
2017年12月19日 星期二

Overnight Defense: Japan to purchase US missile defense system | US blames North Korea for global cyberattack | UN to hold new vote on Jerusalem decision

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THE TOPLINE: Worries about North Korea were front and center Tuesday.

Japan on Tuesday formally approved the purchase of a U.S.-made, land-based missile defense system to counter the increasing threat from the isolated country.

"North Korea's nuclear missile development poses a new level of threat to Japan and as we have done in the past we will ensure that we are able to defend ourselves with a drastic improvement in ballistic missile defense," a statement issued by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Cabinet said, according to multiple reports.

The Cabinet approved a proposal to build two Aegis Ashore batteries, a move that was widely expected.

The sites will likely cost at least $2 billion without the missiles, according to Reuters, and are expected to be operational around 2023 at the earliest.

Japan already has Aegis capability on four warships, as well as Patriot missile defense batteries, but the Aegis Ashore system is meant to add another layer of defenses.

The Hill's Rebecca Kheel has the rest here. 


The new missile defense sale to Japan comes as tensions between the Trump administration and North Korea ratcheted up further Tuesday after the U.S. publicly blamed Pyongyang for a global cyberattack that crippled Britain's National Health Service and damaged systems at government agencies in other countries.

The decision to call out North Korea for the WannaCry cyberattack is significant because the U.S. has only on rare occasions called out other nations for orchestrating cyberattacks.

"We do not make this allegation lightly," White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert told reporters Tuesday. "North Korea has acted especially badly, largely unchecked for more than a decade."

The Hill's Morgan Chalfant has that story here.


SOUTH KOREA LOOKS TO CURTAIL MILITARY EXERCISES WITH US AHEAD OF OLYMPICS: South Korean president President Moon Jae-in said Tuesday that he is willing to cut back on frequent military exercises with the United States to ease tensions with North Korea ahead of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

"It is possible for South Korea and the U.S. to review the possibility of postponing the exercises," Moon said in an interview with NBC News.

"I've made such a suggestion to the U.S., and the U.S. is currently reviewing it. However, all this depends on how North Korea behaves," he added.

The 2018 Winter Olympics start February in Pyeongchang, roughly 50 miles from the demilitarized zone with North Korea.

Read more about that here.


National security adviser H.R. McMaster said in a Tuesday morning interview that North Korea is a "grave direct threat" to all countries, including Russia and China. 

McMaster also said he does not believe the world can allow North Korea to develop nuclear weapons. 

"I don't think we can tolerate that risk. The world can't tolerate that risk," McMaster told "CBS This Morning" when asked if the United States and a nuclear North Korea can "coexist." 

Read the rest here.


UN TO HOLD EMERGENCY MEETING, NEW VOTE ON TRUMP'S JERUSALEM DECISION: The United Nations General Assembly will reportedly hold an emergency session on Thursday to discuss President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

At that meeting, the General Assembly is set to vote on a resolution calling on the Trump administration to withdraw that decision, according to Reuters.

The vote comes on the heels of a U.N. Security Council vote seeking to nullify any move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The U.S., which wields veto power on the council, rejected that resolution, effectively killing it.

Unlike on the Security Council, however, the U.S. does not have the power to veto resolutions put before the General Assembly. 

Read more on that here.


HALEY: THE US 'WILL BE TAKING NAMES' WHEN UN VOTES: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley warned the international body on Tuesday that the U.S. "will be taking names" when the U.N. General Assembly votes this week on the resolution.

"At the UN we're always asked to do more & give more," Haley wrote on Twitter. "So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don't expect those we've helped to target us. On Thurs there'll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names."

The anticipated General Assembly vote comes days after Haley vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution that would seek to nullify any move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Read the rest here.



-- The Hill: Hundreds demand US, UK, French action to end Yemen civil war

-- The Hill: Dems push for Homeland Security, FBI briefing on Russian attacks on voting systems

-- The Hill: Russia: Trump's national security strategy shows 'imperialist character'

-- The Hill: China calls Trump national security strategy 'selfish'

--The Hill: Trump taps nominee to lead State Department's East Asia office

-- The Hill: Opinion: On North Korea, China is no partner

-- The Hill: Opinion: President Trump's national security strategy is a win for America

-- Defense News: Here's how the Trump administration could make it easier to sell military drones


Please send tips and comments to Rebecca Kheel, rkheel@thehill.com, and Ellen Mitchell, emitchell@thehill.com.

Follow us on Twitter: @thehill@Rebecca_H_K@EllenMitchell23

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News Alert: GOP celebrates as final tax vote nears

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GOP celebrates as final tax vote nears
Republicans edged closer Tuesday to securing their first major legislative victory of the Trump era after the House approved a sweeping tax-cut bill that left Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and his allies euphoric amid an often-frustrating year of unified GOP rule.

The House will have to vote again on the bill Wednesday because the Senate’s parliamentarian ruled provisions in the bill did not comply with the budget rules of reconciliation, which Republicans are using to avoid a Democratic filibuster in the Senate.
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Overnight Energy: Senate close to approving Arctic drilling | EPA cancels controversial media tracking contract | Trump officials sound alarm on mineral imports

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SENATE TO VOTE ON TAX BILL WITH ANWR DRILLING: The Senate is due to vote late Tuesday on the Republicans' tax overhaul bill, which would open Alaska's federally owned Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil drilling.

The House voted on the measure earlier Tuesday by a vote of 227 to 203, with all but 12 Republicans voting for it and Democrats joining those 12 against it. But then, the Senate's parliamentarian found three issues that would prevent the bill from passing with a 51-vote threshold.

Senate Republicans plan to fix those issues before the Senate votes, but it will necessitate a new House vote. It will then go to President Trump's desk, where he plans to sign it.

In a lengthy speech before the House vote, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) brought up ANWR drilling as what he saw as yet another great provision in the bill.

"Some people have been working here since I was in the second grade on this project," he said, pointing to Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), who has been pushing for ANWR drilling for more than four decades. Young cheered back.

"After decades and decades in this chamber, we are opening up a small non-wilderness area of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge for responsible development," Ryan said. "That is the most ambitious step we have taken in years to secure our own energy future."

Republicans are joined in their support for ANWR drilling by most Alaskans, the state's leaders, most Alaska Native tribes and the oil and natural gas industry.

Democrats kept up their fight against the bill and the ANWR provision.

"The Arctic Wildlife Refuge is really known as the last great wilderness in our country, one of the great last wild places," said Sen. Maria Cantwell (Wash.), top Democrat on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. "But this legislation turns that on its head. It would make oil and gas development one of the statutory purposes of the wildlife refuge."

Under the bill, the Interior Department would be instructed to hold at least two auctions for oil and natural gas drilling rights in ANWR's small coastal plain area within the next 10 years. Lawmakers predict it will bring in $2.2 billion in 10 years, half of which will go to the state.


EPA, PR FIRM CUT TIES: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Definers Corp. said Tuesday that they'd decided to end their $120,000 media tracking contract.

The decision followed days of sharp criticism from Democrats and environmentalists and critical media reports. Definers works for numerous Republican political clients, and shares staff and offices with America Rising PAC and related GOP political groups.

Mother Jones first reported on the contract on Friday, followed by reports in the New York Times and elsewhere about how a Definers executive has been investigating EPA employees for potential anti-Trump bias.

The EPA and Definers repeatedly defended the contract, saying it is only for tracking EPA media coverage and that Definers is separate from America Rising.

"How we consume our news has changed, and we hope to find a vendor that can provide us with real-time news clips at a rate that is cheaper than our previous vendor," EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox said Tuesday.

Joe Pounder, the president of Definers Public Affairs, said the firm would end its work with federal government clients and instead focus on its corporate clients.

"Definers offered EPA a better and more efficient news clipping service that would give EPA's employees real-time news at a lower cost than what previous Administrations paid for more antiquated clipping services. But it's become clear this will become a distraction," said Pounder.

Pounder also said Definers would forgo contract bids for four other government agencies that "expressed interest" in the firm's services.

Read more here.


ZINKE ALARMED OVER RELIANCE ON FOREIGN MINERALS: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke used the release of a report by his department Tuesday to sound an alarm bell over the United States' reliance on imported, foreign minerals, and call for more domestic production.

The report from the Interior Department's U.S. Geological Survey found that the nation is 100 percent dependent on foreign imports for 20 key minerals, and China is often the main producer of the minerals.

Zinke called the findings "shocking."

"The fact that previous administrations allowed the United States to become reliant on foreign nations, including our competitors and adversaries, for minerals that are so strategically important to our security and economy is deeply troubling," he said. "As both a former military commander and geologist, I know the very real national security risk of relying on foreign nations for what the military needs to keep our soldiers and our homeland safe."

The minerals the report examined include selenium, gallium, beryllium, cobalt, platinum-group elements and rare-earth elements.

Those minerals are critical for applications like defense, high-end electronics and motor vehicles' catalytic converters, USGS said.

Read more here.


EPA NAMES CHICAGO REGIONAL HEAD: EPA head Scott Pruitt named Cathy Stepp, former natural resources secretary in Wisconsin, to lead the agency's Great Lakes regional office.

The region 5 office in Chicago has responsibility for Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.

Stepp was named earlier this year to be principal deputy regional administrator in the EPA's Midwest office, outside Kansas City, Kansas.

She was appointed to the Wisconsin post in 2011 by Gov. Scott Walker (R).

"Cathy Stepp's experience working as a statewide cabinet official, elected official, and small business owner will bring a fresh perspective to EPA as we look to implement President Trump's agenda," Pruitt said of Stepp.

Regional administrators do not need Senate confirmation.

Stepp's responsibilities will include some major Superfund sites in Indiana and the recovery from the Flint, Mich., drinking water crisis.


PATAGONIA HEAD REJECTS HOUSE INVITE: Patagonia CEO Yvon Chouinard rejected House Republicans' invitation from last week to testify on national monuments.

The leader of the outdoor gear company characterized House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop's (R-Utah) invitation as "disingenuous."

"I find it disingenuous that after unethically using taxpayers' resources to call us liars, you would ask me to testify in front of a committee for a matter already decided by the administration and applauded by the Utah delegation just a week ago," Chouinard wrote in an open letter posted on Patagonia's website on Tuesday.

"It is clear the House Committee on Natural Resources, like many committees in this failed Orwellian government, is shackled to special interests of oil, gas, and mining and will seek to sell off our public lands at every turn."

Patagonia's leaders have been publicly feuding with Republicans and Zinke in recent weeks over Trump's decision to shrink the Bears Ears National Monument.

Read more here.



The FBI is now involved in the investigation into Sunday's power outage at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the Associated Press reports.

A judge will let Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shaprio's (D) lawsuit proceed against two natural gas companies accused of cheating landowners out of payments, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports.

A federal appeals court Tuesday allowed Maryland's purple line transit project to proceed, overturning a previous decision that faulted the environmental review for the line, the Washington Post reports.



Check out Tuesday's stories ...

- Patagonia CEO rejects 'disingenuous' invitation to testify

- Trump admin: US reliance on foreign minerals 'shocking'

- EPA ends contract with GOP opposition research firm after media reports

- Dems ask EPA to terminate contract with GOP publicity firm

- Mining giant to leave coal group over climate change stance


Please send tips and comments to Timothy Cama, tcama@thehill.com. Follow us on Twitter: @Timothy_Cama@thehill

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