
2018年5月13日 星期日

Sunday shows - Iran, North Korea in the spotlight

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The Hill Tipsheet Sunday Shows
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Bolton: European nations 'will see that it’s in their interests' to withdraw from Iran deal
National security adviser John Bolton said Sunday he believes European nations will ultimately join the U.S. and leave the Iran nuclear agreement.
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Bolton downplays past views on regime change
“I’ve written and said a lot of things when I was a complete free agent. Those are my opinions, and the circumstance I’m in now is I’m national security adviser to president. I’m not the national security decision-maker."
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Pompeo: Suggestion that withdrawal from nuclear deal sparked Iranian-Israeli tensions is 'ludicrous'
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that it is "ludicrous" to suggest that recent tensions between Israel and Iran are a result of the U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Tehran.
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Pompeo: Not yet 'remotely close' to achieving goals with North Korea
"There is a great deal of work that remains. Our eyes are wide open with respect to the risks, but it is out fervid hope that Chairman Kim wants to make a strategic change."
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Bolton on North Korea: Denuclearization means more than 'just nuclear weapons'
Denuclearization is absolutely at the core of it and it means not just nuclear weapons,” Bolton said on ABC’s “This Week.” “North Korea has also previously agreed … to give up its uranium reprocessing capabilities, we’ve got ballistic missiles on the table, we’ve got to look at chemical and biological weapons.
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Graham: Trump should get Senate approval on any agreement with North Korea
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he believes that “there would be a lot of support in Congress to provide aid and relieve sanctions” if North Korea agreed to give up its nuclear program.
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Gates: Trump’s tweets, tough talk got North Korea’s attention
"I think that the unpredictability in terms of some of the tweets and some of the tough talk did get the attention of the North Koreans and the Chinese as well -- in terms of fire and fury and so on," the former secretary of Defense said.
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Mullen: Chance of military conflict increases if US-North Korea talks fail
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen cautioned on Sunday that if the upcoming summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un fail, the likelihood of conflict will increase. 
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Lindsey Graham: White House should apologize for McCain remark
The Republican senator told host Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation” that he was not satisfied with how the Trump administration has responded to the remark. 
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Sanders on opposition to Haspel but not Brennan: 'It's not just the issue of torture'
“I think Brennan did a good job in his position. I have serious reservations about this nominee and I will oppose her,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said.
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Gates: Haspel's ties to enhanced interrogation don't disqualify her from leading CIA
"I worry about presentism. I think you have to go back to 2001, 2002, and the horror that people in the administration felt, getting reports literally every day that Washington or New York were going to be attacked again."  
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Bolton: Recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel 'enhances the chances for peace'
"It's a recognition of reality,” the national security adviser said on ABC’s “This Week.” “If you're not prepared to recognize that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that's where the American embassy should be, then you're operating on a completely different wavelength.
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Gates on Trump’s management style: ‘That's not the way I would deal with people’
"That's not the way I think I ever did deal with people, and I did fire people – very senior people," the former Defense secretary told CBS's Margaret Brennan on "Face the Nation" when asked about a report that Trump berated Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
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GOP pollster: Republican brand 'is not doing well right now'
A former pollster for President Trump's 2016 campaign predicted a grim outlook for the Republican brand in the 2018 midterm elections, saying that the GOP needs "to do better" as a party.
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They tried to kill us. We won. let's... eat? Nothing says victory like latkes and jelly donuts, right? Join us as we uncover the connection between Jewish people and their food. Join us in Chabad.org ALL-NEW online course. Food & Faith: Is eating the secret to a more spiritual life? Starting may 15th 9:00 AM Register exclusively at Chabad.org
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They tried to kill us. We won. let's... eat? Nothing says victory like latkes and jelly donuts, right?
Join us as we uncover the connection between Jewish people and their food. Join us in Chabad.org ALL-NEW online course. Food & Faith: Is eating the secret to a more spiritual life? Starting may 15th 9:00 AM Register exclusively at Chabad.org

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News Alert: Five rulings to watch at the Supreme Court

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Five rulings to watch at the Supreme Court
Interns will soon be sprinting down the steps of the Supreme Court to deliver printouts of rulings to TV anchors, something of an annual tradition at the highest court in the land.

The justices heard their last arguments in April and will start issuing rulings next week in the most closely watched cases of the term, which ends in late June.  

The justices often save the biggest decisions for last — and this year is no exception.
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