
2017年12月24日 星期日

Sunday shows - Flake: Trump rallies reflect 'spasms of a dying party'

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Flake: Trump rallies reflect 'spasms of a dying party'
"When you look at the lack of diversity, sometimes, and it depends on where you are, obviously, but by and large, we're appealing to older white men and there are just a limited number of them, and anger and resentment are not a governing philosophy," the retiring Arizona Republican said.
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Flake on chaos of Trump campaign: 'Was that campaign even capable of colluding with anybody?'
“I mean, I look at that last campaign, and think 'was that campaign even capable of colluding with anybody?' It was so chaotic and what not," Flake said with a laugh.
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Retiring GOP rep: Republicans should 'be prepared for the worst' in 2018 midterms
"I've told my colleagues, 'look we're going to be running into a headwind. You better be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. But be prepared for the worst because this could be a really tough year,'" Dent said on ABC's "This Week."
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Congress 'worse off' than when he was first elected, Dent says
“I just don't see how this is sustainable for the long term. But I believe things will right themselves. Sooner or later," Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.) said on ABC's "This Week."
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Aide defends Trump's attacks on McCabe: Public deserves to know what happened in Clinton probe
"I think the president believes the American people have a right to know as to what happened with that investigation," Marc Short told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday." "Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia, is perhaps the Clintons' closest political friend. He gave a $700,000 contribution to McCabe's wife when she was running for office. At the same time, they were launching an investigation into Hillary Clinton.”
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'I'm very concerned' Trump could fire Mueller, Sanders says
"To attack his integrity in order to protect the president is unacceptable. Furthermore, it is equally unacceptable for the president or any of his advisers to be thinking about granting pardons to those people who pled guilty," he told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." 
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Sanders: Trump should stop 'bragging' about Americans losing health insurance
"Instead of bragging about more Americans without health insurance, we should join every other major country on Earth, guarantee health care for all people and end the absurdity of paying twice as much per capita for healthcare, as every other major nation," Sanders told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." 
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Dem senator: New North Korea sanctions a 'major accomplishment'
"That was a good move. That was a major accomplishment. I give our team a lot of credit for getting that done,” Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) said.
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Kudlow insists tax bill will pay for itself
Economist Larry Kudlow says in a new interview that he expects the GOP tax plan signed into law by President Trump to pay for itself, despite estimates to the contrary.
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News Alert: Can net neutrality be a potent political issue for Democrats?

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Can net neutrality be a potent political issue for Democrats?
Democrats see an opportunity to capitalize on the massive backlash to the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to repeal its net neutrality rules.

The repeal sparked a massive outcry from internet users, spurred on by celebrities and activists who believe the move will allow internet providers like Comcast and Verizon to control consumers’ internet experience.

The question is whether the outrage on Reddit forums can translate into votes for Democratic candidates next fall given the fact that younger people engaged on the issue are often the least reliable voters — particularly in midterm elections.
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News Alert: The Top 10 Trump controversies of 2017

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The Top 10 Trump controversies of 2017
President Trump’s first year in office has produced a relentless stream of controversies.

Trump’s willingness to flout political norms has outraged his critics, even while it has delighted his supporters.

In a sign of just how tumultuous 2017 has been, some stormy episodes that would have been enormous stories under other recent presidents do not even crack the Top 10 list below.
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