
2018年1月7日 星期日

News Alert: Trump takes new tack to weaken ObamaCare

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Trump takes new tack to weaken ObamaCare
The Trump administration is turning to regulations as their last, best hope of chipping away at ObamaCare in 2018, with congressional Republicans unlikely to pass full repeal.

A proposed rule released Thursday targeting the health law is likely the first step in a new effort to undermine the law. And advocates for the health law worry that another forthcoming rule could cause even more damage.
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News Alert: Rush to defend Trump from book’s claims creates more debate

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Rush to defend Trump from book’s claims creates more debate
Trump administration officials on Sunday were playing defense for their boss against shocking allegations reported in a new book detailing the first year of Trump’s presidency.

Multiple individuals close to President Trump hit the Sunday show circuit, including two Cabinet officials, but White House policy advisor Stephen Miller became the talk of the morning after Jake Tapper abruptly cut off a contentious interview with the Trump aide during CNN’s “State of the Union.”
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Sunday shows - CNN's Jake Tapper cuts off Trump aide Stephen Miller after heated interview

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Tapper cuts off Trump aide Stephen Miller after heated interview
“I think I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time. Thank you, Stephen,” Tapper added as he ended the interview.
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Miller rips Wolff book as ‘grotesque work of fiction’
White House senior adviser Stephen Miller on Sunday slammed a new book about President Trump and his administration, calling it a “grotesque work of fiction” and a “pile of trash.”
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Wolff: Concept of 25th Amendment 'alive every day' in Trump's White House
“This is alarming in every way,” the author said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
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Wolff: I have no politics when it comes to Trump
“I tried to be inobtrusive. So I tried not to have anyone quite notice me,” the author said.
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Haley: 'No one questions the stability of the president'
"These people love their country and respect our president. I've never seen or heard the type of toxic language that they are talking about,” she said.
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CIA director pushes back on claim in Wolff book: Trump reads
CIA Director Mike Pompeo pushed back Sunday on a claim that President Trump does not read, calling the assertions made in author Michael Wolff's explosive new book on the White House "absurd." 
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Republican senator slams Wolff's 'looseness with the truth' in new Trump book
"This is a book by a New York gossip columnist who has been known to fabricate stories, who says in his own preface that looseness with the truth is an elemental thread of the book," Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said.
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Top Dem: 'We have a seriously flawed human being in the Oval Office'
“Will those flaws be allowed to permeate the whole of government?” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) asked.
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Sanders: Trump rhetoric 'so offensive'
“What bothers me about this president is not so much what he says, although he is so offensive," Sanders said on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” 
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Bharara: I believe Trump 'doesn't listen to his lawyers'
Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara on Sunday said President Trump appears to ignore the advice of his legal counsel as he takes to social media to defend himself amid special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe. 
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Pompeo: Trump’s nuclear button tweet ‘entirely consistent’ with US policy
"We want the regime to understand that, unlike before, we are intent on resolving this and it is our firm conviction that resolving this diplomatically is the correct answer but that this administration is prepared to do what it takes to assure that people in Los Angeles, in Denver, in New York are not held at risk from Kim Jong Un having a nuclear weapon," the CIA director said.
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Haley: 'No turnaround' in Trump’s position on talks with North Korea
“What he has basically said is, ‘Yes, there could be a time we could talk to North Korea, but a lot of things have to happen before that actually takes place,’" Haley said on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."
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Graham: I would not serve in Trump's Cabinet
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday that he would not serve in President Trump’s Cabinet.
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Gingrich: 'Elites' don't know how to deal with Trump freezing Pakistan aid
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) slammed "elites" in an interview broadcast Sunday for not knowing how to deal with the Trump administration's decision to freeze government aid to Pakistan.
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