
2019年2月13日 星期三

Can Humanoids Be Jewish?


The You of Moses

The You of Moses

Moses threatens to leave the Torah, gets put back in, gets left out of our Parshah, but is there more than ever. The result: a rehabilitated people and a more profound Torah.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Clothes Do Make the Man: Why Your Mother Was Right

Clothes Do Make the Man: Why Your Mother Was Right

There is a saying that our life is a gift from G‑d, but that what we do with that life is our gift back to G‑d. In order to make that remotely meaningful, we have to understand the exalted essence of a human being.

By Hanna Perlberger

High Fashion

High Fashion

Why the need to engrave the names twice on the High Priest's garments? And why the change in form from one tribe on twelve stones to six tribes on two stones?

By Menachem Feldman


By the Numbers
15 Facts About Reb Zusha of Anipoli

15 Facts About Reb Zusha of Anipoli

Learn fascinating facts about Reb Zusha of Annipoli, who was one of the most beloved stars in the constellation of the third generation of Chassidic masters.

By Menachem Posner


Who Needs to Know How Awesome You Really Are?

Who Needs to Know How Awesome You Really Are?

The natural craving that each person has for recognition from other human beings sometimes swells without bounds into a monstrous desire for fame. The secret essence of fame, however, appears only in the "loneliest" moments with G-d.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (3:54)
Wool and Linen—Shatnez

Wool and Linen—Shatnez

The priestly garments were allowed to contain an admixture of wool and linen that is normally forbidden. Why is this? And why is it normally prohibited?

By Mendel Kaplan

Watch (1:15:26)
The Inner Moses

The Inner Moses

The seventh of Adar marks the birth of Moses, which came in the wake of Pharaoh's decree that all newborn Jewish boys be cast into the Nile. It was not only a decree against the Jews as a whole; it was a decree targeted specifically against Moses himself.

Watch (6:43)

Judaism Didn't Fix My Life, I Need to Do It

Judaism Didn't Fix My Life, I Need to Do It

I thought that when I discovered Torah Judaism 12 years ago, it would fix me.

By Mindy Rubenstein


Your Questions
Can Humanoids Be Jewish?

Can Humanoids Be Jewish?

From Golems to AI

by Yehuda Shurpin

Why Is G-d Rejecting Me?

Why Is G-d Rejecting Me?

It's like G‑d is saying, "I don't want your mitzvot; I don't want your good deeds. Can you get any lower than being rejected by G‑d?

By Rosally Saltsman


It Wasn’t Even a Sacrifice

It Wasn't Even a Sacrifice

"I hereby give you as an absolute gift, for now until eternity, my complete portion in the world to come. If I have any reward waiting for me in paradise, it's yours."

By Elisha Greenbaum


Easy “Unstuffed Cabbage” Soup

Easy "Unstuffed Cabbage" Soup

By Miriam Szokovski

Art: Fish for Adar

Art: Fish for Adar

By Leah Silinsky


Jewish News
Rabbi Mendel Baumgarten, 92, Dedicated Teacher of Torah

Rabbi Mendel Baumgarten, 92, Dedicated Teacher of Torah

Volunteer head of Crown Heights congregation influenced thousands

By Menachem Posner

Israelis Mourn 19-Year-Old Volunteer Murdered in Jerusalem Forest

Israelis Mourn 19-Year-Old Volunteer Murdered in Jerusalem Forest

Vigils and protests mounted for Ori Ansbacher, a 'gentle soul'

By Yehuda Sugar

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, 67, ‘A Warm Heart’ Who Supported Jewish Causes Worldwide

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, 67, 'A Warm Heart' Who Supported Jewish Causes Worldwide

Provided $1.5 billion for programs helping Jews in 50 countries

By Dovid Margolin


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