
2018年5月9日 星期三

News Alert: GOP leaders seek to stamp out Republican revolt on immigration

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GOP leaders seek to stamp out Republican revolt on immigration
House GOP leaders are moving quickly to try to snuff out an effort by members of their own conference to force a vote on immigration, arguing using a discharge petition is the wrong path to take.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) pushed back on the effort Wednesday after the discharge petition quickly gained the support of 15 Republicans.

If every Democrat backs the petition to force votes on a series of immigration measures, including one that would protect "Dreamers" brought to the United States as children, only 25 Republicans would be needed as signatories to force a vote.
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The Hill's 12:30 Report — Sponsored by Pfizer — CIA pick faces grilling | Tells lawmakers she won't bring back waterboarding | Protesters interrupt hearing | North Korea frees three American prisoners | Invisible primary begins for Dems | Republicans relieved after Blankenship loses | Trump threatens to remove networks' press credentials

The Hill 12:30 Report
Sponsored by Pfizer
CIA pick faces grilling | Tells lawmakers she won't bring back waterboarding | Protesters interrupt hearing | North Korea frees three American prisoners | Invisible primary begins for Dems | Republicans relieved after Blankenship loses | Trump threatens to remove networks' press credentials

Gina Haspel: Sooo, how is YOUR morning going?:


Gina Haspel, a 33-year career veteran of the CIA and President Trump's nominee to lead the agency, has spent the morning testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Why it's so newsy: Democrats have been grilling Haspel over the CIA's use of harsh interrogation techniques post-9/11. The hearing was also briefly interrupted by protesters. Live blog of the hearing: http://bit.ly/2HZx6yO


Livestream of the hearing: https://cs.pn/2wsOGWN


On the CIA's post-9/11 interrogation: "In retrospect, it is clear that CIA was not prepared to conduct a detention and interrogation program ... I will keep CIA focused on our collection and analysis missions that can best leverage the expertise found at the agency." http://bit.ly/2KNYNbz


On why the interrogation tapes were destroyed: "Haspel says in 2005 the decision to destroy tapes of interrogation tactics was made 'alone' by her superior at the time. She was not on the tapes, she says." http://bit.ly/2I1EbPr


On whether Haspel would waterboard a suspect: Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine): "If POTUS gave you a direct order to waterboard that suspect, what would you do? Haspel starts off, 'I do not believe POTUS would ask me to do that ...' and the audience literally laughs." http://bit.ly/2rtgS72


On any future 'immoral' orders: Haspel said she would not follow any "immoral" orders. Quote: "I support the higher moral standard that this country has decided to hold itself to. I would never, ever take CIA back to an interrogation program." http://bit.ly/2rw7zlP 


On any past orders: Haspel was asked, " 'Do you believe in hindsight that those techniques were immoral?' As she has done in previous confirmation Q&As, she digs in and won't let up. Haspel still does not answer directly." http://bit.ly/2KOMGLy


She also says: "I don't believe torture works." http://bit.ly/2rwn3ah


Haspel's pre-interview questions: Here's the questionnaire that Gina Haspel filled out as a presidential nominee. http://bit.ly/2rqJTQH


No social media accounts? That sounds nice: "'I don't have any social media accounts,' Gina Haspel says in her opening statement, but other than that she's 'a typical middle-class American.' " http://bit.ly/2rvhg4L


This poker face is pretty good: Protesters have repeatedly interrupted the hearing, For example: One protester chanted, "Bloody Gina! Bloody Gina! Bloody Gina! You are a torturer!" as she was escorted out. Watch: http://bit.ly/2I4A996



It's Wednesday. One year ago today, President Trump fired James Comey as the FBI director. I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com, @CateMartel and on Facebook.


The American prisoners in North Korea have been freed and should be back home in 14 hours:

President Trump announced that North Korea has freed three American prisoners and they are on the way back to the United States with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Trump said the detainees "seem to be in good health." Trump said he plans to meet Secretary Pompeo and the freed detainees at Andrews Air Force Base when they land at 2 a.m. Context from The New York Times's Choe Sang-Hun: https://nyti.ms/2G1jKMy


At around 9:30 a.m.: The plane carrying Secretary of State Pompeo and the freed American prisoners landed at Yokota base in Japan. http://bit.ly/2I3xRXA


Read the White House's statement on the release: http://bit.ly/2wtks5W


"The release of the three prisoners, all American citizens of Korean descent, was in some ways the most tangible gesture of sincerity shown by North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, to improve relations with the United States after nearly seven decades of mutual antagonism." https://nyti.ms/2G1jKMy


Trump tweeted this morning that a date and time has been set for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Keep in mind: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had been visiting Pyongyang, North Korea, to prepare for the meeting. http://bit.ly/2G0btIJ



Hey guys -- we actually won't have an ex-convict as the GOP Senate nominee, so there's that!:

Via The Hill's Ben Kamisar, ex-convict and former coal executive Don Blankenship conceded his controversial Senate bid in West Virginia's GOP primary last night. State Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is projected to win. http://bit.ly/2KOcBmK


Don Blankenship served one year in prison for violating safety mine standards. 29 people were killed in an explosion at the mine run by the company he helmed. Full story: https://nyti.ms/2I1o4Br


President Trump celebrated Republican primary wins last night, arguing Republicans will win the midterms. He tweeted: "The Republican Party had a great night. Tremendous voter energy and excitement, and all candidates are those who have a great chance of winning in November. The Economy is sooo strong, and with Nancy Pelosi wanting to end the big Tax Cuts and Raise Taxes, why wouldn't we win?" http://bit.ly/2K9Clc6


The Washington Post's James Hohmann on how last night's primary results show how hard it is to be a Republican this year: https://wapo.st/2rvFxHT


Via The Hill's Mike Lillis, House Democratic leaders seeking to condense their campaign platform into voter-friendly messaging bites are facing a number of options -- and plenty of competition at the table. The options: http://bit.ly/2I5CtIR


Via The Hill's Amie Parnes, the invisible primary has begun for Democrats plotting a presidential path in 2020. How so: Would-be candidates are hitting the trail, sharpening their positions, seeking the right political "lane" and holding private conversations with donors about their prospects. Is this unusual?: Yes. Invisible primaries don't usually gear up until after the midterms. Which Dems are doing what: http://bit.ly/2rxr0KY


Fun fact:



Fa la la la, First Amendment, la la la laaaaaa:

This morning, President Trump tweeted criticism about the U.S. media, referring to negative coverage about him as "fake." The scary part: Trump floated taking away press credentials.


He tweeted: "The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake). Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?" http://bit.ly/2IaWayP


Reaction from The Drudge Report's Matt Drudge: "I fear the future result of Trump's crusade on 'fake news' will be licensing of all reporters. [Dems already floated this in the senate pre-Trump.] The mop up on this issue is going to be excruciating..." http://bit.ly/2rvyr6t


Pour one out for the Iran deal:

President Trump announced on Tuesday that he will pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal. Via The Hill's Niall Stanage, here are five takeaways from the announcement: http://bit.ly/2KPSVii


  1. It's a sharp break from Europe
  2. This is another 'America First' moment
  3. A major Obama legacy is undone
  4. Now that Trump has made his move, all eyes are on Iran
  5. Trump pleases Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, again


Context for each: http://bit.ly/2KPSVii


Tidbit: "Minutes after Trump announces he's exiting the deal, Speaker Ryan and other Republicans announce they wanted him to stay in all along." (h/t Politico's Kyle Cheneyhttp://bit.ly/2FZbcpB


This is a huge week for President Trump's foreign policy: 
May 8: Trump pulled out of the Iran deal.

May 9: Three American prisoners were freed from North Korea.

May 14: The new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem formally opens. Tidbit: Signs have already popped up to guide visitors to its new location. https://cnn.it/2I3uOyC


I'm sure people love getting that Robert Mueller call:

Michael Cohen's client, Swiss drug company Novartis, said today that special counsel Robert Mueller contacted the company about payments made by Cohen in November. The company said it provided the information requested. http://bit.ly/2K3GzBR


A giant pharmaceutical company was linked to the shell company owned by President Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen that was used to pay off adult-film star Stormy Daniels, according to documents released by Daniels's attorney. That includes this Swiss drug company Novartis. Novartis said it hired Cohen in February 2017 as part of a one-year contract for consulting services. The company said it paid Cohen $100,000 per month. It cancelled the contract after the first meeting. http://bit.ly/2FZBmZe


So relatable:


Full Stormy Daniels interview with Penthouse: http://bit.ly/2FZQru3


Congress is in. President Trump and Vice President Pence are both at the White House.


11:30 a.m. EDT: President Trump holds a Cabinet meeting.


Noon: The Senate votes on nominations. The Senate's schedule today: http://bit.ly/2KQnmVg


1:30 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence hosts the Council of the Americas for a working lunch in the Roosevelt Room.


1:30 p.m. EDT: First votes in the House. The House's schedule today: http://bit.ly/2jYhqPv


4:15 p.m. EDT: Last votes in the House.


7 p.m. EDT: President Trump has dinner with members of Congress.


Just announced -- June 2019: The Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees will play in London. https://wapo.st/2I6H4ic


This morning: Defense Secretary James Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Joseph Dunford testify on their 2019 budget. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2rvYkTv


2:30 pm. EDT: Officials from the Department of Veterans Affairs testify on the department's 2019 budget. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2I5Y0kI


3:10 p.m. EDT: President Trump attends a celebration for military mothers and spouses. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2FYndf7


3:30 p.m. EDT: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders gives the daily press briefing. Livestream: http://bit.ly/2wsXRGv


Today is National Moscato Day. It's also National Butterscotch Brownie Day.


No *clap* More *clap* layovers!:

Via Washingtonian, four new nonstop flights have been added to Washington, D.C.-area airports. New destinations: Edinburgh, Reykjavík, London, and Hong Kong. Details: http://bit.ly/2rwgcO5


And because you read this far, here's a golden retriever showing a puppy how to use the slide: http://bit.ly/2FYxmsd

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News Alert: Dems look to decide on midterm message

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Dems look to decide on midterm message
House Democratic leaders seeking to condense their campaign platform into voter-friendly messaging bites are facing a number of options — and plenty of competition at the table.

Party leaders intend to repeat the playbook the party used in 2006, when they won control of the House with promises to prioritize a handful of specific policies largely designed to ease middle-class economic insecurity.

Democrats plan to offer a similar platform later this year. The question facing leaders in the meantime, though, is how to hone the list so it resonates most loudly in crucial swing districts while also appeasing various party factions, each of which has its own idea about which issues deserve precedence.
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