
2018年4月25日 星期三

Overnight Tech: Apple's Tim Cook meets Trump at White House | Zuckerberg sticking with Facebook's ad model | Kanye West wants sitdown with Apple, Google execs

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TIM COOK MEETS WITH TRUMP: Apple CEO Tim Cook visited the White House today to meet with President Trump amid escalating trade tensions between the U.S. and China that threaten the tech industry.

Trump tweeted that he was looking forward to the meeting and that he intended to bring up trade issues.

"Looking forward to my meeting with Tim Cook of Apple," the president posted. "We will be talking about many things, including how the U.S. has been treated unfairly for many years, by many countries, on trade."

Neither the White House nor Apple offered details about the meeting.

The meeting comes in the wake of Trump's decision to hit China with $50 billion in tariffs, prompting retaliation from Beijing. Trump also met with Microsoft founder Bill Gates last month.


Tech's stake in the trade fight: The tech industry has criticized the escalation with China in part over worries that it could jeopardize a crucial supply chain.

Cook has also been critical of Trump's efforts to crack down on immigration. And the Apple CEO took an implicit shot at his environmental agenda when he brought Lisa Jackson, the former EPA administrator under Obama and now an exec at Apple,

to Trump's first state dinner last night.


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KANYE'S TECH DREAMS: Kanye West tweeted a lot today. It's way more than we can unpack in this newsletter, but amid his afternoon long session of tweeting he mentioned some high profile people in tech.

West said that he wants to meet with "Larry [Page] from Google," and Apple CEO Tim Cook. He also said that he has a meeting scheduled with one time Trump adviser and surrogate Peter Thiel.

West had previously tweeted at tech leaders including Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates proposing that they be his benefactor a la the Medici family.

Are today's tweets more serious? Scheduling a meeting with Thiel might suggest so. Stayed tuned to find out if Page and Cook bite.


FACEBOOK DEFENDS AD MODEL TO INVESTORS: Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg told investors today that Facebook will be sticking with its ad-based revenue model for the foreseeable future.

"We think that ads is a great business model that's aligned with our vision," Zuckerberg said during an earnings call when asked if the company was looking for different revenue streams.

The executives said the business model allows them to more easily connect users to the site.

The company also posted strong numbers for Q1, showing that advertisers are sticking with the service despite the blowback from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Facebook reported a 50 percent boost in advertising revenue over the previous year. It also raked in $5 billion in profits, a 63 percent surge from the first quarter of 2017.


MUSIC BILL ADVANCES: The House voted unanimously Wednesday in favor of a bill to update music licensing laws, a move widely backed by the music industry and lobbying groups representing streaming platforms such as Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music and Google Play.

The legislation aims to update licensing laws that industry groups say are increasingly out of date. Section 115 of the Copyright Act has regulated musical compositions since it was created in 1909 -- before even the first public radio broadcast.

Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), one of the bill's cosponsors: "While the U.S. Constitution made intellectual property protections an anchor of our economy, other parts of our laws ignore technological realities and undermine free market principles at the expense of music creators and music lovers."


FEDS TARGET HUAWEI: The Department of Justice is reportedly investigating whether Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei violated U.S. sanctions against Iran.

The investigation comes one month after the agency reached a $430 million settlement with another Chinese telecom firm, ZTE, for also violating U.S. sanctions with Iran.

The big picture: The agency's actions follow a larger pattern with the U.S. increasingly cracking down on Chinese firms over national security concerns.

Republicans are worried Chinese technology companies that are cozy with Beijing could be pressured into giving up the data they have on Americans who use their products.


COMMERCE APPROVES DEM FTC PICK: The Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday approved one of President Trump's Democratic nominees to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Rebecca Slaughter, a legal adviser to Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), was advanced by voice vote during a hearing.

Slaughter joins four other nominees -- three Republicans and one Democrat -- currently awaiting a full Senate vote to be confirmed to the consumer protection agency.


FACEBOOK'S LOBBYING TEAM SHUFFLE: Facebook is making key personnel changes at its Washington, D.C. office amid the uproar over the Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal.

Facebook's head of policy in Washington, Erin Egan, has opted to step down to focus on her role as the social media giant's chief privacy officer. She previously split her time between the roles.

Former Republican Federal Communications Commission Chairman Keven Martin, who is currently a Facebook employee, will replace Egan as the company's interim vice president of U.S. public policy.



The House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on social media platforms at 10:00 a.m.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on reforming the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) review process at 10:15 a.m.

TechNet will host a Congressional briefing on artificial intelligence at 2:00 p.m.

The House Appropriations Committee will hold a hearing on the FCC's fiscal 2019 budget at 2:00 p.m.



The New York Times: What Amazon's HQ2 will mean for rent prices

BSA, the Software Alliance launched its International Cybersecurity Framework today. Read the report here.

Al Jazeera: Russia's mistake in blocking Telegram

The Guardian: An explainer on incels and their relation to the Toronto van attack

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Overnight Cybersecurity: DHS cyber nominee vows to make election security 'top priority' | CIA to allow lawmakers to review classified info on Haspel | Dems raise security concerns about Trump's phone use

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Welcome to OVERNIGHT CYBERSECURITY, your daily rundown of the biggest news in the world of hacking and data privacy. We're here to connect the dots as leaders in government, policy and industry try to counter the rise in cyber threats. What lies ahead for Congress, the administration and the latest company under siege? Whether you're a consumer, a techie or a D.C. lifer, we're here to give you …



--TRUMP DHS PICK GETS CONFIRMATION HEARING: The president's choice to serve in a top role at the Department of Homeland Security faced questions about election security on Wednesday, earning praise from Republicans and Democrats on a key Senate panel considering his nomination. President Trump has tapped Christopher Krebs to serve at the helm of the Homeland Security office responsible for guarding federal networks and critical infrastructure from cyber and physical threats. The office, known as the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD), has spearheaded efforts to help states guard against foreign efforts to penetrate their election systems in the wake of Russian interference in the 2016 vote. Krebs pledged to make election security his "top priority" if confirmed to lead NPPD. "Election security is a national security issue," he told members of the Senate Homeland Security Committee Wednesday. While acknowledging his qualifications for the role, Democrats peppered Krebs with questions about Homeland Security's engagement with state election officials, pressing him to move more quickly to conduct cyber tests in states that request them and add more personnel to the mission.  "It's the end of April, and the election is quickly approaching," Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), the ranking member, said. Trump tapped Krebs to serve as an assistant secretary at NPPD last year, and he has been performing the role of undersecretary in an acting capacity while the administration searched for a permanent occupant. Trump formally nominated Krebs to the post in February. Before that, Krebs worked on Microsoft's government affairs team and, earlier in his career, served in a homeland security role during the George W. Bush administration.


--IN ADVANCE OF THE HEARING WEDNESDAY, a bipartisan group former officials wrote to the senators expressing support for Krebs' nomination. The letter was signed by 48 former officials, including President George W. Bush's former homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff, President Obama's former cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel, and Suzanne Spaulding, who helmed NPPD under Obama. "Mr. Krebs' cybersecurity expertise is particularly needed in the Under Secretary role given the increasing number of severe cyber attacks on our Nation," the former officials wrote in the letter, a copy of which was shared with The Hill.

To read more of our coverage, click here and here.


--CIA WILL ALLOW SENATORS TO REVIEW CLASSIFIED INFO ON HASPEL: The CIA will allow senators weighing the nomination of Gina Haspel to review some classified information related to her controversial undercover background following pressure from Democrats on Capitol Hill. The agency informed lawmakers of the decision on Tuesday. The agency is also "actively working towards sharing additional information with the public to the greatest extent possible," it said in a letter obtained by The Hill. The letter provides no details about what episodes related to Haspel the agency will illuminate. Haspel's record has sparked a tense standoff with Senate Democrats, thanks to her role in a particularly controversial episode in CIA history: a pair of brutal interrogations that took place at a black site prison known as "Cat's Eye," which she briefly ran. Because so much of Haspel's record is still classified -- 32 of her 33 years at the agency were spent undercover -- much of the fight in Congress has revolved around what information, if any, the CIA will make public about her past. A trio of Democrats -- Sens. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Ron Wyden (Ore.) and Martin Heinrich (N.M.) -- have been demanding that the agency declassify more information about Haspel to allow the public and lawmakers who aren't on the Senate Intelligence Committee to review her nomination.


--DEMS WANT MORE: The Democratic senators quickly blasted the CIA's response as "wholly inadequate." "Concealing her background when no sources and methods are at stake shows nothing but contempt for the Senate and the public," they said in a joint statement. "We believe senators and the American public have the need to know whether or not the nominee before us was a senior manager for a program that has been shown to be deeply flawed, as well as a number of other disturbing facts about her record." Meanwhile, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now requesting a copy of a 2010 Justice Department report on the investigation into the destruction of videotapes documenting the pair of CIA interrogations at the "black site" prison in Thailand.

Keep in mind: Haspel is slated to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee for her confirmation hearing, which will be public, on May 9.

To read more of our coverage, click here and here.



FEINSTEIN OFFERS NEW DHS CYBER BILL: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Tuesday introduced a bill that aims to boost the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) ability to protect federal computer networks from foreign attacks.

Feinstein's Federal Network Protection Act clarifies that the head of the DHS has the authority to issue orders, known as binding operational directives, to remove compromised software from federal systems before notifying the "affected software company" about such changes.

The Democratic senator said the move would help block a company from taking defensive actions in response to the removal because such actions could stall the DHS's removal of the software.

"By clarifying what actions the Secretary of Homeland Security can take, we allow the department to act quickly in response to cyber threats," Feinstein said in a statement.

Feinstein's measure builds on two previous bills that passed in 2002 and 2014. Those bills similarly gave DHS the ability to modernize federal systems as well as remove compromised or outdated software.

Why Feinstein's bill is coming now: The legislation comes after the federal government last year banned software from their computer systems that was developed by the Russian-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab amid fears its products could pose security risks. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) criticized the DHS at the time for giving other federal agencies a 90-day time frame to remove Kaspersky Labs products from federal computer systems.

To read more from our piece, click here.



NEW NORTH KOREAN CYBER ACTIVITY: A suspected North Korean hacking campaign has expanded to targets in 17 different countries, including the U.S., pilfering information on critical infrastructure, telecommunications and entertainment organizations, researchers say.

Cybersecurity firm McAfee released new research on the hacking campaign this week, calling it Operation GhostSecret and describing the attackers as having "significant capabilities" to develop and use multiple cyber tools and rapidly expand operations across the globe.

The findings demonstrate the growing sophistication of North Korea's army of hackers, which has been blamed for high-profile hacking operations such as the WannaCry malware outbreak last year.

McAfee identified the same hackers in early March targeting Turkish financial organizations but now says that was only a portion of a spy operation that has expanded to multiple nations and a number of industries.

"The campaign is extremely complicated, leveraging a number of implants to steal information from infected systems and is intricately designed to evade detection and deceive forensic investigators," McAfee wrote in a report issued Tuesday.

Since researchers first publicly identified the campaign last month, McAfee wrote, "the threat actors not only continued but also increased the scope of the attack, both in types of targets and in the tools they used."

The group uses hacking tools that are associated with the cyber espionage group Hidden Cobra -- the name that the U.S. government uses to describe North Korea's state-sponsored hackers.

To read more from our piece, click here.



You know it's 2018 when parents can now set Alexa to only respond to polite commands for their children. Please and thank you. (Technology Review)



PRESIDENT TRUMP'S CELL PHONE: Democrats are demanding answers from the Trump administration on steps being taken to prevent the president from falling victim to foreign hackers, suggesting his personal cell phone use poses a national security threat.

A pair of Democratic congressman sent a letter to high-level officials on Wednesday pressing them on reports that Trump frequently relies on his personal cell phone for conversations with those outside the White House.

"While cybersecurity is a universal concern, the President of the United States stands alone as the single-most valuable intelligence target on the planet," Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) wrote.

"Our national security should not depend on whether the President clicks on a malicious link on Twitter or his text application, or the fortuity of foreign agencies not knowing his personal cell number," they wrote.

Why they're writing: CNN reported earlier this week that Trump has begun to more frequently use his personal mobile device to contact those advising him outside the White House.

The letter was sent Wednesday to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and the heads of the Secret Service and the White House Communications Agency. The Democrats asked the officials to explain any steps they are taking to ensure the president's device is secure and cannot be exploited by hackers.

They asked whether Trump's device has been "properly vetted" to account for spearfishing threat, and whether officials ensure that Trump's phone is not connected to unsecured networks when he travels outside of the White House.

They also want to know how the White House Communications Agency is addressing the threat of surveillance devices known as "Stingrays," which the Department of Homeland Security recently acknowledged are being used in the nation's capital.

To read more from our piece, click here.



Links from our blog, The Hill, and around the Web.

Apple CEO Tim Cook visits White House for Trump meeting. (The Hill)

Facebook shakes up Washington lobbying team amid scandal. (The Hill)

"Cracking the crypto war." (Wired)

British and Dutch police lead effort to take down cybercrime website behind millions of attacks. (AFP)

Ukraine's energy ministry falls victim to ransomware. (Reuters)

Russian spies expelled by the U.S. were suspected of tracking Russian defectors. (CNN)

BSA The Software Alliance releases its International Cybersecurity Policy Framework. (BSA)

Researchers say Alexa could be tricked into spying. (ZDNet)

Amazon's traffic was mysteriously hijacked. (Ars Technica)

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Breaking News: Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit

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Cohen to plead the Fifth in Stormy Daniels lawsuit
President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, plans to assert his Fifth Amendment rights in the lawsuit filed against him by adult film star Stormy Daniels.
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