
2018年10月4日 星期四

News Alert: Kavanaugh’s path to confirmation begins to solidify

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Kavanaugh’s path to confirmation begins to solidify
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s path to confirmation appeared to solidify on Thursday after two key Republican senators praised an FBI report and said it did not find evidence corroborating the sexual assault allegations against him.
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The Hill's 12:30 Report — Presented by Citi — Senators spar over FBI report on Kavanaugh | Swing vote Collins calls report 'very thorough' | Flake sees no corroboration of allegations | Dems fault 'incomplete' investigation | White House defends probe | Key vote set for Friday, final vote could come Saturday | Kavanaugh fight could help Senate GOP, but hurt House Republicans | Seven Russian intel officers indicted for conspiracy | Pence accuses China of meddling to hurt Trump | National Taco Day deals

The Hill 12:30 Report
Presented by Citi | View in Browser

Two swing senators are praising the FBI report:

Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) praised the FBI investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as being thorough. Flake said there doesn't appear to be any corroborating information for the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. 


From Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine): "It appears to be a very thorough investigation," Collins told reporters. She also said: She plans to read the full report later. http://bit.ly/2zSLovB


From Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.): "I think Susan Collins was quoted saying it was very thorough but no new corroborative information came out of it. That's accurate. I wanted this pause, we've had this pause. We've had the professionals, the FBI, determine -- given the scope that we gave them, current credible allegations -- to go and do their review which they've done." http://bit.ly/2Rr13ZC


Keep in mind: The votes that matter right now are Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). 


If two of these undecided votes sway 'yes,' then Kavanaugh is confirmed. 


CNN's political director David Chalian weighs in -- why these two reactions are important: "I think the ballgame's over here." He added: "I think that's why… Susan Collins' statement is a hugely significant moment, because the entire argument from the Democratic side about the investigation was that it wasn't thorough, that it wasn't complete." http://bit.ly/2Nks7GZ



From Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa): "There's nothing in it that we didn't already know ... This investigation found no hint of misconduct...I'll be voting to confirm Judge Kavanaugh." http://bit.ly/2yhMlvg


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee: The FBI report "looks to be the product of an incomplete investigation that was limited. Perhaps by the White House. I don't know." http://bit.ly/2yhMlvg


Oh and -- from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.): "We had many fears that this was a very limited process that would constrain the FBI from getting the facts. ...Those fears have been realized." http://bit.ly/2RstwOJ


It's Thursday. 10-4!  I'm Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what's coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.


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America's reaction can best be described in one gif

--> http://bit.ly/2DZDp3U:

The FBI finished its report on sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The findings are classified, but senators have been viewing the document today. https://cnn.it/2QsSdJS


How senators have been viewing the FBI file -- it switches parties every hour: "Lawmakers from rival parties will be able to view the report in one-hour shifts, as the document changes hands between parties every hour." http://bit.ly/2RqXhj6


But aren't there multiple copies?: No, Republicans have placed strict limits on viewing the document to prevent leaks. Just one copy will be available at a time. Democrats are not pleased with this decision. http://bit.ly/2RqXhj6


Besides senators, who else on Capitol Hill can view the FBI file: Nine staff members, including both Republicans and Democrats, are authorized to read the file. Why: To brief members who don't want to read the entire file. http://bit.ly/2zQXlSg


How many people the FBI contacted: 10, according to the White House. http://bit.ly/2xYxhmX


Timing: The Senate will likely vote to end debate on Kavanaugh's nomination on Friday, meaning a final vote on his confirmation could happen as early as Saturday. http://bit.ly/2Nr5IrC


Collins has had quite the week: Video of reporters surrounding Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who is still undecided about Kavanaugh, as she walks to the floor vote. Watch: http://bit.ly/2RnIINn


On Tuesday, President Trump took shots at Ford's story, questioning her lack of details of the incident. Via The Hill's Niall Stanage, here's how that backfired: http://bit.ly/2IEIFZB


Lol, this CNN chyron: The Washington Post's Amy Argetsinger tweeted a screenshot of CNN's chyron with the caption, "OMG CNN. Please let us interview your chyron artist." Screenshot: http://bit.ly/2NlPmjW


Reaction from the White House: "The president was stating the facts," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said during yesterday's press briefing. http://bit.ly/2y1XhOk


New op-ed from Kavanaugh's college roommate: James Roche, who lived with Kavanaugh in college, wrote in Slate that "Brett Kavanaugh stood up under oath and lied about his drinking and about the meaning of words in his yearbook." His claims about living with Kavanaugh: http://bit.ly/2QukzDw


Seven Russian officers have been indicted:

"The Trump administration on Thursday indicted seven Russian intelligence officers on a slew of federal charges for allegedly conducting malicious cyber operations against the United States and its allies." http://bit.ly/2QvvUmv


Late this morning — Pence accuses China of ... election meddling!:

Vice President Pence accused China of meddling in U.S. elections to hurt President Trump and the Republican Party. Why this is important: It shows the Trump administration is taking tough stance against Beijing for the midterms. http://bit.ly/2IBgD0R


Socialism is trendy for millennials:

Almost half of millennial Democrats say they identify themselves as either a socialist or a democratic socialist, according to a new poll from BuzzFeed News and Maru/Blue. The numbers: 48 percent identified themselves as either a democratic socialist or socialist; 39 percent did not. Dem vs. Republican: 48 percent of millennials polled identified themselves as Democrats over 25 percent as Republicans. http://bit.ly/2y9FWlK


Business Insider explains the difference between a socialist and a democratic socialist: https://read.bi/2xYc3px




Interesting read -- how the Kavanaugh vote could help Republicans in the Senate, but hurt Republicans in the House:

Via The Hill's Scott Wong, Lisa Hagen and Mike Lillis, the fight over Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination may give Senate Republicans a boost, but damage Republicans' chances of keeping the House. http://bit.ly/2ycQtwQ


For the House: "Republicans acknowledge that the fight over Kavanaugh's nomination could dampen their prospects of holding onto the House majority, which is already an uphill battle this cycle." Why: Christine Blasey Ford's allegations that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school threatens to hurt the party with female and moderate voters who are key in swing seats." 


For the Senate: But Republicans maintain it's a boost in the Senate, where they're fighting to protect their slim 51-49 majority by targeting deep-red seats where voters overwhelmingly backed the president.


Full reasoning: http://bit.ly/2ycQtwQ


This stresses me out:


Watch -- she zooms in on the washer repelling off the dome: http://bit.ly/2DYd3iM


I've had trouble making it through this entire video because I kept rewatching the first few seconds and couldn't stop:


Watch -- I'm laughing, I'm cringing: http://bit.ly/2O5TnhE



The Senate is in. The House is out.


12:40 p.m. EDT: President Trump leaves the White House for Minneapolis.


3:50 p.m. EDT: President Trump participates in a roundtable with supporters.


4:50 p.m. EDT: President Trump speaks at a joint fundraising committee reception in Minneapolis. He then heads to Rochester, Minn.


5:35 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence campaigns for Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.).


6:10 p.m. EDT: Vice President Pence campaigns for Nevada congressional candidate Danny Tarkanian.


11:30 p.m. EDT: President Trump gets back to the White House.


7:30 p.m. EDT: President Trump holds a campaign rally in Rochester, Minn. Livestream: https://cs.pn/2II8s37


Happening today: Two NASA astronauts are returning to earth after almost 200 days in space. Livestream of their return: http://bit.ly/2DYXs2B


Today is National Taco Day! Here's where to get free tacos today: http://bit.ly/2RoAxQF


And because you made it this far, here's one of the best Halloween costumes I've ever seen: a dad dressed up his wobbly toddlers as the slinky dog from 'Toy Story.' I get why this went viral: http://bit.ly/2NoIItj

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