
2017年12月15日 星期五

Breaking News: Rubio now a yes on the GOP tax bill

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Rubio now a yes on the GOP tax bill
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will support the GOP's tax bill now that the child tax credit has been expanded.

The Florida Republican is telling colleagues he is a yes on the bill after having threatened to vote against it on Thursday, a source told The Hill.
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Congress rushes to pass tax reform, funding before holidays

By Sylvan Lane

Republicans are rushing to finish their massive rewrite of the tax code and pass a government funding bill before Christmas.

Senate and House Republicans struck an agreement Wednesday on a sweeping tax-cut bill that, if passed, would be the first major piece of legislation signed by President Trump.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) told reporters the bill would be released Friday at 5:30 p.m.

Senate GOP leaders plan to hold an initial procedural vote on Monday, a final Senate vote Tuesday and then send the measure to the House for final passage.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) heralded the development as something that would boost the middle class.

"We want to take more money out of Washington's pocket and put more money into the pockets of the middle class. I'm confident the conference committee will finalize a bill that does just that," he tweeted.

GOP leaders are looking to solidify Senate support for the bill, with two Republicans saying they can't support the bill as written.

The final bill will increase the amount of the refundable child tax credit to $1,400, Rep. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) told reporters Friday, as leaders seek to win the vote of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

The refundable amount was $1,100 in the Senate-passed tax bill, but Rubio on Thursday said that wasn't good enough. He has threatened to vote against the bill unless the refundable amount of the credit is increased.

It's unclear whether the change will be enough to satisfy him.

A spokeswoman for Rubio said Friday they had not yet seen the text of the bill, but warned that unless the percentage of the refundable credit is significantly higher, Rubio's position would remain the same.

"Can only support bill if % of the 2K #ChildTaxCredit available to #workingclass parents is increased to % meaningfully higher than 55%," Rubio tweeted Friday morning.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah ) said he was undecided about the bill until he saw the increase in the refundable child tax credit. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) voted against the Senate tax bill, citing concerns about its impact on the deficit. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted for the initial bill, but objected to a chance that decreases the tax rate for top earners.

The absence of two GOP senators is also creating uncertainty about the timing of the chamber's vote on tax legislation.

Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) have both missed recent Senate votes, and one of their votes will likely be needed to pass the bill.

Republican leadership signaled on Thursday that the exact timing of the vote, and which chamber will move first, is now being hashed out.

"I don't know the answer to that question. It's all about timing and managing absences in the Senate. ... We're simply being flexible to honor their concerns about managing their schedule and some possible absences," Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters.

Congress is also scrambling to extend government funding before it expires on December 22. House Republicans introduced legislation on Wednesday that would fund most of the government through mid-January and fund the Defense Department through the end of the 2018 fiscal year.

But Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) warned that proposal is dead on arrival in the Senate, where 44 of the Democratic caucus's 48 members have indicated they won't support it.

Democrats say any increase in defense spending should be equally matched with more funding for non-defense matters.

Congress faces a Dec. 22 deadline to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. Lawmakers also need to get a deal to lift the budget caps before mid-January if they want to avoid automatic spending cuts under sequestration.

President Trump's nominee to lead the Export-Import Bank also appears unlikely to survive a scheduled committee vote in the coming week.

Scott Garrett, a former Republican lawmaker from New Jersey who endured a rough confirmation hearing in November, has yet to secure enough support in the Senate Banking Committee to advance his nomination.

The Senate Banking Committee is holding a hearing on Tuesday to consider Garrett's nomination, along with four other nominees that would provide the bank with a quorum for the first time in two years.

On Tuesday, Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) said he wouldn't make any predictions about how the vote will go.

"I'll let the senators speak for themselves," Crapo said.


Your week ahead:


Senate Banking Committee: Vote on Scott Garrett to be President, Kimberly A. Reed to be First Vice President, Mark L. Greenblatt to be Inspector General, and Spencer Bachus III, Judith Delzoppo Pryor and Claudia Slacik each to be a Member of the Board of Directors, all of the Export-Import Bank, 10 a.m.


Recap the week with Overnight Finance:

Monday: Scorekeeper says House tax bill won't pay for itself | Fight over Treasury's analysis of tax plan | GOP worries about tax bill's unpopularity | What's ahead in year end spending fight

Tuesday: GOP eyes raising corporate rate, lowering individual rate | House to link defense spending to stopgap bill | Senate Dems play hardball on funding | House package would delay ObamaCare taxes | Dem AGs blast Mulvaney as consumer chief

Wednesday: GOP leaders strike deal on tax bill | Vote expected next week | Trump makes last pitch for tax bill | Fed hikes rates for third time this year

Thursday: Rubio to vote 'no' unless bill expands child tax credit | Senate absences could delay vote on tax bill | Trump touts deregulation | Labor board overrules joint-employer decision


Today's stories:

Ann Coulter rips Rubio for demanding child tax credit increase

GOP changes child tax credit in bid to win Rubio's vote

Bloomberg goes off on GOP tax bill: We CEOs 'don't need the money'

Welfare reform moving to center of Republican agenda


Write us with tips, suggestions and news: slane@thehill.com, vneedham@thehill.com, and njagoda@thehill.com. Follow us on Twitter: @SylvanLane, @VickofTheHill, and @NJagoda.

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The Hill's 12:30 Report: GOP changes child tax credit to try and win Rubio's support | Trump says Moore should concede | Trump rips FBI before speech to academy | Royal wedding date set | Ivanka Trump offers congratulations to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle | Viral (awkward) Uber driver texts

The Hill 12:30 Report
Trump clears his throat and snaps to his crew, 'Hit it' --  'Let it go. Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!' http://bit.ly/2BrI3Ff
How I imagine this going down with Trump belting out a song from Disney’s “Frozen.” / Source: Getty, Disney
President Trump told reporters this morning that Roy Moore should "certainly" concede the Alabama Senate race. "I think he should," Trump told reporters at the White House. "I want to support the person running. We need the seat. We'd like to have the seat." Lol, this is a nice way of saying it: When asked if Moore should concede, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "It probably sounds like it maybe should have already taken place." Watch: http://bit.ly/2ChBu5b

Happy Friday! T minus 10 days until Christmas. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.

To view the 12:30 Report online --> http://bit.ly/2zf7wjk


Maybe Senate negotiators should reconvene at the D.C. Christmas bar. I hear there's a full-sized sleigh this year http://bit.ly/2AApevR

The final Republican tax bill will increase the amount of the refundable child tax credit to $1,400, Rep. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) just told reporters. Why: Leaders are trying to win the vote of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who threatened to vote against the bill unless the child tax credit was made more generous. What was in the bill: $1,100, but Rubio said that wasn't good enough. It's unclear if this change will be enough to satisfy him. http://bit.ly/2Be8BHD

In the Senate, Republicans have 52 votes and no Democrats support the tax bill. Rubio voting "no" would make it 51 Republican "yes" votes. Who's undecided: Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) previously voted against the Senate tax bill and has not ruled out voting for the final bill. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is also undecided. Oh and: Republicans are also worried about the health of Sens. John McCain (Ariz.) and Thad Cochran (Miss.), which could also delay the vote. http://bit.ly/2BpS6ef
Stay tuned, folks.

JUST ANNOUNCED — get ready for a Friday news dump:
"Brady says final tax bill will be filed and made public at 5:30pm." http://bit.ly/2ARR37d

This late-morning tweet is getting a lot of traction — hmmmmmmmm​:
Reactions have included: "Great Bumble bio" http://bit.ly/2j9Fdu5, "you.... ok?" http://bit.ly/2yFP2VQ and "ann……………………." http://bit.ly/2jYmaDI

And on deck for next year -- welfare reform:

Via The Hill's Nathaniel Weixel, congressional Republicans and the Trump administration are eyeing welfare reform as the center of the Republican agenda for next year. How so: Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said he wants to use the fast-track reconciliation process next year for entitlement reform, with a focus on promoting work and career-based education. You should expect: An executive order from President Trump on welfare that will spell out the administration's priorities while encouraging Congress to act. http://bit.ly/2ChQmQV


I do realize that I'm feeding the addiction everyone has:

Britain's Prince Harry and his American fiancée, Meghan Markle, are getting married on Saturday, May 19. Where: "Windsor, west of London, because it was 'a special place for them,' having spent time there regularly." Uh ohhh: "However, the date they have chosen clashes with English soccer's FA Cup Final which is usually attended by Harry's elder brother Prince William who, as President of the Football Association, awards the trophy to the winners." http://reut.rs/2jWsJqr



First daughter Ivanka Trump tweeted, "Wishing Meghan and Prince Harry a lifetime of love, laughter and happiness together. I have no doubt that this couple will do extraordinary things, both individually and collectively. Congratulations!" http://bit.ly/2CgfaZx Hmmm, is this to secure an invite? If so, it's a pretty smart strategy, tbqh.

Please. Install. The. Real. World. Confessional. Booth. In. The. White. House. That's all I ask.:

White House spokesman J. Hogan Gidley ripped the FBI, saying the bureau has an "extreme bias" against President Trump. His reasoning: "It is troubling, deeply troubling, that the revelations have now come to light that there is extreme bias against this president with high-up members of the team there at the FBI who were investigating Hillary Clinton at the time," Gidley said on "Fox and Friends." "We're a little concerned at what we're seeing here. Obviously, those text messages give us quite a bit of pause and should be eye-opening at an agency that should be, quite frankly, unbiased." http://bit.ly/2AQlPNR


A few hours before speaking at the FBI's training academy, President Trump tore into the agency. On his way to Quantico, Va., where he spoke to a law enforcement leader graduation: Trump said, "It's a shame what happened to the FBI. But we're going to rebuild the FBI; it'll be bigger and better than ever." http://bit.ly/2CzxQEG


Opening in Trump Tower -- all of your first daughter accessory needs:

Ivanka Trump's fashion brand has opened its first retail outlet located in Trump Tower in New York City. The gilded shop in Trump Tower's lobby sells handbags, shoes, jewelry and other gifts. Why that's some real estate: Moving into Trump Tower places the storefront in one of the most secure buildings in the world. It costs upward of $149,000 per day to protect Trump Tower when the president is out of town, according to Bloomberg, and that cost jumps to $1 million per day when the president stays at his signature building. http://bit.ly/2yDRP1S


This video is incredible:
Watch: http://bit.ly/2zeAlN7

This screenshot vent viral:

The House and Senate are out until next week. 

President Trump was in Quantico, Va., to address the FBI's training academy this morning and will head to Camp David this afternoon. Vice President Pence has no public events on his schedule.

1:25 p.m. EST: President Trump arrives at Camp David.

Saturday: Nog Fest at the new D.C. Wharf. Details: http://bit.ly/2BSUcAo


This morning: President Trump participated in the FBI National Academy graduation ceremony. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2Awz3en


"Fox News Sunday": Alabama Sen.-elect Doug Jones (D); Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

NBC's "Meet the Press": The panel will include Republican strategist Al Cardenas, The New York Times's Helene Cooper, former Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter and syndicated columnist George Will.

CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS": Journalists Susan Glasser, Luke Harding, Zanny Minton Beddoes and David Frum; Former U.K. Foreign Secretary David Miliband; former Goldman Sachs Global Markets Institute President Abby Joseph Cohen; and author Ruchir Sharma.

Today is National Lemon Cupcake Day. Tomorrow is National Chocolate Covered Anything Day and Sunday is National Maple Syrup Day. 

Washingtonian readers have good taste in food:
Washingtonian released its list of its readers' favorite restaurants in 2017. Some of these categories are making me very hungry. http://bit.ly/2ChTvjH
And because you've almost made it to the weekend, here's a baby who is actually snowboarding before her first birthday. I'm extremely impressed. http://bit.ly/2ku7vzw
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