron Moss

Why an Italian Etrog?

Why an Italian Etrog?

Many, including Chabad, prefer "Calabria etrogim," grown on the southern Italian coast in the region of Calabria. Why are these etrogim so prized?

by Yehuda Shurpin


Sukkot Essays
Being Happy About Our Happiness

Being Happy About Our Happiness

Happiness isn't about getting it right all the time, but about making the choice to try.

By Jonah S.C. Muskat-Brown

Sukkot, Ushpizin, and Disability Inclusion

Sukkot, Ushpizin, and Disability Inclusion

Is Your Sukkah Wheelchair Accessible?

By Sharon Shapiro-Lacks


Why We Dance on Simchat Torah

Why We Dance on Simchat Torah

Growing Weekly: Simchat Torah

By Michoel Gourarie

Watch (2:41)
Playing the Fool

Playing the Fool

"Ech Ti" is a chasidic nigun first taught by the Rebbe on Simchas Torah 5718 – 1958. Its words, in Hebrew and Belarusian, revolve around a fool who travels to a market, but doesn't actually buy or sell anything.

Watch (8:46)

Jewish News
Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman, 88, Principal and Teacher

Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman, 88, Principal and Teacher

Known for his unending belief in the potential of each child

By Menachem Posner and Dovid Margolin

When a Private Sukkah Costs $4 Million, Where Do We Eat?

When a Private Sukkah Costs $4 Million, Where Do We Eat?

How Manhattan's Upper East Siders do the holiday mitzvahs

By Howard Blas

In France, It’s Sukkot for Visitors to the Ryder Cup

In France, It's Sukkot for Visitors to the Ryder Cup

Growing Jewish life in suburban Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

By Mordechai Lightstone


The Dry Sukkah and the Holy Bagel Seller

The Dry Sukkah and the Holy Bagel Seller

With no destination to guide him, he slowly traversed sprawling forests and small towns, hoping to finally encounter what his rebbe had in mind.

By Asharon Baltazar

The Case of the Missing Etrog

The Case of the Missing Etrog

On the cosmic mitzvah scale there really is no difference if I make a blessing over my lulav-and-etrog set, or if that same set is used by a Jew on the streets of Brooklyn.... mitzvah = mitzvah, right?

By Chaya Shuchat


Warm Fall Salad: Black Rice with Sweet Potato, Parsley, & Pomegranate

Warm Fall Salad: Black Rice with Sweet Potato, Parsley, & Pomegranate

By Miriam Szokovski


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