
2019年2月1日 星期五

News Alert: Poll finds 58 percent say press jump to conclusions

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Poll finds 58 percent say press jump to conclusions
More people think reporters in today's fast-paced environment are likely to make hasty judgments about the news than in years past, according to a Hill-HarrisX poll released Friday.

Fifty-eight percent of registered voters contacted for the survey said that they believed reporters were more likely to jump to conclusions about events than before. Just 14 percent said contemporary reporters were less likely to do so while 27 percent said things were about the same as previously.
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Breaking News: Trump: 'Good chance' I will declare emergency to build wall

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Trump: 'Good chance' I will declare emergency to build wall
President Trump said Friday there is a “good chance” he will declare a national emergency to circumvent Congress and build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“I think there’s a good chance we’ll have to do that,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office.
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The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Booker jumps into 2020 race | Trump to suspend nuke treaty with Russia | Economy adds over 300K jobs for second month | Roger Stone headed back to court | Dems find new target in Mnuchin | Pence to meet Venezuelan exiles in Miami | Vice Media hit by layoffs | &pizza opening in House office building | Super Bowl preview | National Bubble Gum Day

The Hill 12:30 Report


My favorite reaction to Booker’s presidential announcement. Credit | @hotpockets


Back story — throwback: Remember when Corey Booker was the mayor of Newark, N.J., and got residents hundreds of free Hot Pockets after Hurricane Sandy? Details: http://bit.ly/2S4fZkC


He should do well with the pizza contingent:

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) announced this morning that he is running for president in 2020.  http://bit.ly/2UyDPBz 


From Booker’s announcement video: "The history of our nation is defined by collective action; by interwoven destinies of slaves and abolitionists; of those born here and those who chose America as home; of those who took up arms to defend our country, and those who linked arms to challenge and change it.” 


Watch Booker’s announcement video: http://bit.ly/2TqlaId


Is Booker’s announcement surprising?: Booker's entry into the race was anticipated and he had been telling lawmakers he would run.


Timing: Booker made the announcement on the first day of Black History Month. 


Following the announcement video: Booker talks more about his bid on Instagram Live. The theme: Bringing the country together. “Don’t tell me that’s weak. Don’t tell me you can’t win elections that way.” http://bit.ly/2Rw4zRw Watch the Instagram livestream — click his profile picture on the top left: http://bit.ly/2HKMEa4


Tidbit:Cory Booker’s the first presidential candidate with a sports-reference page.” Booker played football at Stanford. (Via National Journal’s Josh KraushaarHis stats: http://bit.ly/2G43oHt


Here’s video of Booker playing college football: Via Sports Illustrated: http://bit.ly/2BepzXA


New Twitter banner, who dis?: “Spotted on Booker's new Twitter banner: ‘South Carolina NAACP’” (Via The New York Times’s Shane Goldmacherhttp://bit.ly/2DOD4PC


Throwback: Earlier in January, from CNN’s Rebecca Buck, “I forgot to tweet about this yesterday, but I can't overlook Cory Booker's commitment to going coat-less in South Carolina. It was freezing. Even Bernie (of Vermont) was bundled up. But as any winter bride can relate — gotta get pics in your good outfit no matter what.” She referenced that tweet this morning, adding some context: “Now we know why Booker didn’t wear a coat in SC: His team was filming for his announcement video that day” Photos — he looks cold!: http://bit.ly/2MIFbah


Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) began calling members of Congress yesterday to try to get their support. http://bit.ly/2RyxT9Q  


Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) tweeted, “Congratulations and welcome to the race to one of my closest friends, [Cory Booker]! I'll be cheering you on—just, you know, not TOO hard.” http://bit.ly/2SfpVHh


Gillibrand linked to a Marie Claire video of the two quizzing each other on ‘How Well Do You Know Your Co-Worker?’ — watch: http://bit.ly/2G3rNgn


Happy Friday! It’s a snowy start to February in D.C.! I’m Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what’s coming up. Send comments, story ideas and events for our radar to cmartel@thehill.com — and follow along on Twitter @CateMartel and Facebook.


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First Fridays of the month are for jobs:

The economy added a robust 304,000 jobs in January. http://bit.ly/2G30FhA


For context: Economists had predicted 165,000 jobs for January. 


Keep in mind: This is the second straight month of growth above 300,000. 


The unemployment rate: Ticked up to 4 percent from 3.9 percent. That’s a sign that more people were entering the labor force.


It’s been a bad stretch for media companies:

Via The Hollywood Reporter, Vice Media’s CEO announced this morning that the company is laying off about 10 percent of its employees. 


Details: “Around 250 jobs are expected to be cut, a company spokeswoman tells The Hollywood Reporter, as the 2,500-person Vice reduces redundancies internationally and reorients to focus on growth areas like film and television production and branded content. All departments at every level are expected to have layoffs, from IT to finance to television.” http://bit.ly/2GfqLgB


This morning — *cue dramatic tearing of the document*:

“The Trump administration announced Friday that it would suspend its obligations under a decades old Cold War arms control pact with Russia on Saturday, citing Moscow's violations of the treaty.” http://bit.ly/2Ggrjmz


From Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: “Russia has refused to take any steps to return to real and verifiable compliance over these 60 days. The United States will therefore suspend its obligations under the INF Treaty effective Feb. 2, and we will provide Russia and the other treaty parties with formal notice that the United States is withdrawing from the INF Treaty effective in six months pursuant to Article 15 of the treaty.” 


Yeeeea, that’s awkward. I’d cancel that briefing, too...:

The White House abruptly canceled President Trump’s daily intelligence meeting on Wednesday after CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, the top intelligence officials in the United States, contradicted the White House’s foreign policy in front of Congress. http://bit.ly/2S3PgEM


How Haspel and Coats contradicted the Trump administration: They testified that Iran has been complying with the Obama-era nuclear deal, said that North Korea likely won’t give up its nuclear weapons and said that ISIS is still a threat. Trump has publicly disagreed with each of these policies. http://bit.ly/2S3PgEM


Raise a glass to more lunch options!:

Via Roll Call’s Katherine Tully-McManus, a new &pizza is opening in the Rayburn House Office Building on Feb. 6. Details:  http://bit.ly/2S6bqGB


Democrats smell fresh meat:

Via The Hill’s Morgan Chalfant and Olivia Beavers, “Democrats have a new investigative target: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The leaders of three powerful House committees are requesting a trove of documents related to the Treasury Department’s decision to lift sanctions on companies tied to Oleg Deripaska, a prominent Russian oligarch linked with Russian President Vladimir Putin.” http://bit.ly/2G4bwb4


Enough of this cold!:

An 18-year-old pre-medicine student at the University of Iowa froze to death this week. The temperature: “Temperatures at the university plunged to about minus 21 degrees, with a windchill as low as 51 degrees below zero, this week amid an Arctic front that has hit large parts of the country.” What we know: http://bit.ly/2GmpNzt 


This is pretty bad acting...:


The House and Senate are out. President Trump is in Washington, D.C., and is heading to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Vice President Pence is in Miami. 


8:30 a.m. EST: Vice President Pence and Karen Pence leave Washington, D.C., for Miami.


11:40 a.m. EST: Vice President Pence holds a roundtable with Venezuelan exiles in Miami.


11:45 a.m. EST: President Trump had a meeting in the Cabinet Room to discuss human trafficking on the southern border.


12:30 p.m. EST: President Trump has lunch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.


2 p.m. EST: Roger Stone will be in court. “Judge Amy Berman Jackson is expected to discuss and possibly rule on motions before her in which prosecutors have asked for more time to prepare for trial, citing ‘voluminous and complex’ evidence in the case.” (Via The Hill’s Lydia Wheelerhttp://bit.ly/2UywtxU


4 p.m. EST: President Trump and first lady Melania Trump leave for the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla. Keep in mind: This is the president’s first trip since Thanksgiving.


12:35 p.m. EST: Vice President Pence speaks at a Venezuela solidarity event in Miami. Livestreamhttp://bit.ly/2zl0CZY


6:30 p.m. EST Sunday: The kickoff for Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams. Preview from ESPN's Bill Barnwell: https://es.pn/2CZNkml


Today is National Bubble Gum Day.


Wow, he got Bill Belichick to smile!:

For a segment on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live,' Kimmel's sidekick Guillermo Rodriguez went to the Super Bowl LIII Media Night and asked players and coaches some pretty weird questions. Watch -- the reactions from NFL players and coaches are hilarious: http://bit.ly/2BhpaUa


Including -- lol: Guillermo asked defensive tackle Aaron Donald, "If you guys win the Super Bowl, what fast food do you think Donald Trump will serve to you guys?" Watch his reaction: http://bit.ly/2Sg2iOR 


Does anyone want a low-key wedding on, say, March 14, 2019?:

You can get married at &pizza on Pi Day. Here are details and the form to apply: http://bit.ly/2Wzwy6x 


And to get your weekend off to the right start, here are ducks reacting to snow similarly to most people in Washington, D.C. I laughed out loud at this: http://bit.ly/2sZVE0E


Can’t you just hear the ducks quacking, “nope, nope, nope, nope?” 

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