
2018年11月4日 星期日

Tipsheet: Dems are confident about House despite painful 2016 memories

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Dems are confident about House despite painful 2016 memories
Democrats’ growing confidence heading into Election Day bears echoes of 2016, leaving some liberals fretting that party leaders took no lessons from their drubbing that year — and are now measuring the drapes before the Speaker’s office is secured.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made her boldest forecast of the year on Tuesday, vowing the Democrats will seize the lower chamber in the Nov. 6 elections — a shift from earlier sentiments that such a concrete prediction was premature. 
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Dems fighting for political lives tout support for border security
Red-state Democrats are touting their border security bona fides as President Trump hammers the issue in the final week of the midterm election. 
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Republicans put in bind over preexisting conditions
New actions from the Trump administration are complicating efforts of vulnerable Republicans to show their support for pre-existing condition protections heading into Tuesday's midterm elections.
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Election Day: An hour-by-hour viewer’s guide
For a solid hour on Tuesday, all eyes will be trained on Lexington, Ky., and its suburbs, where Rep. Andy Barr (R) is running for reelection against retired Marine Lt. Col. Amy McGrath (D).
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More than 4.5 million people vote early in Texas
Early voter turnout in this year’s midterm election in Texas has reportedly surpassed the entire voter turnout total in the state’s 2014 midterm election.
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Midterm stakes high for Silicon Valley
The outcome of Tuesday's midterm elections could have big implications for the tech industry.
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Arizona man pleads guilty to using scam PACs to defraud donors
An Arizona man pleaded guilty in a federal court in Manhattan Friday to creating six PACs and misrepresenting their activities to potential donors, resulting in tens of thousands of donors being defrauded.
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Drama builds around Stone in Mueller probe
Robert Mueller continues to zero in on Roger Stone as speculation builds that the special counsel could take a major overt step in his Russia investigation following the midterm elections next week.
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Senate panel asks DOJ to investigate 'fabricated allegation' against Kavanaugh
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) asked the Justice Department (DOJ) to investigate a "fabricated allegation" against newly minted Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh from a woman identified as Judy Munro-Leighton.
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Trump: US open to new Iran deal
President Trump reasserted his openness to reaching a new Iran deal, days before the U.S. is set to reimpose a final set of sanctions on Tehran.
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America is one nation under God
OPINION| Like most Americans, I am dismayed over the massacre at the Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh last weekend that took 11 innocent lives. I stand with my Jewish brothers and sisters. All forms of violence are wrong and I condemn them in the strongest terms. To attack anyone in a place of worship is one of the most cowardly acts I can imagine, and the person responsible in this case should be punished to the fullest extent allowed by law.
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Forcing asylum seekers to choose between indefinite detention and family separation is cruel
OPINION| The Trump administration has waged a sustained and coordinated campaign of chaos to instill fear and deter families — including women and children fleeing danger and violence at home — from seeking asylum in the U.S.
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The Associated Press: Trump presidency faces high stakes in midterm elections
President Donald Trump has been acting like a candidate on the ballot this week, staging daily double-header rallies and blasting out ads for Republicans up for election on Tuesday. Given the stakes for his presidency, he might as well be.
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The Washington Post: Anxiety high in campaign’s final days as voters prepare to render judgment on Trumpism
As the midterms roared into their final weekend — with the biggest names in both parties exhorting their followers to vote — tight races across the country were setting the stage for an uncertain, but dramatic, conclusion. Much is on the line as voters will render a nationwide judgment on whether Trumpism is a historic anomaly or a reflection of modern-day America.
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CNN: Trump touts beating back a Democratic agenda 'from Hell' as liberal groups dig in for 'the last weekend'
For President Donald Trump, this one was personal.

Back in Montana on Saturday afternoon, he slammed Democratic Sen. Jon Tester over his role in sinking former White House physician Ronny Jackson's nomination to become the secretary of veterans affairs.
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The Wall Street Journal: As midterm elections loom, candidates scramble to get out the  vote
A close House race in Virginia highlights the stakes for both parties.
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The New York Times: How US law enforcement failed to see the threat of white nationalism
For two decades, domestic counterterrorism strategy has ignored the rising danger of far-right extremism. In the atmosphere of willful indifference, a virulent movement has grown and metastasized.
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DAILY DOSE: Intolerance



By Tzvi Freeman

Intolerance lies at the core of evil.

Not the intolerance that results from any threat or danger. Not the intolerance that arises from negative experience. Just intolerance of another being who dares to exist, who dares to diminish the space in the universe left for you. Intolerance without cause.

It is so deep within us, because every human being secretly desires the entire universe to himself. Our only way out is to learn compassion without cause.

To care for each other simply because that "other" exists.

By Tzvi Freeman

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2018年11月3日 星期六

News Alert: Dems fighting for political lives tout support for border security

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Dems fighting for political lives tout support for border security
Red-state Democrats are touting their border security bona fides as President Trump hammers the issue in the final week of the midterm election.

Democrats — hoping to eek out wins in states where Trump triumphed in 2016—have focused on their ability to work with the administration on the border, even as the president and their GOP opponents try to paint them as obstructionists on immigration.
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News Alert: Drama builds around Stone in Mueller probe

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Drama builds around Stone in Mueller probe
Robert Mueller continues to zero in on Roger Stone as speculation builds that the special counsel could take a major overt step in his Russia investigation following the midterm elections next week.

Stone, a longtime adviser to President Trump who briefly worked on his campaign, is viewed as central to the question of what, if anything, members of the Trump campaign knew in advance about Democratic emails hacked by Russian operatives and then released by WikiLeaks.
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