
2018年3月11日 星期日

Tipsheet: Trade adviser ascends in Trump White House

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Trade adviser ascends in Trump White House
By Niv Elis
One must only watch a few minutes of Peter Navarro’s economic hyper-nationalist film “Death By China” to understand why President Trump has an affinity for the man.

In the movie’s opening scenes, a flag-painted cut-out of the United States map tumbles to the ground and is brutally stabbed with a knife.
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Trump in full campaign mode at Pennsylvania rally
By Brooke Seipel
President Trump was in full campaign mode on Saturday at a rally for Republican congressional hopeful Rick Saccone, returning to the bombastic, unrestrained candidate from 2016. 
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Trump unveils 2020 campaign slogan: 'Keep America Great!'
By Avery Anapol
President Trump unveiled his 2020 campaign slogan, “Keep America Great!” on Saturday night.
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O'Rourke faces uphill battle against Cruz after lackluster primary win
By Lisa Hagen
Texas Democrats had their strongest turnout numbers in more than a decade in Tuesday’s primaries, but Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s weaker-than-expected performance indicates that he’s still got a long way to go in his bid to take on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). 
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Sessions: Court rulings that block Trump policies 'unconstitutional'
By Brooke Seipel
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Saturday called lower court rulings that block Trump administration policies "unconstitutional."
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Trump administration takes first step to ban bump stocks
By Luis Sanchez
The Trump administration on Saturday began the process to ban bump stocks through regulatory action.
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5 facts about Mueller’s grand jury
By Max Greenwood
Sam Nunberg on Friday became the first recognizable Trump campaign aide to appear before a federal grand jury in relation to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
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Trump's infrastructure push hits wall in Congress
By Mallory Shelbourne
Less than a month after its release, President Trump's infrastructure plan appears to have crashed and burned in Congress.
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Bannon to French far-right party: 'Let them call you racists'
By Josh Delk
Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon encouraged members of France's far-right National Front party on Saturday to embrace backlash to their positions as "a badge of honor."
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Tillerson falls ill on Africa tour, cancels events
By Alicia Cohn
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is ill and canceled all his planned events in Africa on Saturday.
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'There's no success like failure': Trump's troubling NAFTA stance
By Fredrik Erixon and Hanna Deringer
OPINION | There’s no success like failure, Bob Dylan once observed. A new round of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks ended this Monday, and by the time trade officials were wrapping up their week-long session in Mexico City, President Trump torpedoed the entire enterprise.
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To win in 2018, Democrats must show why voting blue is worth it
By Douglas Schoen
OPINION | President Trump last week announced harsh tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. This measure has had a wide range of negative impacts, including potentially harming the American economy overall and jeopardizing our relationship with many close allies.
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The New York Times: With snap ‘yes’ in Oval Office, Trump gambles on North Korea
By Peter Baker and Choe Sang-Hun
President Trump threw aside caution and agreed to meet with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, on the spot in a 45-minute Oval Office meeting with South Korean officials.
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The Wall Street Journal: Trump’s gun plan to include encouraging states to allow armed school staff
By Michael C. Bender
White House to release plan on Sunday; president to signal support for banning "bump stocks."
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The Washington Post: Trump’s tariffs forge rare common ground in Pa. steel country
By David Weigel
The reaction stands in sharp contrast to how the tariffs have played in Washington and around the country. President Trump’s surprise move has scrambled party loyalties, upsetting GOP leaders fearing a trade war and attracting the support of Democrats determined to win back working-class voters in the midterms. And yet, there are limits to Trump’s support.
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The Associated Press: Trump: Voters must support GOP in Pittsburgh-area House race
By Bill Barrow and Jill Colvin
President Donald Trump told western Pennsylvania voters Saturday night that his new tariffs were saving the steel industry and urged them to send a Republican to the House so he can keep delivering those kinds of results.
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Reuters: Trump says he rejected Mexico request about border wall
By Reuters Staff
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he rejected a demand from Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto that Trump say Mexico would not have to pay for a proposed U.S. border wall.
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2018年3月10日 星期六

DAILY DOSE: Fur Coats & Furnaces


Fur Coats & Furnaces

By Tzvi Freeman

Have you ever heard of the "Tzadik in a Fur Coat"?

He sits in his house by a fireplace full of wood. But there is no fire. The house, and everyone in it, are shivering from the cold. All except for him. He dons a fur coat and he is warm.

So we ask him, "Why do you warm only yourself? Why not kindle the wood in your fireplace and warm others as well?"

He answers, "It is not just this house. Don't you know what is going outside? The entire world is struck with a bitter, cold wind! Do you expect me to warm up an entire world?"

So we tell him that he does not have to warm up the entire world. But perhaps he could warm up one other individual. Perhaps two. Perhaps he could warm up one little corner of the world. Like his house.

"For a person such as I," he replies, "it is not fitting to warm up only one corner."

And so there he sits, in his cold, dark house,
all comfy in his fur coat.

By Tzvi Freeman

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The 10 essential reads you missed this week

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The 10 essential reads you missed this week

Busy week? Here are some of the stories you missed while reading about President Trump accepting a meeting with North Korea.

Trump admin: ObamaCare is the law
The Trump administration opposes ObamaCare, but it is warning a Republican state to stop trying to sidestep its regulations. Peter Sullivan obtained the letter.

Abstinence is back
“Sexual delay” research is part of the Trump administration’s $10 million plan to improve sex ed in schools. Jessie Hellman explains what that means.

This is what 'no chaos' looks like
President Trump says there’s “no chaos,” but Jordan Fabian’s and Jonathan Easley’s sources point to turmoil in the White House.

More trouble in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico’s health services need federal support, according to officials Rafael Bernal interviewed. A key decision in April on Medicare rates could make or break that part of the island’s recovery.

Where Biden goes, the spotlight follows
Joe Biden won’t say whether he’s running for president, but he’s sure making a lot of political appearances lately, reports Amie Parnes.

Here's how to import an elephant trophy
The Trump administration previously announced it would allow importing elephant trophies from African nations. Then the president said the decision was on hold. A new rule says that imports will be considered on a “case-by-case basis," Miranda Green reports.

What caused the opioid crisis?
Amid intense concerns about the rising rate of people overdosing on opioids, do you know the roots of the crisis? Jessie Hellmann breaks down the history.

California vs. the United States
California is becoming the capital of the so-called resistance and the Trump administration seems to be helping it along, reports Reid Wilson.

YouTube's controversial attempt to stop extremism
This group is helping YouTube eliminate hate speech on its platform - but there’s a debate over whether it’s a “hate group” itself, Ben Kamisar reports.

What's happening with DACA?
Does DACA still exist or did it expire March 5? Rafael Bernal explains.

© Greg Nash: Comedian Jon Stewart was on Capitol Hill Monday to discuss 9/11 first responders' health care.
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