
2018年7月1日 星期日

Tipsheet: Foreign spying comes under new scrutiny from lawmakers

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Foreign spying comes under new scrutiny from lawmakers
By Morgan Chalfant
Washington policymakers are growing increasingly worried about the threat of high-tech foreign surveillance, a development complicated by U.S. spy agencies' use of similar technologies.

Lawmakers are stepping up their demands for more information from the Trump administration about foreign efforts to spy on Americans' cellphones.
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Trump era ramps up tech worker revolt
By Ali Breland
Technology companies are facing a new crisis as their employees press executives to rethink their work with the Trump administration and in many cases drop lucrative federal contracts.
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Abolishing ICE becomes Dem litmus test
By Alexander Bolton
Abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is fast becoming a litmus test for the left after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s shock victory in a Democratic primary.
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Thousands gather in DC to protest Trump immigration policies
By Maya Lora
Tens of thousands of people flooded downtown Washington, D.C., on Saturday in protest of the Trump administration's immigration policies as President Trump doubled down on his pledge to "IMMEDIATELY" deport those who enter the U.S. illegally.
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Protesters carry baby dolls in dog crate to protest detention of migrant children
By Max Greenwood
Video captured by CNN showed the dolls stuffed into crates, in what appeared to be a reference to footage that has surfaced in recent weeks of migrants, including children, being held by U.S. officials in fenced-in areas.
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Media outlets unite to track down migrant children separated from parents under Trump policy
By Morgan Gstalter
Six news organizations are partnering together to track down information about migrant children who are being held in detention centers and shelters across the country after they were separated from their families upon crossing the U.S.–Mexico border.
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Trump claims he 'never pushed' House Republicans to vote for hard-line immigration bill
By Max Greenwood
Trump falsely claimed on Saturday that he never urged congressional Republicans to pass a pair of immigration bills, saying that he knew all along that the measure would not win enough Democratic votes to pass in the Senate.
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Maxine Waters responds to death threats: 'You better shoot straight'
By Morgan Gstalter
The Democratic California congresswoman was forced to cancel a pair of events in Alabama and Texas this week after a “very serious death threat.”
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Another US motorcycle company considering moving production overseas
By Max Greenwood
Minnesota-based Polaris acknowledged on Friday that it is considering moving some production of its Indian Motorcycles overseas amid concerns over new tariffs from Europe. 
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Restaurant manager fired for refusing service to man in MAGA hat
By Brooke Seipel
A restaurant manager who refused service to a Trump supporter in a "Make America Great Again" hat earlier this week has been fired.
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Chief Justice Roberts will be the new 'swing' vote
By Jonathan Nash
OPINION | Chief Justice John Roberts would represent the vote that in close, important cases controls the balance of power. This would increase (even beyond the high point at which it already finds itself) Roberts's influence over the Court’s jurisprudence. 
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Logic of Supreme Court's travel ban ruling leaves a bad taste
By David A. Super
OPINION | In upholding Trump’s travel ban this week, the Supreme Court made a bold statement about the nature of prejudice and discrimination. Whether we choose to accept its conclusions will have dramatic implications for this country’s course.
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The Washington Post: North Korea working to conceal key aspects of its nuclear program, U.S. officials say
By Ellen Nakashima and Joby Warrick 
U.S. intelligence officials, citing newly obtained evidence, have concluded that North Korea does not intend to fully surrender its nuclear stockpile, and instead is considering ways to conceal the number of weapons it has and secret production facilities, according to U.S. officials.
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The New York Times: The EPA's ethics officer once defended Pruitt. Then he urged investigations
By Eric Lipton
The chief ethics officer of the Environmental Protection Agency has been working behind the scenes to push for a series of independent investigations into possible improprieties by Scott Pruitt, the agency’s administrator, a letter sent this week says.
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The Wall Street Journal: Mexicans say they will vote for change on Sunday
By Juan Montes and José de Córdoba
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a former mayor of Mexico City and the heavy favorite to win Mexico’s presidential election on Sunday, has traveled the country for the last 15 years preaching one consistent message: Mexico has been looted by its ruling class and he is the only politician serious about stopping it.
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The Associated Press: Evangelical leaders downplay potential Roe v. Wade reversal
By Steve Peoples
Instead of celebrating publicly, some evangelical leaders are downplaying the possibility that the Supreme Court vacancy President Donald Trump fills in the coming months will ultimately lead to the reversal of the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade. 
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CNN: Sen. Tim Scott calls race discussion with Trump 'painful,' 'uncomfortable,' but 'hopeful'
By Veronica Stracqualursi
Republican Sen. Tim Scott discussed conversations he's held with President Donald Trump on the issue of race in an interview airing Sunday, calling the discussions difficult and "uncomfortable," but also saying they gave him reason to be hopeful.
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DAILY DOSE: Animal Taming


Animal Taming

By Tzvi Freeman

You are the master over the animal within, not its slave.

Just because it burns inside like a furnace doesn't mean you must obey.

By Tzvi Freeman

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