
2018年4月25日 星期三

Does Judaism Believe in the Apocalypse?


Your Questions
Does Judaism Believe in the Apocalypse?

Does Judaism Believe in the Apocalypse?

"Six thousand years is the world, and it is in ruins one [thousand], as it is stated: 'The L‑rd alone shall be exalted on that day'"

by Yehuda Shurpin

What Is “Schmutz”?

What Is "Schmutz"?

Oy! That joke was schmutzik!

Can’t Life Have Purpose Without G‑d?

Can't Life Have Purpose Without G‑d?

Why not let human beings determine their own purpose?

By Tzvi Freeman


Are Human Beings Hardwired for War?

Are Human Beings Hardwired for War?

Freud and Einstein on the nature of conflict, and the Baal Shem Tov on man's inner struggle. The mystical secret is to know that the world is full of mirrors to place the enemy in plain sight.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (3:22)
Holiness In Unexpected Places

Holiness In Unexpected Places

Growing Weekly: Parshat Acharei-Kedoshim

By Michoel Gourarie

Watch (3:10)
Searching for Pearls

Searching for Pearls

The Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, compared chassidic teachings to pearls and coal. Pearls, he explained, are found in the depths of the sea, while coal is found deep in the earth.

Watch (6:26)

The Gift of Forgiveness

The Gift of Forgiveness

From my perspective as a family therapist, the greatest treasure in our Torah-inheritance is the instruction to free ourselves of anger and resentment...

By Yisroel Susskind

Are You Successful?

Are You Successful?

Some religious doctrines see marriage as a concession to human weakness. Nothing could be further from Jewish thought . . .

By Mendel Kalmenson


He Got the Wrong Man!

He Got the Wrong Man!

It did not take long until they had dragged me before the town rabbi, demanding that I divorce my "wife."

By Menachem Posner


13 Ways to Make Shabbat Fun for Kids

13 Ways to Make Shabbat Fun for Kids

By Rosally Saltsman

3 Main Things to Look for When Dating

3 Main Things to Look for When Dating

By the time I got to college, I realized that the threshold for a guy to express his feelings was absurdly low. A text saying, "Hey, what's up?" was the equivalent of a bouquet of roses.

By Chava Green


On the Calendar
Pesach Sheni Is This Sunday

Pesach Sheni Is This Sunday

The Second Passover


Kale Salad with Roast Sweet Potato, Peppers, Sunflower Seeds, and Feta

Kale Salad with Roast Sweet Potato, Peppers, Sunflower Seeds, and Feta

By Miriam Szokovski

Artist Rendition of the Seven Species of Israel

Artist Rendition of the Seven Species of Israel

By Moshe Braun


Jewish News
Meet Israel’s Newest Chassidic Pioneers

Meet Israel's Newest Chassidic Pioneers

Resort town of Neve Chabad to bring Chassidic life to the Negev

By Ariel Dominique Hendelman

Against All Odds, New Orleans School Exceeds Pre-Katrina Enrollment

Against All Odds, New Orleans School Exceeds Pre-Katrina Enrollment

As the city rebounds after a decade of rebuilding, so does Jewish education

By Menachem Posner

Israelis Vote Shabbat With Chabad One of the Most Israeli Things to Do

Israelis Vote Shabbat With Chabad One of the Most Israeli Things to Do

Ynet survey highlights everyone's 'home away from home'

By Mordechai Lightstone

Holocaust Survivor and Teens Connect Over Challah

Holocaust Survivor and Teens Connect Over Challah

California program aids the elderly and the homebound

By Tzipora Reitman


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News Alert: Republicans want Trump’s VA nominee to withdraw

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Republicans want Trump’s VA nominee to withdraw
Senate Republicans are hoping that President Trump’s pick to head the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) withdraws his name and spares them a messy confirmation fight.

While some GOP lawmakers are characterizing the allegations of improper conduct against Navy Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson as “cheap shots,” they have serious concerns about his lack of management experience.
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