
2019年2月11日 星期一

Breaking News: Lawmakers reach agreement 'in principle' to avert shutdown

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Lawmakers reach agreement 'in principle' to avert shutdown
PLawmakers said on Monday night that they had reached an agreement "in principle" to avoid a second partial government shutdown set to begin on Saturday.
Read the developing report here
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On The Money: Negotiators aiming to reach deal Monday night | Why border talks stalled | Treasury calls reports on dip in tax refunds 'misleading' | Cuomo, Trump to discuss SALT deduction cap

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Happy Monday and welcome back to On The Money. I'm Sylvan Lane, and here's your nightly guide to everything affecting your bills, bank account and bottom line.

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THE BIG DEAL-- Treasury calls reports on dip in tax refunds 'misleading' The Treasury Department on Monday said reports of a reduction in average tax refunds in 2019 are "misleading."

In a tweet, the department said refund amounts have been consistent with 2017 levels and "down slightly" from last year, something it blamed on a small sample size.

"News reports on reduction in IRS filings & refunds are misleading. Refunds are consistent with 2017 levels and down slightly from 2018 based on a small initial sample from only a few days of data," the tweet reads.

Early statistics from the IRS showed that the average refund amount through Feb. 1 was $1,865 -- down 8.4 percent compared to the same period last year.

Tax filing season started Jan. 28 and ends in April. This year's filing is being closely watched because tax filings will reflect the first full year of the changes made in the GOP's 2017 tax overhaul. 

The context:

  • This year's filing season will be closely watched, as it's the first year that people's tax filings will reflect many of the changes made in Republicans' 2017 tax law.
  • While most people are expected see a tax cut, Democratic lawmakers have expressed concerns that some people expecting refunds will owe the IRS money instead because they didn't have enough taxes withheld from their paychecks throughout the year.
  • This year's filing season also started just days after the 35-day government shutdown ended. Funding for the IRS lapsed during the shutdown, leaving many of its employees furloughed or working without pay.



  • The House Financial Services Committee holds a hearing on the use of financial sanctions and foreign policy, 10 a.m.
  • The House Ways and Means Committee holds a hearing on the rising cost of prescription drug prices, 10 a.m.
  • The American Enterprise Institute hosts a panel discussion entitled "Global financial market risks: Entering unchartered territory," 2 p.m.



Negotiators aiming to reach deal Monday night: Lawmakers involved in the negotiations to prevent a second government shutdown say they are aiming to reach an agreement on Monday night. 

Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), the top two members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said a core group of four lawmakers including themselves and Reps. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) and Kay Granger (R-Texas) would reconvene at 8 p.m. with the aim of getting a deal to break the months-long stalemate. 

What they are saying: "I think we both agree that we can wrap this up tonight, do it tonight, not go over until tomorrow," Leahy told reporters after a core group met for a second time on Monday night. 

Shelby added that the group was currently talking about "serious, serious stuff" and that the goal was to wrap up talks on Monday night. 

How we got here: The key negotiators met earlier in the day at 3:30 p.m. Monday after talks derailed over the weekend.

The new round of meetings come days ahead of Congress's Feb. 15 deadline to clinch a deal on President Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall and funding for roughly a quarter of the federal government, including the Department of Homeland Security.

  • Lawmakers left Washington late last week relatively optimistic they would be able to get a deal by Friday, the date established by a three-week stopgap measure that Trump signed into law last month, ending the longest shutdown in U.S. history.
  • But lawmakers are stuck on two key issues: the amount of physical barrier funding and the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention beds to be funded.

The stakes: Shelby on Sunday acknowledged that talks were stalemated and put the chances of getting a deal at 50-50.

"We're hoping we can get there. But we've got to get fluid again. We've got to start movement," Shelby said on "Fox News Sunday."

Trump lashes out: President Trump on Monday lashed out at Democrats after border security negotiations hit a snag in part because of their desire to cap the number of beds available to hold detained immigrants.

"The Democrats do not want us to detain, or send back, criminal aliens! This is a brand new demand. Crazy!" Trump tweeted.

Democrats want to cap the number of detention beds for immigrants picked up by ICE in other parts of the country away from the border at 16,000, an administration official said, down from 38,000. Republicans have pushed to exclude a number of immigrants convicted of a range of crimes from that cap. More from The Hill's Brett Samuels here.

Dems flex their muscles: The Hill's Mike Lillis has more on how Democrats are leaning in hard in talks on border security. Democratic negotiators are facing pressure from the party's liberal flank to try and limit law enforcement operations against immigrants in the country illegally.


Poll--One-third of small businesses harmed by shutdown: More than one-third of small-business owners said the recent partial government shutdown harmed their firms, according to a CNBC and SurveyMonkey poll released Monday.

  • 37 percent of the 2,200 small business owners polled said the 35-day shutdown, which ended Jan. 25, hurt their bottom lines.
  • 35 percent of respondents reported a decline in sales during that period.
  • 13 percent said they lost a contract with a federal agency during the shutdown.
  • 10 percent said they lost access to loans from the Small Business Administration.

The survey was conducted Jan. 28 through Feb. 4, shortly after President Trump and Democratic congressional leaders agreed to fund the affected part of the government through Feb. 15.

The poll results come just five days before 25 percent of the federal government is slated to close again unless lawmakers can agree on spending legislation that Trump will sign into law.



  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Monday that he is planning to meet with President Trump on Tuesday afternoon to discuss a provision in Republicans' 2017 tax-cut law, arguing that the provision is harmful to the state.
  • Optimism Americans have about their personal finances has reached its highest level in more than 16 years, according to a new Gallup poll.
  • White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Monday that President Trump wants to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping "very soon" as a deadline nears on trade talks between the two countries.
  • Even so, the top U.S. trade official told a bipartisan group of senators in a private meeting last week that major sticking points remain in negotiations with China, a sign that it is unlikely the world's two biggest economies will strike a deal before a March 1 deadline.



  • Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) has repaid $1,900 for a tax break she erroneously claimed on her condo in Washington, D.C., according to the Des-Moines Register.
  • Op-Ed: Dennis Kelleher, president and CEO of Better Markets, argues why the CFPB is "looking out for financial predators instead of Main Street."
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Overnight Energy: Court rules for Trump in environmental case over border wall | House bill would stop drilling in Alaska refuge | Ads target Dems over Green New Deal

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TRUMP VICTORIOUS IN ENVIRONMENTAL CASE OVER BORDER WALL: President Trump on Monday notched a rare victory in the California-based federal appeals court by winning a dispute over the construction of certain barriers along small stretches of the U.S. border with Mexico.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a district court ruling that sided with the Trump administration in a lawsuit challenging its authority to waive environmental and public participation laws to expedite the border construction projects.

A three-judge panel ruled 2-1 that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has broad authority under the Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 to construct wall "prototypes," replace 14 miles of primary fencing near San Diego and replace similar fencing along a three-mile strip close to Calexico, Calif.

A coalition of environmental groups, led by the Center for Biological Diversity, challenged the authority of DHS to waive dozens of laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, to make it easier to build the border infrastructure. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D) also filed suit.

Reaction: "We're disappointed that the court is allowing the Trump administration's abuse of power to continue," Brian Segee, a Center for Biological Diversity attorney, said in a statement following the ruling.

"Congress has ceded its authority to Trump, who has swept aside fundamental public safety and environmental laws to build walls that won't work," he added. "This lawlessness is destroying irreplaceable ecosystems and militarizing communities."

A spokeswoman for Becerra called the ruling disappointing.

"We are disappointed with the ruling but pleased that the court recognized the Trump administration does not have unlimited power and that the administration's authority to build a barrier along our border is subject to judicial review," she said. "California will not be deterred in its efforts to hold the Trump administration accountable under the law and we will continue to protect the people and resources of our state."

Read more.


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BILL WOULD BAN DRILLING IN ARCTIC REFUGE: A bipartisan group of House lawmakers introduced legislation Monday that would ban oil and natural gas drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

The bill from Reps. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), Alan Lowenthal (D-Calif.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) would repeal a section of the 2017 GOP tax law that, for the first time, opened part of the refuge for drilling.

"Not only is the refuge one of the last great expanses of untouched wilderness in America, it is home to tremendous ecological diversity. It's one of the last bastions of true wildness left on the planet," Huffman said at a Monday news conference, flanked by Lowenthal and representatives of environmental groups and the Gwich'in people, an Alaska Native group.

"This is a deeply unpopular thing in the United States. People don't want it. They haven't asked for it," he said. "And they will not accept that the wildest place in our country is on track to be sacrificed at the altar of big oil."

"We can't give the oil and gas industry the green light to permanently destroy one of our nation's last truly wild places," said Lowenthal.

Huffman chairs the House Natural Resources subcommittee on water, oceans and wildlife. Lowenthal chairs the energy and mineral resources subpanel.

Fitzpatrick voted for the 2017 tax bill but has said he opposes the ANWR drilling provision.

Read more.


GOP GROUP TARGETS FRESHMAN DEMS OVER GREEN NEW DEAL: The super PAC aligned with House Republican leadership is targeting two first-term Democratic congressmen in a new pair of ads tying them to the so-called Green New Deal.

The pair of digital ads from Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) signal that Republicans are eager to hinge their 2020 effort to recapture control of the House on the sweeping environmental and infrastructure overhaul proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

One ad going after Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-N.Y.) warns of "less freedom" and "higher taxes" under the Green New Deal, while pairing together Delgado and Ocasio-Cortez.

"Antonio Delgado and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have begun their radical Green New Deal assault on the American economy," a narrator says in the ad.

The other spot hits Rep. Colin Allred (D-Texas) over his support for a carbon tax and also seeks to tie him to Ocasio-Cortez, a freshman representative and self-described democratic socialist.

"His carbon tax and her Green New Deal means skyrocketing prices, higher taxes for Texas families," a narrator says.

To be sure, neither Delgado nor Allred has signed onto a Green New Deal resolution laying out the goals of the program that was introduced last week by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.).

Delgado backed the idea of a Green New Deal on the campaign trail last year but hasn't yet come out in support of the legislation.

Likewise, Allred said at a town hall over the weekend that he supports "some of the goals of the Green New Deal," but that the specifics of the proposal still needed to be addressed.

Read more.


DEMS REQUEST EPA CLIMATE DOCUMENTS: House Democrats are renewing their demand that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turn over various documents regarding the Trump administration's climate change rollbacks.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and two subcommittee chairmen wrote to acting EPA chief Andrew Wheeler Friday, referencing a Nov. 20 letter on the same subject.

"On November 20, 2018, the committee sent EPA a letter requesting information about the agency's controversial decisions to rollback three separate Obama-era rules: The Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for vehicles, and the methane rule," they told Wheeler.

"However, to date, the EPA has failed to provide the information requested by the committee. Therefore, we reiterate our request."

Pallone has the power to subpoena the EPA to get the documents, but he did not threaten to do so in Friday's letter.

Natural Resources leaders seek Interior docs on health study: The House Natural Resources Committee is also hungry for documents.

Chairman Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) sent a letter Monday to acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt demanding documents about the 2017 decision to cancel a study it had contracted out on the impacts to local areas near mountaintop removal mining operations.

Grijalva and colleagues had also previously sought information on the cancelation, and say they only got a short response last year that didn't answer their questions.



The House Appropriations Committee's subcommittee on energy and water development will hold a hearing on the Department of Energy's weatherization assistance grant program. Annamaria Garcia, the program's director, will testify, along with other witnesses.



PG&E Corp. is replacing half of its board amid its recent bankruptcy filing, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

Meridian Energy Group is planning to build a 60,000-barrel-per-day refinery in Texas near the Permian Basin, the Houston Chronicle reports.

A new study says that the ongoing decline of insects threatens "catastrophic collapse of nature's ecosystems," the Guardian reports.



Check out stories from Monday and the weekend ...

- Senate rejects bid to block future national monuments in Utah

- Lawmakers introduce bill to ban drilling in Alaska wildlife refuge

- Climate change, ISIS, cyberattacks top list of global threats: survey

- GOP House super PAC targets two freshman Dems with new ads

- What key 2020 candidates are saying about the Green New Deal

- Lawmakers stunned by national park shutdown funding reversal

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