
2018年1月24日 星期三

Tipsheet: GOP feud with FBI ratchets up

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GOP feud with FBI ratchets up
By Alexander Bolton
The knives are out for the FBI on Capitol Hill.

Conservative lawmakers from four separate committees are raising alarm bells about a tranche of missing text messages between two FBI agents assigned to the investigation into Russia and President Trump’s campaign, saying it calls into “further question the credibility and objectivity of certain officials at the FBI.”
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Listen to the HillCast AM View: Sessions questioned in Russia probe
By Alexis Simendinger
Attorney General Jeff Sessions faced questioning last week by special counsel Robert Mueller as part of the ongoing investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election. Sessions is the first Cabinet member and most senior official known to have been questioned as part of the probe.
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Stakes intensify: Mueller seeks to question Trump
By Morgan Chalfant
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office interviewed Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week in connection with the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and now wants to question the president.
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Trump appears to call out Samsung over missing FBI text messages
By Max Greenwood
President Trump appeared to call out Korean electronics manufacturer Samsung for a missing trove of text messages between two senior FBI officials that was not retained by the agency.
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Dems sour on shutdown tactics
By Alexander Bolton
Senate Democrats say there’s no appetite in their caucus for forcing another government shutdown if Republicans refuse to agree to an immigration deal by a March 5 deadline.
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Emboldened conservatives press Ryan to bring hard-right immigration bill to floor
By Scott Wong and Melanie Zanona
Emboldened by what they believe was a victory in the three-day government shutdown, House conservatives are raising the pressure on Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to bring a tough border enforcement bill to the floor.
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Senate faces difficult path to immigration deal
By Jordain Carney
Senators are bracing for a three-week slog as they jockey for leverage on immigration.
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Trump: If there's no wall, there's no DACA fix
By Brandon Conradis
President Trump on Tuesday night delivered a blunt message to Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), saying there would be no agreement to help so-called Dreamers without funding for the president's long-promised border wall.
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Tax law showers cash on lobby firms
By Megan R. Wilson
Tax reform was very good to K Street.

The successful Republican drive to overhaul the tax code, which consumed much of the legislative agenda in 2017, resulted in a bonanza of business for Washington’s law and lobby firms.
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Prison reform gains new momentum under Trump
By Lydia Wheeler
Momentum is building under the Trump administration for criminal justice reform.
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Mike Pence in the Middle East: The new pointman on foreign policy?
By John Bolton
OPINION | Vice President Mike Pence’s trip to Egypt, Jordan and Israel exemplifies how much the Trump administration has changed America’s Middle East policy in its first year.
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The ISIS defeat myth: No one talks about ISIS sympathizers and US military remaining in Syria
By Danny Sjursen
OPINION | Under President Obama’s watch, the Islamic State conquered a so-called caliphate the size of Ohio in Syria and Iraq. Luckily a new, “tough” president — Donald Trump — stepped in, loosed restrictions on his military, and, defeated the bad guys. At least that’s the popular story and the party line.
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The Washington Post: Trump asked FBI official Andrew McCabe how he voted in 2016
By Ellen Nakashima, Josh Dawsey and Devlin Barrett
In an Oval Office meeting, McCabe — the acting FBI director at the time — told President Trump that he didn’t vote in the election, officials said. Trump also vented his anger over donations that McCabe’s wife, a Democrat, received for her failed 2015 Virginia state Senate bid. One official said the conversation is of interest to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.
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The Associated Press: Top Democrat rescinds offer of $25 billion for Trump’s wall
By Andrew Taylor and Jill Colvin
Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer has pulled back an offer of $25 billion for President Donald Trump’s long-promised southern border wall, as lawmakers scrambled to figure out how to push a deal to protect 700,000 or more so-called Dreamer immigrants from deportation.
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Reuters: Senate confirms Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve chair
By Howard Schneider
The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell as the next head of the central bank, succeeding Janet Yellen, a move likely to provide continuity in U.S. monetary policy with the economy growing now for nine years straight.
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The New York Times: Senators’ quest to fix immigration is quest to fix Senate
By Carl Hulse
Members of the bipartisan group that intervened to bring the shutdown to an end hope the push for an immigration bill can reignite opportunity for debate.
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The Wall Street Journal: Companies explore whether US can replace ‘double Irish’
By Sam Schechner
A new deduction in the tax code makes the U.S. a more attractive option after a shake-up in global tax rules.
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DAILY DOSE: Splitting the Sea


Splitting the Sea

By Tzvi Freeman

Along the path to Torah is the splitting of the sea.

What is the sea? It is the thick blanket of materialism that smothers the fire of the G‑dly soul. With a miracle, it is ripped away and the truth revealed. Only then can the Torah be received.

Don't imagine you can keep your belief in a materialist world and append to it a Torah consciousness. The sea of concealment must part and the world must be seen for what it truly is: A G‑dly place ever awaiting miracles.

Acharon Shel Pesach 5734. Sefer Hasichot 5751 vol. 2, pg. 857.

By Tzvi Freeman

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