
2018年4月11日 星期三

Tipsheet: Fears rise of Trump move against Mueller

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Fears rise of Trump move against Mueller
By Niall Stanage
Washington is on edge over the possibility that President Trump could move soon to fire special counsel Robert Mueller or senior members of the Justice Department.

Some Republicans, as well as Democrats and independent observers, share the concern.
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Trump at crisis point on Mueller
By Alexander Bolton and Melanie Zanona
President Trump's showdown with Robert Mueller headed toward a crisis point on Tuesday, with the White House saying Trump has legal authority to fire the special counsel.
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Trump tried to fire Mueller in December: report
By Jacqueline Thomsen and Max Greenwood
President Trump attempted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller in December, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
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Zuckerberg holds his own in round one of testimony
By Ali Breland and Harper Neidig
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg offered a vehement defense of his company on Tuesday during a lengthy Senate hearing, the first time the chief of the nation’s largest social media company has ever appeared before a congressional panel.
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McConnell sees GOP’s spending claw back plan as unlikely to pass
By Jordain Carney
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday threw cold water on the idea of clawing back spending from the $1.3 trillion omnibus bill approved by Congress last month.
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McConnell urges GOP senators to call Trump about tariffs
By Alexander Bolton
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is urging his colleagues to call President Trump and express their opposition to tariffs amid growing worries that a trade war with China could hurt Republican Senate candidates in the midterm elections.
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Trump, Pelosi appear most in early ads — for the other side
By Reid Wilson
President Trump and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) are the top two targets of political ads this year, according to a new study from the Wesleyan Media Project.
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The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip in 2018
By Lisa Hagen and Ben Kamisar
Republicans are increasingly focused on the Senate as GOP donors and strategists grow more pessimistic about their ability to hold onto the House.
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DeVos review of racial bias guidance stirs controversy
By Lydia Wheeler
Civil rights groups are fighting to stop Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from rolling back Obama-era guidance on school discipline that aimed to protect black students from being punished more severely than their white peers.
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Doctors bristle at push for opioid prescription limits
By Rachel Roubein
An increasing number of states and entities in the health industry are putting curbs on the amount of opioids that doctors can prescribe, a controversial move aimed at combating the opioid crisis.
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Trump tantrum after Cohen raid reaffirms his unfitness for office
By Maria Cardona
OPINION | The president of the United States needs to stop lying to the American people, denigrating our Democratic institutions and weakening our country in an effort to save his own political hide.
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Can Republicans win women back? We can and we must
By Rina Shah
OPINION | It seems you can’t open a newspaper these days without seeing another damning statistic that spells trouble for the future of the GOP. The latest comes from a new study by Pew, which showed less than a quarter of millennial women now identify as Republican, down from 36 percent in 2002.
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The Washington Post: Investigators sought Trump lawyer’s records on two women who alleged affairs with president
By Ashley Parker, Devlin Barrett, Carol D. Leonnig and Matt Zapotosky
Federal prosecutors who conducted raids at the home and office of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael D. Cohen, were seeking documents related to two women who received payments in 2016 after alleging affairs with Trump years before: adult-film star Stormy Daniels and ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal.
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The New York Times: Trump weighs more robust military strike against Syria
By Peter Baker, Helene Cooper and Thomas Gibbons-Neff
The president is looking at options that would go beyond last year’s missile barrage, which did not curb Syria’s war effort in the long run.
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The Wall Street Journal: Lawmakers sidestep debate over Syria military strikes
By Byron Tau
Congress isn’t planning vote to authorize military force even as Senate committee prepares to debate rewriting 16-year-old law that underpins war on terrorism.
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The Associated Press: Xi vs Trump: Who has the better hand in potential trade war?
By Christopher Bodeen
The brewing China-U.S. trade conflict features two leaders who’ve expressed friendship but are equally determined to pursue their nation’s interests and their own political agendas.
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Reuters: Congressional panel to grill Trump's consumer chief
By Katanga Johnson
Mick Mulvaney, head of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), is due to face lawmakers on Wednesday who want to know why he has dropped cases against payday lenders and pulled back from regulating the market for small-dollar loans.
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DAILY DOSE: Small Things


Small Things

By Tzvi Freeman

Great things are not what is demanded from our generation. The previous generations did all that for us. We need only do the small things—but in a more difficult time.

For us, self-sacrifice could mean nothing more than a simple change of habit for the good, or a quiet act of restraint to avoid the ugly.

In a maddening, rushed world, small battles make mighty victories. Try and you will see.

By Tzvi Freeman

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