
2018年7月6日 星期五

The Hill's Morning Report — Sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance — Legislating on the backburner as Senate gripped by confirmation fights | EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt resigns | The final contenders to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy | Trump’s first round of Chinese tariffs take effect today | Hope Hicks replaced by former Fox News exec | Trump vs. Tester in Montana | June border crossings drop | Quiz winners!

The Hill's Morning Report
Sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance

© The Hill

Welcome to The Hill's Morning Report, and TGIF! Our daily email gets you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch, co-created by Jonathan Easley and Alexis Simendinger. (CLICK HERE to subscribe!)


📺 Hill.TV’s “Rising” program, starting at 8 a.m., features former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, who has been at the center of the FBI’s Russia probe since 2016. http://thehill.com/hilltv


Legislating seems to be the least of concerns among senators returning next week for a drawn-out summer and early fall. And the Supreme Court is just one of the dramas.

The Hill: Senate battle over court nominee threatens to stymie legislative process.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who was already keeping the upper chamber in session through part of the August recess to work through a backlog of judicial confirmations, may have another Cabinet nomination fight on his hands as well.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt resigned yesterday after months of scandals surrounding agency spending, conflicts of interest and influence peddling.

The EPA’s deputy administrator, Andrew Wheeler, will take over until the president nominates a successor and that person is confirmed by the Senate.

Many lawmakers believe that a president should get to pick his Cabinet but this White House will need a bulletproof EPA nominee after Pruitt’s disastrous tenure.

Anyway, nothing in the Trump era has been routine. Robert Wilkie, Trump’s pick to replace scandal-plagued former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin, is still awaiting a Senate vote to lead an agency that has not had a confirmed secretary since February.

Of course, the Supreme Court confirmation fight to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy will swallow up most of the daylight in Washington between now and the midterm elections.

The president said Thursday he’ll make the final decision between two, three or four candidates by Sunday. The official unveiling will come during prime time on Monday at 9 p.m. Multiple media outlets are reporting that Trump has narrowed his list to a final three candidates, who we profiled in yesterday’s newsletter:

  • Brett Kavanaugh, 53, District of Columbia Court of Appeals judge: Kavanaugh has a deep catalog of legal opinions and is a well-regarded conservative judge from the Supreme Court’s “farm system.” But his opinions on two ObamaCare-related cases may cost him support from key conservatives. And in Trump’s current political climate, some Republicans worry about Kavanagh’s views of impeachment, as outlined when he co-authored the Starr report in the 1990s, The New York Times reports.
  • Amy Coney Barrett, 46, 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge: Barrett is the favorite among social conservatives. She’s the youngest candidate, a mother of seven including two adopted children from Haiti and a practicing Roman Catholic.  This pick would inflame liberals, while Republicans have objected to Democrats having questioned whether Barrett can separate her faith from her legal work.
  • Raymond Kethledge, 51, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals judge: Kethledge is a rare Ivy League outsider, having been schooled in his home state of Michigan, which Trump turned red for the first time in almost 30 years in 2016. Could he be the compromise candidate?

While the pressure will be on Republicans to remain united and win Trump a fifth conservative on the Supreme Court, this summer stretch will also be a pressure cooker for Senate Democrats.

There are 10 up for reelection in states Trump carried in 2016. They face a tricky balancing act between fired-up liberals and their red-state constituents.

Barrett, in particular, could present a unique challenge to several.

Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) both up for reelection in states Trump carried in 2016   voted to confirm Barrett to the appeals court last year. So did Sen. Tim Kaine (D), Hillary Clinton’s 2016 running mate, who faces an easier path to reelection in blue Virginia.

Manchin, Donnelly and Kaine are Catholic, like Barrett, and have spoken passionately about their faith in the past.

The Associated Press: Vice President Pence meets with Supreme Court contenders.

The Washington Post: Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) asked Trump to nominate former President Obama’s Supreme Court pick, Merrick Garland. (That’s not going to happen).



TRADE: *** OVERNIGHT at 12:01 a.m. EDT *** The Trump administration's first round of China tariffs went into effect, and the United States began imposing a 25 percent tax on $34 billion in Chinese products, and Beijing reciprocated. The impacts are already being felt (Reuters).


Hours before the deadline, Trump raised the stakes, warning he may ultimately target over $500 billion worth of Chinese goods, or roughly the total amount of U.S. imports from China last year.

As The Hill’s Vicki Needham reports, the tariffs wielded by the United States and China raised global tensions before taking effect. On Thursday, Chinese officials assured the United States that Beijing would respond with hefty punishment applied to $34 billion in U.S. goods, hitting the agricultural sector the hardest. According to Xinhua News, the immediate tariffs ordered in Beijing impact 545 U.S. items, including vehicles and aquatic products.

China lashed out at the Trump administration’s “threats and blackmail,” just as the World Trade Organization reported that the number of trade restrictions among developed countries has doubled, and “poses a serious threat to growth and recovery in all countries,” The Hill’s Niv Elis reports.

U.S. businesses have scaled back or postponed spending because of the trade tensions, according to Financial Times.

Once again, U.S. agriculture takes it on the chin as Mexico retaliated on Thursday with its second round of tariffs on U.S. goods. Levies of between 15 and 25 percent were slapped on apples, cranberries, cheese, potatoes, pork and whiskey, among other food and beverage products, Politico reports.

Within days, Trump will be in Europe to attend a NATO summit in Brussels. The European Union is irate about U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, and worried about Trump’s threatened 20 percent levies on imported vehicles. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who days ago narrowly survived a domestic political challenge over immigration, knows how important the German auto industry is to her countrymen. She now says she’s open to reducing EU tariffs on U.S. automobiles, which has been among Trump’s demands, according to Reuters. But Merkel cannot speak for the entire European alliance.




POLITICS & CAMPAIGNS: Trump took his Make America Great Again rally to Great Falls, Mont. last night to stump for GOP Senate candidate Matt Rosendale, who is trying to unseat Sen. Jon Tester (D).


    “It’s time to retire liberal Democrat Jon Tester.”  - Trump


The president unloaded on Tester for voting against repealing ObamaCare, the GOP’s tax bill and Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, among many other things. Trump also fumed at Tester for playing a key role in sinking his Veterans Affairs Secretary nominee, Adm. Ronny Jackson, who was accused of being drunk on duty and of liberally handing out prescriptions.


    “How did [Tester] get elected? … You can right your wrong in November.” -Trump


Trump carried Montana by 20 points in 2016, making Tester a top target for Republicans. Still, some are worried that Rosendale lacks the star wattage to take out an incumbent in the state. The only poll so far shows Tester ahead by 8 points.


The Wall Street Journal: Trump gears up for battle to oust Democrats in states he won.


For his part, Tester “welcomed” Trump to his home state with a new campaign ad highlighting their shared interests.

“Welcome to Montana, and thank you President Trump for supporting Jon’s legislation to help veterans and first responders, hold the VA accountable, and get rid of waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government.”Tester campaign ad

Donald Trump Jr.: Jon Tester is no partner of President Trump.


And in an interview with “Vice News Tonight,” Tester refused to join the Democratic Party’s left flank, calling chatter among liberals about impeaching Trump “silly talk.”

Tester’s balancing act mirrors those of his Great Plains colleague, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), who is up for reelection in a state Trump carried by more than 35 points. Trump lambasted Heitkamp at a rally in North Dakota last week. The next day, Heitkamp trekked to the White House to discuss Supreme Court nominees with the president.

The president has been campaigning aggressively, both for Republicans running for Senate this year and for his own 2020 presidential campaign.

Since May, Trump’s political and official travel has taken him to Montana, West Virginia, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Nevada, Minnesota, Texas, Tennessee and New York.

There are several states with vulnerable Democrats up for reelection where Trump has not visited this summer – Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania, among them, although Vice President Pence has been to a handful of these.

Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., who was with his father in Montana last night, has also been a fixture on the trail.

On the Democratic side, former President Obama is back on the scene. Obama will speak in Spain and Portugal over the next several days at economic and climate change forums.

And Hillary Clinton will make an appearance in New York City. The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee will headline this year’s OZY fest on July 21 in Central Park. The two-day arts festival will also feature musical acts Passion Pit and Common, as well as comedians Chelsea Handler and Michelle Wolf.


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ADMINISTRATION & WHITE HOUSE: Pruitt, one day after attending Fourth of July festivities at the White House, stepped down as EPA administrator, following months of sustained investigations, revelations and hand-wringing about his decisions, even among allies on Capitol Hill.

“I think Scott felt that he was a distraction,” Trump told reporters.

Pruitt submitted his resignation to the president, who announced it on Twitter. EPA deputy Wheeler takes the reins as acting head of the agency. 

The Hill: Pruitt resigns effective today.

The Hill: Ex-EPA aides described an environment of fear inside the agency.

The Wall Street Journal: Acting administrator Wheeler is an ex-coal and energy lobbyist.

Trump used the word “outstanding” to describe the former Oklahoma attorney general’s work at the EPA. And the business community has praised the administrator’s deregulatory zeal. Pruitt’s defenders complain the administrator was a victim of environmentalists wielding Freedom of Information Act requests and court challenges, backed by journalists on speed dial.

But even Pruitt’s friend from Oklahoma, Republican Sen. James Inhofe, said recently he tried to talk to Pruitt about toning down his numerous controversies, telling reporters the administrator got “a wake-up call.” Pruitt never found a way to halt the barrage of eyebrow-raising coverage that lasted months, triggering turmoil inside the agency and an exodus by senior aides (The Washington Post).

© Twitter/Strassel

The fresh coverage on Thursday before the resignation announcement: “EPA aide questioned deleting sensitive meeting details, then she was fired” (The New York Times).

Democratic lawmakers wasted no time before celebrating Pruitt’s goodbye.

© Twitter/Connolly

Senate Minority Leader Schumer hinted that ripe targets for ethics critiques still remain in Trump’s realm. He didn’t point to examples, but they include Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

© Twitter/Schumer

Perhaps it was just in time that the president announced he hired a new deputy chief of staff for communications, Bill Shine, who traveled with Trump aboard Air Force One to Montana on Thursday (The Hill).


Trump has largely been his own communications director for many months, and it remains to be seen if Shine, the former co-president of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network, can gain any traction in an understaffed White House hobbled by infighting and an improvisational boss.


The New York Times: Shine, ousted by Fox News after sexual harassment scandals, joins White House.

The role of a communications chief in any West Wing is to guide the president’s public presentations on offense — months in advance — a tall order with a president who prefers to plan by the minute, and often on defense.   

IMMIGRATION: Border crossings dropped sharply in June, according to new data from the Department of Homeland Security.

May apprehensions: 40,338

June apprehensions: 34,114

DHS credited the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy for the drop, although the decrease maintained seasonal patterns seen over the past five years.

"Following the implementation of the Administration’s zero-tolerance policy, the June 2018 Southwest Border Migration numbers declined by 18 percent when compared to the previous month … the journey north is dangerous and puts individuals in the hands of smugglers and traffickers. We continue to call on Congress to address the crisis at the border by closing legal loopholes that drive illegal immigration.” – DHS spokesman Tyler Q. Houston.

Meanwhile, the administration is still scrambling to unite the children and parents who were separated at the border.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a conference call on Thursday that about 100 children under the age of 5 will soon be reunited with their parents. HHS has until Tuesday to complete that task to comply with a federal court order. For children between the ages of 5 and 17, the agency has until July 26.

Azar fumed at what he described as the “artificial deadline created by the court.”

“That deadline was not informed by the process needed to vet parents, including confirming parentage as well as determining the suitability of placement with that parent.” – Azar

The Hill: HHS using DNA tests to reunite migrant families.

The Associated Press: U.S. Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits.

The Trump administration was dealt another legal blow on immigration on Thursday, with a federal judge in California rejecting their efforts to block California’s sanctuary city law.


Free speech means a free Internet, even if Democrats don’t like it, by Dan Backer, opinion contributor with The Hill. https://bit.ly/2zlvA6u


Americans are to be first casualties of Trump’s looming trade war, by John Foote, opinion contributor with The Hill. https://bit.ly/2MNfN1O


The House will be back in session on July 10.


The Senate resumes work on July 9.


The president today is at his home in Bedminster, N.J., where he will remain for the weekend. He and first lady Melania Trump are hosting Vice President Pence and Karen Pence for dinner there this evening.


The vice president speaks this morning at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Washington, accompanied by Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of homeland security. He’ll meet with ICE employees after his speech. Later he and the second lady travel to New Jersey to join the president.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in North Korea to continue talks about denuclearization. He’ll be in Tokyo over the weekend to meet with Japanese and South Korean leaders. (ChoSun Media reports that Pompeo brought Kim Jong Un two gifts from Trump. One was a signed copy of Elton John’s “Rocket Man” CD, and the other a letter from the president.)


The Bureau of Labor Statistics at 8:30 a.m. releases the jobs report for June. Wall Street analysts expect to see strong employment growth and an unemployment rate that hovered at 3.8 percent during May and June.   


> Federal Reserve on lookout for recession but still sees a strong economy, by Jason Lange, Reuters.


> Walmart takes a stand on guns, gay rights to get people to like it more, by Sarah Nassauer, The Wall Street Journal.


> The 105th Tour de France begins Saturday. The Wall Street Journal calls it a “queasy feast.” So, in that case, check out the gustatory tour, too (The Associated Press).


And finally … 👏👏👏  Lots of Morning Report readers went the whole nine yards with the QUIZ CONTEST on Thursday to identify the incorrect historical reference (out of five listed, all themed around “nine”). Masterful guessers knew that No. 2 was incorrect (“The first English colony was founded at Jamestown, Va., in 1609.”) The year was 1607.


Here’s the entire quiz menu again, and kudos to all who played along:


1) There have been nine U.S. Supreme Court justices since the Judiciary Act of 1869; 2) The first English colony was founded at Jamestown, Va., in 1609; 3) New York’s delegates in 1776 did not officially give their support to the Declaration of Independence until July 9; 4) The ninth president of the United States was the first to die in office; 5) George Mason, one of the Founding Fathers, and his wife had nine children.


Quiz Winners: Mike Sweat, Kay H., Vincent Cooper, Bob Koczera, Kay Katz, Norm Seip, Dara Umberger, David Anderson, Norm Roberts, Dan Hill, Sean T. Walsh, Raymond Williams, B.J. Ford, Jack Dinkmeyer, Patrick Alford and Troy Bains.

© Getty Images


The Morning Report is created by journalists Jonathan Easley jeasley@thehill.com & Alexis Simendinger asimendinger@thehill.com. Suggestions? Tips? We want to hear from you! Share The Hill’s reporting and newsletters, and encourage others to SUBSCRIBE!

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2018年7月5日 星期四

On The Money: US, China brace as tariffs poised to take effect | Mexico retaliates against US goods | Fed warns US businesses have 'scaled back' investments | Merkel floats easing car import tariffs

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Happy Thursday and welcome back to On The Money, where we're cruising into the second weekend of the week like a cargo ship racing to avoid tariffs. I'm Sylvan Lane, and here's your nightly guide to everything affecting your bills, bank account and bottom line.

See something I missed? Let me know at slane@thehill.com or tweet me @SylvanLane. And if you like your newsletter, you can subscribe to it here: http://bit.ly/1NxxW2N.

Write us with tips, suggestions and news: slane@thehill.com, vneedham@thehill.com, njagoda@thehill.com and nelis@thehill.com. Follow us on Twitter: @SylvanLane, @VickofTheHill, @NJagoda and @NivElis.


THE BIG DEAL: The global trade showdown over President Trump's tariffs is ratcheting up this week as analysts and businesses intensify their warning about the potential costs of a trade war.

Mexico on Thursday imposed a second round of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods, most of which will be applied to U.S. agricultural products. The new levies cover apples, cranberries, cheeses, potatoes, pork and whiskey. The products will be hit with a tariff of between 15 and 25 percent, and come three days after Canada applied tariffs on $13 billion in U.S. agricultural products.

The Trump administration is also set to impose tariffs on $34 billion of Chinese imports, a move that Beijing has promised to retaliate over in the latest escalation between the world's two largest economies.

The Hill's Vicki Needham tells us that Chinese officials said Thursday they were prepared to respond with tariffs on $34 billion worth of American goods, raising serious concerns among industry leaders in the U.S. agricultural, manufacturing and technology sectors and increasing the odds of billions more in import taxes for both countries in the coming months.

"China will never fire the first shot. However, if the United States adopts taxation measures, China will be forced to fight back to defend the core interests of the nation and the interests of the people," Commerce Ministry spokesman Gao Feng said.


The escalating tensions and tit-for-tat tariffs have raised concerns among economists and central banks around the world.

Federal Reserve officials said during their June 12-13 meeting that tariffs imposed by President Trump and retaliatory action from key trading partners has forced American companies to scale back or abandon plans to expand and invest in new capital, according to minutes released today.
Officials said risks and uncertainty related to global trade policy had "intensified," according to the minutes, and warned that further trade tensions "could have negative effects on business sentiment and investment spending."

The World Trade Organization (WTO) also said Thursday that the number of new trade restrictions among the world's top economies has doubled in the past six months, posing a threat to the global economy.
"This continued escalation poses a serious threat to growth and recovery in all countries, and we are beginning to see this reflected in some forward-looking indicators," said WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo.


Even so, there are some signs that trade tensions between Trump and Europe could be easing on one front.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday she would support lowering tariffs on U.S. car imports amid an escalating trade dispute that could decimate automakers. 

Reuters reported that Merkel said tariff negotiations are ongoing, and that any changes would require full European support. 

"I would be ready to support negotiations on reducing tariffs, but we would not be able to do this only with the U.S.," Merkel said.



  • "China is engaged in industrial policies and theft of intellectual property that merits a response, but across the business community we feel that tariffs are not the answer." -- John Murphy, senior vice president for international policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • "Combining this with China's promise to retaliate against U.S. products and agricultural commodities only further erodes the benefits of last year's tax reform." -- Association of Equipment Manufacturers President Dennis Slater.
  • "We can expect further damage to the U.S. economy, workers, companies and consumers." -- U.S. Council for International Business President and CEO Peter Robinson.


What comes next: The Trump administration is prepping another $16 billion worth of Chinese export tariffs after a public comment period and hearing scheduled for July 24. China is expected to respond with tariffs on $16 billion worth of U.S. goods like machinery and plastics.

Together, the two rounds -- $34 billion and $16 billion -- would comprise the $50 billion in tariffs that Trump announced in May.



  • June jobs report released, 8:30 a.m.



Credit Suisse to pay $77M over bribery law violations: Credit Suisse Group will pay $77 million to settle charges that the bank violated anti-bribery laws by hiring employees connected to foreign government officials, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced Thursday.

The Swiss investment bank agreed to pay $30 million to the SEC and a $47 million criminal penalty to the Justice Department to resolve claims it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Credit Suisse hired more than 100 employees to its Asia-Pacific division at the request of officials from foreign governments between 2007 and 2013, the SEC alleged. The hires included more than 60 employees referred by foreign officials at more than 20 Chinese state-owned business that were Credit Suisse clients, according to the complaint. I've got more on the settlement here.


Dem report: GOP tax law helps developers, hurts homeowners: House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ranking member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) on Thursday released a report that argues that the GOP tax law hurts homeowners while benefiting real estate developers.

The report comes as Democrats work to make the case against the tax law ahead of the November midterm elections.

It includes a new estimate from the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) that several tax breaks for real estate developers will lead to $66.7 billion in lost federal revenue over a decade.

"Republicans in Congress punished middle-class American homeowners while lavishing tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks on wealthy real estate developers like President Trump and his rich friends," Cummings said in a statement. The Hill's Naomi Jagoda breaks it down here.


Businesses see Trump, not López Obrador, as greater threat to NAFTA: Mexico's election of leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president may have portended more trade trouble between the two countries, but businesses see President Trump as the greater threat on North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

López Obrador, known as AMLO, opposed NAFTA at the time it was signed. But like many on the Canadian left, he has since come around as Mexico's economy opened and the conventional wisdom in the country saw the deal as central to its economic prospects.

While businesses worried about some of López Obrador's economic plans, his election has prompted muted concern over NAFTA. The Hill's Niv Elis tells us why here


MARKET CHECK: From CNBC: "Stocks closed higher on Thursday as technology shares rose, but investors remained on edge as the U.S. prepared to slap tariffs on goods imported from China.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 181.92 points to 24,356.74, with Intel and Walgreens Boots Alliance outperforming. The S&P 500 gained 0.9 percent to close at 2,736.61 as tech climbed 1.5 percent. The Nasdaq composite advanced 1.1 percent to 7,586.43 as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google-parent Alphabet all rose."



  • The Washington Post explores why, and how, the Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into Facebook's reaction to Cambridge Analytica.
  • Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross appears to have earned seven figures from his failure to divest stock holdings until months after he was required to do so, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis.
  • The New York Times explains why the Fed can't do much to limit the damage of a trade war.
  • Op-Ed: Mark Heppenstall, chief investment officer at Penn Mutual Asset Management, writes for The Hill on how signs of global stress will test the Federal Reserve.
  • A record $2.5 trillion in mergers were announced in the first half of 2018, according to The New York Times.
  • Chinese telecommunications company ZTE has reportedly named a new chief executive and other leaders as it seeks to comply with U.S.-imposed requirements to get back in business in the country.


Join us Wednesday, July 11, for "Latino Entrepreneurship & The American Dream," featuring Reps. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.)Jenniffer González-Colón (R-P.R.), and Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.). Topics of discussion include what leaders in government and industry are doing to support Latino entrepreneurs and how barriers related to lending, training, and growth can be eliminated We will also explore the role mentoring can play in empowering Hispanic small business owners. RSVP Here.

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