
2018年9月28日 星期五

The Hill's 12:30 Report — Sponsored by Delta Air Lines — Senate panel to vote on Kavanaugh confirmation today | Flake to vote 'yes' | Donnelly, Tester to vote 'no' | Dems walk out in protest | GOP rejects effort to subpoena Mark Judge | Which senators to watch ahead of floor vote | Takeaways from Thursday testimony | House GOP invites Rosenstein to testify | House passes opioids bill, then cancels October votes

The Hill 12:30 Report
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Jeff Flake has decided to vote "yes" on Brett Kavanaugh:


Retiring GOP Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.), who was on the fence about Kavanaugh's nomination even after yesterday's testimony, has decided to vote "yes" to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. His reasoning: "While some may argue that a different standard should apply regarding the Senate's advice and consent responsibilities, I believe that the constitution's provisions of fairness and due process apply here as well." http://bit.ly/2OgW678


Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly (Ind.) says he will vote against Judge Kavanaugh. He's a Democrat -- why is this important?: Donnelly is in a tough reelection race in a state where President Trump won in 2016. He was also one of the three Democrats who voted in favor for Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017. Donnelly's reasoning: http://bit.ly/2xVVY2Q


Red state Democrat Sen. Jon Tester (Mont.) also just announced he will oppose Kavanaugh's nomination. http://bit.ly/2Qhx0lT


Flake passes on his turn to speak: "Flake gets up from his side and walks over to the Democrats side, taps Coons on the shoulder. Leahy and Klobuchar follow all walk out of hearing room together." http://bit.ly/2QhjhLU


^Hmmmm: The Washington Post's Seung Min Kim just tweeted, "Something weird is happening -- lots of chatter among Democrats after Coons and Klobuchar returned from their talk with Flake." http://bit.ly/2xSc5OA


Lol: "Multiple members of press corps break out the protein/granola bars." http://bit.ly/2DBIIWT



The other swing senator who has made up his mind: Last night after the hearing, Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said he has decided to vote for Kavanaugh. http://bit.ly/2R6tnAs


The senators who will likely decide it all: Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) are still undecided. 


The math: To block the nomination, Democrats need every member of their conference to vote "no," including red state Democrats (cough, Joe Manchin) plus two Republicans. It will likely come down to Collins and Murkowski.


Tidbit -- those senators huddled last night: Undecided Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) met in a Capitol hideaway office to discuss Kavanaugh. http://bit.ly/2OibrEl


When debate on the Senate floor could start: As early as Saturday.


Dem tries to subpoena Mark Judge but fails: Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) tried to subpoena Mark Judge, but Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee rejected the effort. Keep in mind: Christine Blasey Ford alleges that Judge was a witness to the sexual assault involving Brett Kavanaugh. http://bit.ly/2NRayn6


The committee vote: The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at 1:30 p.m. EDT. Livestream of the hearing: https://cs.pn/2zBN9Nr


Four Democrats walked out of the hearing room: When Republicans voted to schedule a 1:30 p.m. committee vote on Kavanaugh, four Democratic senators walked out, causing a burst of activity. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) yelled on her way out: "I strongly object. This is just totally ridiculous. What a railroad job. My answer is no, no, no!"  http://bit.ly/2xWAzX3


This exchange has been getting a ton of traction:



Watch: http://bit.ly/2Na3ywe



Tidbit -- when Sen. Klobuchar was speaking: "Not a single GOP senator is consistently looking at [Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)] as she speaks with clear emotion right now. Some occasionally talking to each other, most looking down at papers or cell phones. Cruz paying the most attention." http://bit.ly/2xWxqqg


 Live blog of updates from the Senate Judiciary Committee: http://bit.ly/2OegOof


It's Friday -- what a week. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com, @CateMartel and on Facebook.


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The House passes an opioids bill:

Via The Hill's Peter Sullivan, "The House on Friday overwhelmingly passed legislation aimed at fighting the opioid epidemic, a moment of bipartisanship amid a series of fierce partisan battles. The bill, which passed 393-8, is the product of months of work in both chambers, and the Senate is expected to soon send the measure to President Trump's desk." http://bit.ly/2DDfqqW


House Republicans just cancelled the remaining two weeks that the chamber was scheduled to be in session before the midterm elections. The next time the House will meet: On Nov. 13. http://bit.ly/2N8utIB


Step into our office:

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said House Republicans have decided to invite Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to testify to explain his alleged comments about wearing a wire to secretly record President TrumpBut before you think the invitation is a polite gesture: "If Mr. Rosenstein fails to show up, we will subpoena him," Meadows tweeted. http://bit.ly/2DEvAAo


House conservatives had threatened to force an impeachment vote if Rosenstein refused to testify. Leaders of the caucus met with House GOP leaders and came to this agreement. http://bit.ly/2DEvAAo


I think everyone could use a beer after yesterday's stirring testimonies:

"Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh combined to provide one of the most dramatic and memorable hearings in Senate history on Thursday." Via The Hill's Jordain Carney and Emily Birnbaum, here are five takeaways: http://bit.ly/2QawE0c


Kavanaugh came out in a fury: Kavanaugh called the Senate's confirmation process "a national disgrace." http://bit.ly/2NaPkuW


On the accusations affecting his family: "As was predictable and I predicted, my family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed by vicious and false additional accusations. The 10-day delay has been harmful to me and my family, to the Supreme Court and to the country." http://bit.ly/2R7RWgz


On his time in high school: "I drank beer with my friends. Almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer. But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out, and I never sexually assaulted anyone." http://bit.ly/2NO4GLg


On the 'Renate Alumnius' reference from his yearbook: "'Renate Alumnius' was intended to show affection and 'that she was one of us.' 'I'm so sorry to her for that yearbook reference,' Kavanaugh says." http://bit.ly/2R3crL4


On Christine Blasey Ford: "My family and I mean no ill will to Dr. Ford and her family." http://bit.ly/2QagjZq


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) yells at his Democratic colleagues: Graham's speech has received a lot of attention. Watch: http://bit.ly/2NNC2tt


Ford and Kavanaugh didn't watch each other's testimony: Neither Judge Brett Kavanaugh nor Christine Blasey Ford tuned in to watch each other's testimony. http://bit.ly/2NNNjKA


Police have zip ties to arrest protesters: But there haven't been many disruptions. Photo: http://bit.ly/2QfWYpN


Video of Kavanaugh walking into the back room for a break: http://bit.ly/2OW3bHr


On Kavanaugh's demeanor -- from a reporter who has covered Kavanaugh in court: "I've covered the DC Circuit for years, and been at numerous hearings where Kavanaugh was on the panel. His demeanor at this hearing so far is very, very different from his demeanor in court. Some judges get fiery/wound up on the bench, I've never seen that with Kavanaugh." (From BuzzFeed's Zoe Tillman) http://bit.ly/2R5i3EN


The room is silent: "When the camera shutters aren't going off, you can hear a pin drop in this room." (Via CBS's Jack Turman III) http://bit.ly/2DL9D2y


How Kavanaugh's opening statement was written: "Kavanaugh takes over. Source close to him says he wrote every word of his statement. It was not precleared by the White House. 100% Kavanaugh." http://bit.ly/2Qh5Yep


Photo of Republican senators watching the hearing: http://bit.ly/2zBRgt5


A women's march mobilized in Washington: Video: http://bit.ly/2OVDTsX


Whether Republican House members watched: "I asked 10 House Republicans if they've been watching the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing today. No one has. They've all been in meetings all day." (Via The Hill's Scott Wong) http://bit.ly/2R6xrAI


Lol, here's a couple watching the hearing on the NYC subway: http://bit.ly/2NQhhNR 


Actress Alyssa Milano was there: The Philadelphia Inquirer's Jonathan Tamari tweeted, "My day off to a bang up start: as reporters crowd around a witness here to support Blasey Ford, I asked her to please tell us her name and spell it. 'Alyssa Milano,' she says 'A-L...' (In my defense, I was standing behind her; at least I gave fellow reporters some laughs)." http://bit.ly/2InxHap


Everything yesterday was hard to watch: Here's a photo of Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) in the hearing room: http://bit.ly/2OirOkw


Tidbit about Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), who is on the Senate Judiciary Committee: "Chris Coons is a Yale Law graduate -- class of 1992. Brett Kavanaugh is a Yale Law graduate of the class of 1990." http://bit.ly/2xIqqho


President Trump showered Kavanaugh with praise. He tweeted shortly after the hearing: "Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats' search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote!" http://bit.ly/2OgGXCW


How Trump's tax law passed:

Check out the latest in The Hill's behind the scenes look at the passage of the Republican tax law. One key moment: When the GOP added sweeteners. "All along, GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski knew she was going to get what she wanted. The Alaska Republican had been trying to for more than 15 years to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to drilling. And at some point, the provision was going to be added to the tax-cut bill." How that affected the process: http://bit.ly/2InLuOd



*Cue snide laugh*:

Journalists beat lawmakers in a charity spelling bee at the National Press Club last night. Details from The Hill's Kenna Sturgeon: http://bit.ly/2R7Cv7N


Hey, Malia, hey!:

Former first daughter Malia Obama made her first appearance in a music video. The song: "Walking on Air" by the New Dakotas. Watch: http://bit.ly/2DBoVH5



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Wow, this is spot-on:


The House is out. The Senate meets later today. President Trump is in the White House and Vice President Pence has no public events on his calendar.


11:15 a.m. EDT: President Trump received an intelligence briefing.


Noon: President Trump signed the Department of Defense and Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act and Continuing Appropriations Act. Keep in mind: That was closed press.


1:50 p.m. EDT: President Trump meets with Chilean President Sebastián Piñera.


2 p.m. EDT: The Senate meets. 


2 p.m. EDT: The Senate debates reauthorization of the FAA. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2NcYDLa


Today is National Strawberry Cream Pie Day.


This may even be better than goat yoga:

Here's a café where alpacas roam and hang out with customers. Watch: http://bit.ly/2QgAZiF


Back story on goat yoga if you don't remember --> http://bit.ly/2P14fda 


And because we need something light to end the week, here's an elephant who breaks the sprinkler and creates his own fountain: http://bit.ly/2DBoVH5

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