
2018年1月26日 星期五

Tipsheet: Mueller keeps Russia cards close to the vest

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Mueller keeps Russia cards close to the vest
By Jonathan Easley
Speculation is swirling about whether special counsel Robert Mueller is nearing the end of his Russia probe — and whether he has any evidence that President Trump or his officials colluded with the Kremlin to influence the 2016 election.
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Listen to the HillCast AM View: The Senate’s looming abortion battle
By Alexis Simendinger
In today's morning podcast we discuss abortion legislation the Senate is expected to consider next week; a look at President Trump’s latest immigration offer to lawmakers; and first lady Laura Bush’s former White House chief of staff talks about art in the White House.
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Trump poised for clash with DOJ over classified memo
By Katie Bo Williams
The fight over the release of a classified memo alleging FBI misconduct has set up a potentially bitter clash between President Trump and the Justice Department.
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Trump ordered Mueller's firing last year but was stopped by WH counsel: report
By Brandon Carter and John Bowden
President Trump attempted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller last summer but was stopped after White House counsel Don McGahn threatened to resign, The New York Times reports.
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Trump to support path to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers
By Jordan Fabian
The White House will endorse allowing as many as 1.8 million young immigrants to seek U.S. citizenship in an immigration plan that will be released next week, senior administration officials said Thursday.
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Democrats pan Trump's immigration framework
By Jordain Carney
Democrats and outside progressive groups are quickly panning an immigration framework from President Trump as a nonstarter on Capitol Hill.
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DOJ office says it has found missing text messages of FBI officials
By Avery Anapol
Months of missing text messages between two FBI officials have been located, according a letter obtained by The Hill. The messages between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have come under scrutiny primarily by GOP lawmakers amid the probes into the Trump campaign and Russia.
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Rep. Meehan will not seek reelection after sexual harassment backlash
By Josh Delk
Rep. Pat Meehan (R-Pa.) announced Thursday that he will not seek reelection in 2018, following immense public backlash over reports of a sexual harassment complaint filed against him by a former female staffer, The Philadelphia Inquirer reports.
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Dems seek to undermine any good PR for tax law
By Naomi Jagoda
Democrats worried the GOP tax-cut law is getting good press are working hard to undermine any positive feelings about the overhaul becoming engrained with the public.
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Facebook tells Congress it can't prove or disprove Trump-Russia collusion
By John Bowden
Facebook informed Congress in newly released documents that it could not prove or disprove collusion between President Trump's campaign and Russians who may have used the online platform to try to sway opinions during the 2016 election.
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Why I’m thankful for Donald Trump
By Jamal Simmons
OPINION | We have differences over public spending, policing, immigration laws and a host of other issues that impact race. That’s fine. But shouldn’t we agree on the goals of equality, opportunity for all and shared responsibility?
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America needs more than a self-congratulatory campaign-style State of the Union
By Mike Purdy
OPINION | Given the rich history of State of the Union addresses, Americans can hope President Trump will follow in the tradition of his predecessors — act presidential, find common ground in our divided republic, and model civil and respectful discourse to solve some of America’s and the world’s most intractable problems.
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The Associated Press: In Davos speech, Trump to declare America open for business
By Catherine Lucey
The White House says President Donald Trump is looking forward to declaring at the World Economic Forum that America open for business.
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The Washington Post: Trump bristles under some of his orderly chief of staff’s restrictions
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Philip Rucker
When White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly stopped by the Oval Office to see President Trump late Wednesday, Kelly said he couldn’t stay long because reporters were in his office waiting for a briefing on immigration policy.
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Reuters: Kennedy to give Democratic response to Trump's State of the Union address
By Reuters Staff
Massachusetts Rep. Joseph Kennedy III is to give the Democratic Party’s response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, The Boston Globe reported, illustrating his rising profile in the party ranks.
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The Wall Street Journal: Dollar resumes slide after rallying on Trump’s comments
By Georgi Kantchev
The dollar fell Friday, reversing a rally that had followed comments from President Donald Trump, as traders dissected conflicting messages from U.S. officials.
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The New York Times: Lawsuit on Trump emoluments violations gains traction in court
By Sharon LaFraniere
A closely watched lawsuit claiming that President Trump is violating the Constitution by failing to divorce himself from his businesses appeared to inch forward on Thursday during a lengthy hearing before a federal judge in Maryland.
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2018年1月25日 星期四

DAILY DOSE: Manna in a Basket


Manna in a Basket

By Tzvi Freeman

There are two possible channels by which to receive your livelihood, according to the perspective you take in life:

You could decide to become just another element of nature, chasing after your bread in the chaos, running the race of survival of the fittest.

And the fact is, you may even do well taking this route—in the short run. In the long run, however, your soul is being denied its nourishment, and your body, too, will never feel satisfied.

Or you could see your life as an intimate relationship with the Source of Life Above—as though all your livelihood was no more than manna from heaven, handed to you personally and lovingly straight from the hand of your G‑d and partner in all you do.

Then your main job is to keep the basket where your manna will fall sparkling clean, insuring that no one is being hurt or misled by your business. To spend the profits you are granted on spreading kindness in the world.

Maybe you'll get rich this way. Maybe you won't. But you will always be satisfied.

By Tzvi Freeman

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Breaking News: Rep. Joe Kennedy to deliver Dem response to State of the Union

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Rep. Joe Kennedy to deliver Dem response to State of the Union
Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) has been selected to deliver the Democratic Party's response to President Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, party leaders announced.

Kennedy, the great-nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, is a 37-year-old rising star in the Democratic Party and is currently serving his third term as a Massachusetts congressman.
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Breaking News: Rep. Meehan will not seek reelection after sexual harassment backlash

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Rep. Meehan will not seek reelection after sexual harassment backlash
Rep. Pat Meehan (R-Pa.) announced Thursday that he will not seek re-election in 2018, following immense public backlash over reports of a sexual harassment complaint filed against him by a former female staffer.

“After consultation with my wife Carolyn and with my three sons, and after prayerful reflection, I write to inform you that I will not seek re-election to the United States Congress for the 7th Congressional District in 2018,” Meehan wrote in a letter to his campaign chairman. “Today I communicated the same to the office of Speaker Paul Ryan.”
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